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Everything posted by Pheonix1

  1. Hello my name is Pheonix, I am from England and I have been playing DayZ for around 4 weeks now, been looking for a group for a while now but not found one worth staying in, I am looking to join this one and hope you get back to me very soon, I have a working mic, TS3 and skype too, I look forward to playing DayZ with the group.
  2. I have sent you a Skype request, been looking to join a group for ages now.
  3. Pheonix1

    where is my pistol and difficulty

    With the new version of DayZ you can no longer chat globally or start with a Pistol, if you see others chatting globally then that means they haven't updated?
  4. Pheonix1

    SpiderGaming.org - Got Friendly?

    I am from the UK and I recently started playing DayZ so I'm not very good at the game, therefore I have been looking for a group of survivors to play the game with and noticed you are looking for players. I would be interested in joining.