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About Ajua

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  1. Ajua

    Banned from FR117

    Our main camp was there, yes
  2. As above, but to be honest, I'm not even sure why. Logged on fine a few hours ago today, came back; 'banned' I don't even.
  3. If they've got guns and they're at Stary Sobor shooting everything that moves, I think that's pretty damn hostile. Not really going to take any chances up North.
  4. Yeah this was outside Stary, you may have been quite lucky to arrive when you did- kudos if you managed to get all the good loot that was avaliable. This stuff tends to happen to us all the time, so maybe I'll write up the next adventure
  5. It must've been a little past noon, clear skies and a cool breeze. Perfect sniping conditions. My group and myself had been stalking the inlands in a circular formation, starting from Stary Sobor and rotating around. Gradually, we became tired, irritable and exhausted- so we find ourselves taking a short break on the hills behind the electrical box at Stary Sobor, when suddenly: "I've got eyes on a survivor- no, make that two." belows Jay down the microphone "Do they look geared? Can someone confirm?" I instantenously reply. "They've got an L85A2 AWS possibly." This was all we needed to hear, the situation couldn't have been any better for us a three man team looking out for valuable targets to loot. But nothing is what it seems in DayZ and I forgot the rule I always apply to myself. Always assume there's more than one survivor. Eventually, we lose track of these two survivors as the fog edges in from the south, clouding my vision and potentially ruining my chance to apply a hot M24 round to their heads, Jay shouts at me to take the shot and calmly I reply that it wasn't an optimal chance. A few minutes later, Dark spots four more hostiles entering Stary Sobor via the steel barn. "I've got three, no four hostiles- has anyone got eyes on?" "No, I've got to relocate, give me a moment." After a few seconds of shifting along the hills overlooking Stary Sobor and the Military camp, I find myself in prime position, aim steady and perfect sight on these survivors. Jay immediately follows up with further information whilst edging down toward the camp. "I've got a clear shot, are we taking this? Confirm." "Not yet, I don't have a killing shot on these guys, wait for a sure kill." "They're moving toward the last barn on the left, I can take them." "I'm opening fire, Jay - lay down some fire, make sure you get the L85A2 AWS marksman. Dark, could you flank the left hand side of the hills and take out the two providing cover from the side of the camp." What happened next, I couldn't establish. It was either a group of six, or two teams that had happened to go in at the same time, completely unaware of each others existence. As I fired, I took out the two high order targets, figuring that Jay had managed to get the spotter - but alas, he had managed to take cover via the barn on the far right, shifting from the trees to the interior: "I've got two murder kills, I repeat, two murder kills - they took a lot of bullets." I replied whilst laughing. Jay follows up by killing the other survivor situated at the back of the camp, drilling a few M249 rounds in his general direction. Suddenly, Dark belows over the microphone: "I'm hit, I'm down, I'm down- they've got a girl survivor on the left hills - I'm not dead!" The casualities pile up as Jay manages to take a few shots to the chest from a player who was hiding on the left of the third tent at the camp. I send him a nice letter of resignation in the form of an M24 bullet. Three murders. I take a few moments to observe and assess the situation and the probability of success. I was confident in my ability to outmanuever the survivor on the hill and I did so, with mediocre success - applying a few M249 saw rounds to her face. At this point, four murder kills gave me a huge boost of satisfaction and confidence, I felt as if I could roll into the NWAF and take on everyone. Bad call. As my confidence surged, I attempted to loot the bodies at the military camp, forgetting entirely about my code of conduct: always assume there are more survivors and always take time to assess the situation. Whilst looting the body of the L85A2 gunner (it seems there were two) I get fired upon from the hillside. Turns out, the flanker had been flanked. The shots resounded in my head as I ducked for cover, the cubicles were close, I could feel the promise of escape. It didn't come. The shots pierced my legs and chest, violently crushing my dreams of survival and sending me spiralling down into an abyss of unconsciousness. Harsh hot rounds rattled next to me and the last shot made sure. Whoever we were up against that day, kudos for not disconnecting. Thanks for the firefight, although it was 3 on our side, vs a potential 6.
  6. SupaFly1983, I do indeed have some NVG's that I would be willing to part with for a DMR. Pm me perhaps?
  7. Ajua


    Max Payne: Proceed to acrobatically engage all hostiles through the over-usage of crouch, diving to prone, prone rolling and blindfiring. Stuff your backpack full of Painkillers, m1911 mags and broken Jack Daniels bottles. Constantly use voice overs to describe your situation: "They did what they said they would." Bonus points for taking no damage and using no painkillers.
  8. I'm sure that could be arranged... -injects morphine-
  9. Bumping this. Someone please get back to me. Ajua
  10. I'm open to suggestions as to what you'd want the other way, of course, I cannot convince you that this -will- be a safe transaction as of course, we all know how this game works. But I have no intention of shooting anyone. In fact, I won't even have a weapon out for this trade.
  11. If anyone has a DMR, or rather, a few DMR's and are willing to trade them for X (as I have most of the stuff anyway) please let me know and maybe we could organise a meet.
  12. Ajua

    UK looking for team ups

    I wouldn't mind someone sharing some blood with me. Hit me up -anyone- steamid: ankus_brendon (I also have a shitload of stuff if anyone needs assistance, but I'm low on blood like a bitch!)
  13. Ajua

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am in dire need of medical assistance due to a run in with players and zombies at Cherno- I'm currently low on blood and in need of a transfusion, just on the coast of Balota near the docks, laying prone. If anyone could help this would be much appreciated! SteamID: ankus_brendon