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Everything posted by Caphoras

  1. Caphoras

    Replace UH-1H with the MH-6J

    I would love to see a little bird ingame. Maybe he'd be a single-spawn on the map, since metioned above its a american chopper and this story plays in "fictive" russia, and it'd be hard to repair. I love this little helicopter, its a perfect vehicle for short/medium distances and people riding it would be exposed, which would be a fair counterpart of the little bird being that fast. Edit: IMO This shouldnt replace the good ol' UH-1, it should be more of an addition.
  2. I sent you a PM about an hour ago. Btw, I forgot to mention that I am a stealthy guy and try to avoid any zombie encounters.
  3. Hey guys I was checking the barracks at the NW Airfield when I just found a HE M203 Round. Was this added in the latest update?
  4. Caphoras

    M203 HE Rounds ingame?

    Im not sure if I should take them, I mean an HE Round is a pretty powerful weapon, but I dont want to get banned :/
  5. I think I'm going to join your group. I'll send you a PM this evening, stay tuned :)
  6. Caphoras

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Holy cow, a ton of new things added. I look forward to the update, however, just take your time. We'll wait for it.
  7. Caphoras

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    This is fucking awesome.
  8. I am a bandit too, but this is just cruel and childish. Dont you have a little bit of honor left?
  9. Hey guys! My Story: I was playing today on DE4, when someone suddenly shot me. I was in a long barn, the type of barns you keep cattle in. My blood dropped from 10k to -4k and I died instantly. My question is: Which weapon is that powerful? Sadly I dont have any screenshots, just because when I died I couldnt do anything but yell at my computer screen.
  10. Caphoras

    Which weapon can be that powerful?

    Thanks for the answers! Just for the record: I was running around in Barenzia like an Idiot. I'll never ever do this again.
  11. Caphoras


    What about walking zombies which are only killable with a headshot? This seems like a good solution. In addition zombies who were freshly spawned could move faster than zombies who were decomposing longer than the freshly spawned. And you would have to turn up the zombie count to like 2-3k zombies per map to make them a threat, which would lead to server lagging. I somehow feel more comfortable with the "classic zombie" than superfast-special zombies who are shooting acid from their mouths and laser beams from their eyes while wielding two miniguns which are filled with futuristic plasma-ammo. I'm just trying to orient myself on the zombie survival guide. In my opinion its the most "realistic" zombie scenario.
  12. Caphoras

    How well geared are you?

    The best I could get was: -Coyote Bag -an AK with 2 mags -Revolver with 6 mags -2 Bandages -5 cans of food -2 water bottles and 3 bottles cola or pepsi -Watch, Compass and Binoculars I cant believe how much awesome stuff some people got here over time... Everytime I get epic stuff I get shot by a bandit or fall off a ladder which was extremely stupid.