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About jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    Bullsh*t CoD bastards

    Yes, you can fight back. You can hide. You can shoot back. You can not get shot. The problem is not with the game, but with the gamer.
  2. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    AK74 Kobra or M14 AIM?

    M14 is too loud for my liking - same as an enfield. Kobra.
  3. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    mouse is now look only? doesnt redirect me?

    Double-tap alt. Basically all keys in arma also function as toggles via double-tap - lean, run/walk, mouselook, etc.
  4. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    Multi Account Issue

    I believe what you need to do is LAUNCH the game from HER steam account - that will let Steam edit the registry to insert her CD-key. Then launch DayZ with the six launcher.
  5. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    Less weapon spawn + no starter weapon = GG

    Random noobs can't kill you with one shot. Because they can't find weapons. Or am I wrong that you've said that 5 billion times so far? Game design itself has very little to do with the way that a mod is created and updated, especially while you're letting people play it as you build it.
  6. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    Less weapon spawn + no starter weapon = GG

    And in 15 minutes last night I found an ALICE, AK74, revovler, CZ550, binocs, watch, compass, map. It's called luck and perseverance. Tell that to Rocket how doesnt fix current bugs but introduces new and new features *facepalm*. No, I won't tell that to Rocket. It's the right thing to do. He's adding the features he wants, then he'll balance the game out. He's making bugfixes along the way but I'm convinced big balance changes would and will come when he's happy with the feature/content level of the game.
  7. jakeraddenxl@gmail.com

    Less weapon spawn + no starter weapon = GG

    Before you start complaining about feature balance, let's get all the features in the game and some of the bugs fixed. How about that? I'm not saying you have valid or invalid arguments, but that this is not the time. Other problems are more pressing, like zombies' still hearing through walls, or loot spawn bugs, or any of a hundred other things. You can't balance a mixed PVP/PVE game when there are just as many bugs as features. It's just not possible.