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Posts posted by Infinium

  1. Also, the server we was on is hosted by battlefield.no. They are trustworthy and serious guys so I doubt they are running an old server with choppers still in em.

    My friend went into the armory and tested the choppers there, he said it had to be a UH 1y judging by the appearance. Can someone confirm if this chopper is allowed or not?

  2. The Huey is green isn't it? This wasnt, it was grey had a pilot seat/observer seat, 2 gunman seat where one of the was called something like officers position, and you could also ride in the back.

    All the parts of the chopper was green and the guns had 2000 ammo in em each, fuel tank was 95% full.

    Edit: typo

  3. Hello all, I am a new player.

    From reading the forum I understand that choppers have been removed and are no longer in game, correct?

    If so, me and 2 friends found a chopper in the NW Airfield 2 days ago.

    I have no idea what chopper it was, it was brand new. 2 machineguns on each side and gps system.

    We were overjoyed to find it (at the time we didnt know about this) and we drove it around abit.

    Where were we? Norway 4 (gmt+2) at around 5am 2 july.

    When we found that chopper we was so happy, firing up the engine and taking to the sky was an awesome expirience.

    Its really scary to think about that we could have been banned for this, I don't really read forums much except for when I want to post bugs and I don't like to read the wiki to memorize every item in the game because it spoils the joy of exploration.

    I hope you catch those damn hackers, im sure some of them are spawning choppers just for the fuck of it hoping some noob like me comes along and rides it and then gets banned.

  4. Whenever I try to pick up tents i get alot of lag. the pickup animation doesnt play for several seconds. If I then try to pick up the tent again it gets multiplied, If I do this enough times my backpack will be full of tents. This has happened 3 times now.

    2 of those times I dropped a can of food on the ground and tents came pouring out of my inventory. I had more tents then my inventory should allow.

  5. I don't understand understand why you are complaining about night time when chemsticks and flashlights exists. Use them?

    Me and 2 friends made our way from zelengorsk to the airfield west of grishno last night.

    Sure it took a lot longer then normal but It was an intense and wonderful expirience.

    We had to actually think and plan ahead. Using flashlights and chemsticks when it was needed. We got attacked by zombies several times on the way and we had one players aim at them with flashlight while the others were shooting.

    I haven't had so much fun in a long time.

    Stop being scared of the dark.... MAN UP guys.

  6. Just to be clear' date=' the main reason to use the -winxp startup parameter is to increase performance on multi-gpu systems. If that's you and that's something you will derive some benefit from great, otherwise there is no reason to use it.

    In six updater click on "Game Profile" at the top of the window, there you'll see a bunch of check boxes for startup parameters, including -winxp.


    Thank you!
