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Everything posted by Slitter

  1. Slitter

    Question about Raw meat

    Wow... nothing more, just... Wow... @ OP: I had that happen to me, too. But only once. it was on uneven terrain so i guessed it maybe disappeared through the ground because it never happened on even surface.
  2. Slitter

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    While i agree that surviving should be harder in general, i don't believe it would change anything about KoS. I know that people feel like they are always killed on sight but i definitly have different experiences. I met a lot of survivors that didn't KoS but had conversation with me. Sure there is a lot of KoS, too, but people exaggerate a little bit in my opinion. KoS happens because people are scared of beeing killed by the other survivor, so they shoot to be safe. Now. If it was harder to survive in the firstplace, wouldn't it be a reason to KoS more? because i could lose everything i worked so hard to acquire all i have alone? it might make some people stop KoS but probably will lead others to KoS and in the end nothing changed. but i would give it a try just because i love the idea of a harder time surviving ^^ Also, no, you don't need friends to play this game and have fun. I rarely play with my friends (different working hours :( ) and still have fun. Why? Because the game is much more intense when playing alone and that's what i am looking for in a zombie-apocalypse game.
  3. Slitter

    Axes and guns?

    I would suggest that people should be able to use the hatchet the same way than flares from the inventory but from the toolbelt.
  4. Slitter

    Bring back Markov at spawn

    That's just your opinion i like the first example more to be honest. Also it puts a lot more value onto your live after you found some decent stuff because you know if you die it will all be gone and you won't have anything but a flashlight, bandage and 1 box of painkillers. I like that when i spawn i have to find something to defend myself. Taht's just realistic for me. I don't own a gun IRL so it is much more immersive for me that i will have to find a weapon first. Sure you can defend against bandits better but, meh, wouldn't want to lose that immersive feeling just because some people can't deal with no weapons. Additionally i made it of the coast almost all of my lives. Only got shot at spawn maybe twice now, was fine with it, shit happens. But i wouldn't want a weapon just because of that.
  5. Slitter

    Bring back Markov at spawn

    Having a gun at spawn will solve nothing. Before the makarov got patched out it was the same way it is now. Some people will kill you at spawn just because they can and a Makarov is to weak to fight back a well geared bandit. I also don't get why you have to shoot zeds... they are a minor annoyance but you can shake them off just by running into a hill. And it is definetly possible to loot towns without aggroing zeds at all.
  6. As the Title says i want to suggest, that Players should be able to loot other unconcious Players. Why? Let's strt with how i intended to play the game from the start. Seeing that my friends, those who play that game, are rarely online at the same time as i am (I work night shifts often) I intended to play like a lonewolvish kinda guy with main area of operation in the center of the map. I also intended to not shoot anyone who just crosses my path randomly and is not hostile (I would not team up but i also wouldn't shoot them). Well, things changed slightly as more people started to shoot on sight. So i adopted a new rule and now if someone is going to be a threat i will just shoot them down. I don't actually want that but after beeing shot like 8 times from people that first say friendly and then turn and shoot i had no choice but to adapt. So the whole idea behind the looting unconscious players is the following. I could try to shoot them unconcious (emphasis on try here ^^) and then run up to him, loot his weapons, bandage him and give him a transfusion so he can go on playing, but because i looted his weapons, he is no threat anymore and i can move on and so can he after he is conscious again. Would be pretty nice if i had the options to do so. It also wouldn't change anything else because if someone wants to loot you he can run up to you and shoot you down if he sees you are just unconscious and not dead yet.
  7. "Infected hear perfectly through objects" is what has been fixed, that is how it is now The Part in ( ) is what it will be like after the Patch
  8. So this is a Zombie-apocalypse sim. Where you try to survive as long as possible, like you would try in RL if something like that happens. Would you be able to hit "respawn" in Rl just because you have nothing in reach to stabilize your leg? Definetly not. Would you try to find something to go on? Most people would (driven by survival instinct). I don't mind if you hit respawn ingame if you don't want to immerse into the "only one live and you are done"-gameplay. But don't complain because to break your leg you allready did something wrong. And i also just started playing this game 2 days ago and never had any issues with broken legs (only maybe the first two lives where i was trying out how close i can get to Zeds without alarming them). And now that i have 2 morphine-injectors with me, i can safely break my leg 2 times (still didn't happen). If you are patient while sneaking by Zeds you can save the time crawling to find a morphine injector because they broke your leg... and after the first time falling down 2m and braking your leg you should have learnt not to jump down there. Just play like it really are you who is in a zombie-apocalypse and you will see how carefully you play, and how successfull you will be finding good stuff.
  9. Slitter

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Found a bug: Got disconnected from a server (can't remember why some "session" error message) while having red food/water... reconnected and suddenly had green food and water again. Don't know if this is only caused by beeing disconnected or if this is a bug you patched in with the "no food and water lost while offline" update. Just wanted to let you know that there is a bug like that, maybe you allready know, but just to be sure ^^