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Everything posted by henriquemal

  1. henriquemal

    A bunch of ideas.

    (1)what about blood types for blood transfusion like , A , A+ , B , B+ , and a player randomly picks a type of blood. (2)a chopper when mounted automatically generates a machine gun on its side , what about we could pick any weapon to mount on the chopper instead of automatically using one of the chopper (3)what about a kind of weapon workshop like , mounting ACOGS , Barrels , Triggers , scopes , camos , silencers, and stuff like that , maybe they can be found inside shops or in military base and can be mounted with a kind of work bench or something like that ? (3)hooks , ropes , and movable ladders , who never thinked about that ? what about we can get ropes and hooks on the military camp and use them to climb mountains , buildings and stuff like that , so we could make strategic attacks and surprises to camping enemys (4)trench diggin , what about we could get a shovel as a melee weapon and when we hit right button or something in the plain fields we could make a trench to hide of enemys and stock supplys ? (5)a wetness idea , what about when we run much or get into the water little drops got in our camera and we get tired (6)10% of chance of getting hitted by a skylight ray and die during storms ?? (7)wolves howl at moonlight nights :cool: (8)seeing UFOS on the sky sometimes would give the game a bit of mystery that would intrige people too. (9)10-20% of weapon shot fail by the rain and in water and in cold winds time , something like that :rolleyes: (10)when hit leg ,and dont die , character can only move crawling or layed , when arm , no more shooting . ran out of ideas what do you expected ? , i am not an idea generator
  2. henriquemal

    A bunch of ideas.

    lol update
  3. henriquemal


    check /reverendburn videos , this will change your oppinion about twinkies :)
  4. henriquemal


    thats all u gotta know , trunks for the vehicles , bananas for the monkeys and monkeys for the jim. read my other thread too : http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20008 cya love you :heart:
  5. henriquemal


    never rly played dayz :/ im just a fan that really looks forward to play it but has no money to afford :I
  6. what a beatiful song for our ears , i can hear the wolves , they claiming for meat , they howl for passion , or maybe still for meat <<< worst poem ever update
  7. henriquemal

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    windshields aint optional for planes :) and yeah , you could use like heli rotor for the plane :)
  8. henriquemal

    A bunch of ideas.

    thanks , just to know , are you a developer or something like that ? u look like to be sumthing like that , just sayin :) whatever
  9. henriquemal

    A bunch of ideas.

  10. henriquemal

    camouflage for vehicles

    yea it would be cool a car with a kind of bush made of leaf around it and we could shot from its inside white guillie suit cool bro sign!
  11. henriquemal

    Bottle Suppressors

    empty can would be smoother since as bottles woulde explode with the shot shockwave and this is not hollywood :))