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About t3sla

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. t3sla

    L85 needs to be changed

  2. t3sla

    Yet again another Glitch/Hack

    Yet again, another one of these threads.
  3. You all know in your minds you think you would be fucking great at surviving if a zombie apocalypse ever does happen.
  4. t3sla

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    Found a bus near Polana, and remarkably nothing was broken in it. I then proceeded to drive it towards the NE airfield, and I then heard a helicopter making a FAPFAPFAP sound overhead. I'd assume whoever was in it would just try to shoot me down, but they decided to crash it into my bus and blow me to SMITHEROONS. italics are fun
  5. t3sla

    Screw this game

    Instead of spending two fuckin' hours trying to get in, why didn't you try a few times, which shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes to realize that something is wrong, then try again later?
  6. List of the fucks rocket gives about people urging him to patch the game, before this post: • • After: • •
  7. t3sla

    Recording DayZ with FRAPS

    Try your monitor's native resolution?
  8. t3sla

    KSVK real gun in game ?

    If you find a weapon that you're unsure about, check out this table: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapon_Comparison_Table If it's not there, chances are that it's hacked in.
  9. I remember rocket saying something about only being able to keep the disconnecting player's body there for 5 seconds, any more than that and it would cause desync issues or something along those lines. EDIT: Here it is:
  10. t3sla

    Donating for skins.

    Vipeax uses a taliban skin, iirc. Although donating for skins would be really stupid. THINK OF THE REALISM!
  11. t3sla

    Best DayZ Related Song?

    I listen to this song if I'm a lone wolf: I think Aphex Twin's music really fits the background of the game.
  12. I don't quite understand why you guys don't think ANYONE is friendly. I've made at least 3 friends in a few weeks by just talking to them in-game and teaming up. If you find someone in-game, and you find that they might be friendly, ask them if they would like to team up, and ask them for their steam name. They'll be much less willing to shoot you if you have them befriended on steam. Also, speaking (w/ a microphone, not text) over direct comms will also reduce the chance of you getting shot in the back. When you hear someone talking to you, it makes you feel like that character is a real person. I don't think anyone in this game would be willing to shoot someone in real life over just loot.
  13. t3sla

    Alt + F4

    Great way to mess up your computer. Please' date=' keep doing it, for the advancement of humanity. [/quote'] If you're not being serious, you should lay off the anti-sarcasm pills.