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Mort (DayZ)

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About Mort (DayZ)

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  1. Mort (DayZ)

    I'm new here.

    Hi. I have these magic beans for sale.
  2. Mort (DayZ)

    Getting away from Zombies

    Either run into the sea where you start to swim, but be careful as gear has a tendency to vanish and sometimes they might get a cheeky smack in. Or run up a steep hill where you're forced to walk, run sideways then zig-zag - little to the left little to the right, the Zombiods get slowed down to walk and 9/10 times they full behind and you can make a run for it.. you can use the hill to to clear out barns etc, if there's a steep hill next to one do a run thru, pull zoms then run up hill zig-zagging then run back to barn Run around around the Rosebery bush , run around a house thru doors and walls keep tight to them, around fences etc, they get slowed down sometimes and you can leggit if there is steps, a ladder and you have an exe, climb them, then wait at the top swinging away, the zombs are force to walk up them and you can kill them with ease- but you might take the odd hit..
  3. Mort (DayZ)

    Items fall into water?

    The Arma 2 engine this mod is based on is the bestest most polishdid engine ever. it has Zero Bugs or any issues - so losing stuff in da Drink is just bad lucksies
  4. So the hours glass takes like 9 hours to drain out then you come back to life just to watch it drain for 9 hours again. jeez fail mod
  5. Mort (DayZ)

    When does the sun rise?

    all apart from one EU server ive tried is pitch black, Might as well play with my monitor off
  6. Mort (DayZ)

    just got DayZ and here is my experience

    Only my first run through-, landed in Disneyland, its was great all the rides were free and made of chocolate, after eating them all, i left for the sky ladder which took me to the invigorating cloud village, whilst there, 3 pineapple shaped cartoon cauliflower stared vibrating the monkey that climbed out of my ARSE
  7. Mort (DayZ)

    Is my game buggy or what is the problem?

    what Ive found most EU server go pitch black after 5pm, i tried loads, all nighttime, so then I used US servers and it was day time.
  8. Mort (DayZ)

    Lost and Confused

    the game is a great idea, But at the moment its just a pencil sketched idea, maybe in a year there might be something worth playing, its mainly walking/run around a massive empty forest, looking for items and running from glitchy zombies.
  9. Mort (DayZ)

    Why no starting weapon incentivizes killing.

    This game is more of a curiosity too many, and went they final find it its basicly running around an empty forest, house's that are nothing more than a graphic take from Arma2 people will lose interest and the server will start to empty. Load Editor play the map - run around an empty map - DazyZ
  10. Mort (DayZ)

    where is my pistol and difficulty

    I think the game should let you make weapons, they're trying to go for this realistic feel about the game, But I see many Items that could be nice weapons, and Dying of thirst, Im in a lush green forest surrounded by farms?
  11. The game is barren and empty- The Zombie glitch and pass through walls, firing guns can be hit or miss - The area is green and lush with forests and ponds but we still die of thirst - Items are rare and theses now way of making make shift weapons from sticks or trash laying around, Its in Alpha, its just a drawing on paper - The game has massive potential - Give it a 6/12 and if people are still playing and the mods still patching it will hopefully change for the better
  12. Mort (DayZ)

    Starting a comunity camp

    @Kane Leant what exactly? An honours Degree in playing a Zombie games ? Im UK based also would love yo help out if needed - Steam name MorTvicR