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Posts posted by freel0ader

  1. I have seen a few people complaining about the 2/3 second freeze every minute or so when using the Six Launcher, I too had the same problem and it is extremely frustrating!!! Spent at least an hour searching to see what it could possibly be as I do not have any other problems with other games.

    Tried loads of things; drivers, reinstalling, rebooting etc.

    Try this.. Find a server using Six Launcher like normal. Once you are in the game (after it's EVENTUALLY loaded) alt-tab back onto the desktop and CLOSE Six Launcher. Six Launcher updates every 30 seconds to a minute once it's open, which caused my game to freeze.

    This has worked with a few people now, let me know what you guys think, if it has any impact or not!!

    Freel0ader :cool:

  2. I think I have found a fix..

    I too had the exact same problem, it became so annoying that I couldn't be bothered anymore. I tried loads of things, to no success. However I have found out 2 things that may help.

    First thing I did, just playing around, was overclock my processor (C2D E7400). Clocked it from 2.8ghz to 3.2 using my motherboard settings in the BOIS. This seemed to help a fair bit, but other people are complaining and they have i5s, i7s etc.

    If you are using Six Launcher, once you have found the server to join, Alt tab back to desktop and close Six Launcher. This did help and now I have no more stupid 2 second freezes! Give it a go!

