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Posts posted by shotfrombehind

  1. Just announcing that tonight the 3 month old server US95 TX21 Shot's Bean Palace will be resetting the server. We are doing this because, well, there have been so many people for so long on the server that pretty much everyone can grab AS50s, night vision,gps all within just a few minutes of landing on the beach. Also, the helio copter is glitched. So, at 730pm central we are starting up the reset server!

    Along with this the crew [JG] behind the server is abandoning their previous life of AS50s and L85s and returning to a simpler time of shotguns and enfields. And, possibly re-enabling side chat. We around 18 hours of the day have admins on and regularly go through the logs to check for scripters.

    As with most servers combat logging and exploiting is a no-no so if you indulge expect some bans coming your way.

    So I hope some of you will come aboard tonight the for great vehicle grab and create some awesome stories with us, and maybe even find yourself a new place to call home that you can be sure doesn't have hacked and duped tents every where you look.

    So set your filters to "shot" and look for us95! Hope to see you there!

