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About Daemon587

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  1. Daemon587

    The zombies need to be more dangerous.

    Now would be a good time to reduce the amount of ammo in the game. We now have melee weapons and a way of losing infected who spot you. If ammo was a little more scarce people might have to consider their options before opening fire on a group of infected or another player, it just might not be worth the ammo you use.
  2. Daemon587

    Tool Proposal - Flare Gun - Reposted from General Discussion

    This would be amazing. The inventory system could handle it like any other side arm and it would give you a more quick and accurate way to counter NVG users. The parachute flare idea is nice too, pop a flare over a small town or farm area to light it all up for a minute. +1 from me :)
  3. I love night time. The game has a much more creepy vibe at night, especially when your only source of light is a torch or chem light. I tend to use chem lights more since I noticed the torch shows through walls. Anyone know if that's been fixed? I've mostly just been relying on chem lights so I haven't noticed.
  4. Daemon587

    Crossbow bolts disappearing

    To me it seems the only way to guarantee bolt retrieval is to get a head shot, never had a problem getting my bolt back from a head shot. If you hit the torso it's kind of hit or miss if you can get it back. Hopefully we'll be able to just loot the bolt back like any other item soon. The crossbow is also my favorite weapon right now. Much more satisfying kills and I love the sound it makes.
  5. Daemon587

    Dead over a Box Of Matches...

    I've been finding a lot of matches in the grocery stores too, usually several in one store. For some reason watches are really common now too. 4 out of 5 loot piles seem to have a watch.
  6. Daemon587

    Crossbow and vanilla Arma2

    Thanks for the link. Can't wait to try this out.
  7. Daemon587

    Crossbow and vanilla Arma2

    I practiced with the crossbow in the armory for combined ops. Not really a shooting range but you can at least learn how to use the sight and adjust for distance. Didn't even think to look for a shooting range mod though, would love to try that out.
  8. If the point of these threads is to get the attention of the devs and get this changed wouldn't it be more constructive at this point to take a survey or a poll? Everyone already knows the reasons people either want or don't want it changed, and one side is never going to convince the other. It just turns into name calling and does nothing to help your cause. If a survey won't work to get this changed then I would assume that the devs have already made a decision on it and these threads are completely pointless.
  9. Daemon587


    I think it could be cool, especially when a server hopper spawns on one. I wonder if they'll just break your leg and let you crawl away or if it will hold you there and require you to do something with it to release.
  10. Daemon587

    disable 3rd person view.

    I play both first and third person and the difficulty is really no different. You do get more immersion in first person, especially at night, but I just feel like playing third sometimes. I like having a choice and until someone playing in third person on a different server has some kind of negative affect on me I don't care how they play.
  11. Daemon587

    Best place to find Alice pack?

    I usually get them from supermarkets, but I've found them in office buildings and hangars too.
  12. Daemon587

    Berezino: The New Devil's Playground

    I got there today and there was at least one other person in town. The hospital windows were smashed out and someone kept asking "is someone there", must have been close unless side chat is still a server option, never actually saw them though. Logged back in (still in Berezino) at night and it was empty and full of loot. Love night time.
  13. Daemon587

    Crossbow... Opinions?

    Crossbow + 1911 is my favorite setup right now. I've been making head shots regularly but I've got a couple chest hits that have dropped zombies in a single shot so I'm assuming it's been buffed a bit. Had an MP5SD before the update ate it and I prefer the crossbow. Like everyone else though I would like to see stack-able bolts and maybe easier retrieval. I just know I'm gonna get shot in the head one of these days trying to retrieve a stubborn bolt.