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Everything posted by Divinorium

  1. Trade Post Some kind of "last human fort" Preferably in the countryside of the map with killable NPCs Guarding it making it "secure". @Why we need it? Every "post-apocalypse" game/book/film/history has at least one of these, and i think if something like that happens IRL, people will do that. @Why in countryside? Lets face it. Right now the players just stand in the coast while if you go for the countryside, you are alone. AND in the case of a infection that transform everyone in zumbie where do you think will be easier to create a "survivors fort" in the metrolis with Thousands of people/zombie or in the countryside with low number of people per KM² @Why NPCs guards, not players? Dude with 40~60 players in each server there is no way of people actually care about guarding a place. @NPCs behavior If anyone who are tagged as "threat" enter the area, the NPCs active the "kill-mode", one AI who shoot to kill fast. All the NPCs are Very well equipped with snipers rifle, they have their own "guard tower", who no one can climb without being tagged a threat. And of courses we have others "ground" guards with shotguns and assault-rifle. Removal of Bandit skin. How the name say just remove that, it's kind of useless and unrealistic. New Humanity system. The Basic idea of this new Humanity system is: In the end of world. what will keep our sanity? what will differs us from animals? Keep it in mind while reading the idea. A humanity system where when you are "low" in humanity you begin to see and hear things and it gets worse with lower your humanity is, you begin to lose the hability to comunitate too, read,write,hear and speak in the mic, beginning with the side channel and going down until you lose even the direct channel. @How i lose Humanity? Killing-players, looting-corpses, eating raw animal meat, being completely alone. Basically any kind of non-social behavior. @How i gain Humanity? Eating-cooked food(not canned), burying players¹, "talking/working" with players(new system). Any other "social behavior", things we do right now. ¹burying: Hide Corpse-option, this need to get a WAY more time. @"Hear and see" exactly what? Hear Zombie sounds, foot-steps, gunfire. See zombie and player who actually aren't there, dissapear when you "focus"/ put your cross-hair over them. Talking/working with players: New System. If you stand for X time in a radius of Y you enter in "talk mod" and gain the "Friends" status. @Talk Mod: Both players begin to recover Humanity over time (very little), this can be boosted by actions like eating together. @Friends Status: Both players have a bigger Radius where if they perform a action, like killing zombies, they gain Humanity. If one of the players die, the other lose a big amount of Humanity. Burying a "friend" grants almost the same amount of Humanity lost. Blood-smell system/zombie end. When a Player get killed, he begin to "smell blood", making respawn 5~10 zombie close of the corpse. After 5~10 mins he is "eaten" making the corpse and everything dissapear. This have side effect on items. @on items All the loot of a dead players is marked as "blood-scent" making who carry that always keep the noise and "visibility" bars filled. The itens can be "washed" on water sources. @Why Again, this bring more immersion since the smell of blood attract wild animals right now, and i see zombies as a "Wild HUMAN". Here is some of my ideas and i still have others that IMO i need to work a little more. I know that have a idea is easy, make it run it's not. But i think it's better at least try the suggestion. Sorry my poor Grammar. Thx for the attention. Divinorium
  2. Divinorium

    To get people value their lives more

    I disagree. IMO the "punishment" for being killed should be done ingame and not forbidding people to actually play the game. This will make some guys take advantage of having 2 ARMA II to play. IMO. We need a WAY worst begin. Make people respawn without nothing. So they will need to scarvenge some remote places before going to zumbi infested cities. Slowing down greatly the speed of their game. But don't taking the fun. Sorry the poor grammar. Thx for the attention. Divinorium
  3. Divinorium

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    No dude. The thing is, BANDITS DONT GIVE A SHIT about surviving. All they want is to kill people since they have nothing to lose at all. IMO for this game be "perfect" people need to respawn without nothing, maybe a knife to melee fight, and weapons need to be WAY HARDER to find and when i say that, i say for every player, not just bandits. So people will think twich before engaging in a useless battle. But this is IMO and only that. But right now people dont need to think 2 times before attack other players. if they kill they get a brand new gear to survive. And idiots dont think twich before engaging a battle right after getting yourself killed. Some days ago i found a bandit, killed him, and after that we crossed path more 6 times, 6 times i killed him, with him pressing the trigger first but losing the battle because he just had a revolver while i was with a Assault rifle. So think this guys gives a fuck about surviving? HELL NO! all he wants is to kill. And it's what i'm talking about, the main proposal in this game looks to be only PvP for most of the bandits. They don't give a shit about anything else. Not even for the chance he got in winning a PvP fight. And that's what is breaking the immersion of the game right now. These try hard guys who just want to play ARMA II with zombies. Sorry my poor Grammar. Thx for the attention. Divinorium
  4. Divinorium

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    I just think one thing. Some of you guys are mixing "DayZ MOD for ARMA II" with "ARMA II with zombies". with IMO is a big difference. Want to show how good you are at shooting people and hide and seek game? go back to ARMA II, I mean i'm not totally against PVP, and like i said it's one of the features who make this game. But i don't see what a raging bandit charging at everyone with whathever weapon he have has to be with a survivor game. And in the End of the World, the "punishment" of being a bandit/killer is being himself. Problems with the fact of killing people, being always chased to lose your only life, almost always alone, getting isolate of society what leads for another problems. Like i said, getting yourself killed by a random guy who charges at everyone, and most of time die is what break the immersion the most, right now. Lately people don't think more if you are enemy or neutral. They just shoot at you since 40%of the server are bandits. I give you more 2 weeks for 80% servers by a bandit. Sorry dude, one thing is always having a thread of someone coming at you by a bandit. other is shooting because probably he is, since is way easier. I just like to remember you guys something. This mod IS one of the biggest idea ever. i mean i play alot of MMORPG and FPS and not other game, have ever come close of the immersion in this game. So yeah it's a hell of IDEA and until now, IMO, very well worked. But this don't mean this idea can't fail. Sorry my poor Grammar. Thx for the attention. Divinorium
  5. Divinorium

    Trading post creation

    Here is my 2 cents: I do like the idea of some kinde of "trading post" but in truth. Your idea don't looks that great. I mean any kind of "non-pvp" area will break the immersion and, what is worse, a "mobile" non-pvp are could be used to troll the game, just think about one of these in the places where the better stuff respawn. No more fights for loot? What i said in some other topic: IMO. The tradepost in this game need to be made in a location with lots of NPCs Guards, 20+, with the BESTS Gears and with a hell of good AI, like "bandits get in sight of view gets a headshot under the 5 secs mark" But killable. And some kind of reward for actually save/help one of theses guys. Something like that. Why? This allow a Tradepost/Rallycamp pretty secure without being a 100% secure place. This bring some kind of "objective" without being just survive. Just imagine: bandits banding in groups of 20+ to try to take the Camp down, and get good gears. While survivors try to defend the camp. This will probably stop the random kills, since bandits will need to be well geared just to try to take one of these camps down. If you ever played Metro2033 just try to imagine around one of these camps. And in these places any kind of looting marks you as a bandit. And yeah... bandits get shoot if come close of the camps. Why? Because in a post-apocalypse world i doubt anyone will wants to be with the well known killer-guy. And it puts some kind of actual penalty in being a bandit. Just remember it's the end of world, no one wants a bloodlust asshole lurking around. So i think people will think twice before pressing the trigger. Of courses to make this idea possible we need of self-defense kills. One more thing i need to point: While i'm positive about the tradepost idea, i TOTALLY DISAGREE with any kind of coin. Why? Easy! Right now we have people who have a bank account, what i think is extremely cheap in a game of "permadeath", but still "ok" because he cant actually stock more than a few things. But if you put some kind of money in this game people will stock money in one account and when get killed will take a bit of money and buy some new weapons. What in my opinion is a HELL OF GAME BREAK. Sorry the bad Grammar. Thx for the attention. Divinorium
  6. Divinorium

    Survivor Idea.

    I dont like this idea, of respawning in a city, noob fest for bandits who just kill for the lols? no thx. But i actually like the idea of a camp/city of "humans", but without this shitty of non-pvp zone. pvp ON, under HEAVY guard of NPCs good at aim, with good equipments, and something like Cerberus AI from cs(Bot take 0,5 sec to take you down with a head shot) Adding a trade center, a objective for Bandits, kill the NPCs and take their equipments, and for survivors, defend the camp. Maybe something like "if you scavenger a dead bodie inside the camp you get tag of bandit. And if you "save" a npc/player in the camp you get something like bullets. I mean it's the End of World, people will want some kind of reward for saving someone. And bandits will band together to attack the camp get the equips. Making, it something extremely fun. IMO. And don't come with that "people can do that right now" because IF the servers had like 1000~2000 like some MMO, the creation of some "safe place" guarded by players are going to happen. But lets face, what's the point of trying to create a "safe place" in a server where of 40~50 players 15 are bandits? Thx for the Attention. Divinorium.
  7. Divinorium

    MERGED: Different Islands

    IMO. We need a Bigger Map, running in one of these: http://www.geek.com/articles/geek-cetera/swedish-game-makers-smash-world-record-for-largest-online-fps-game-999-players-20120131/ Seriously. If you guys make a campaign to raise founds to affort one of these. you guys can "shut up and take my money" Thx for the attention. Divinorium And sorry my poor Grammar.
  8. Divinorium

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    Hi I'm new in the forum but i think i need to leave my opinion there. Lets face it. What make this MOD so great is the "pressure" of not knowing if you are going to be shot the next minute. If, what and who are close to you. This so yea PVP it's what make this game great. But in truth i've found one thing. IT'S WAY EASIER to be a bandit than a "survivor". Why? How the game is right now is WAY easier/more rewarding being a bandit and just shot everyone in sight. If you kill, you get the enemy gear and one less one "possible" threat. If you get yourself killed, you just respawn and run to a city to take more gear. While if you try to play as a "survivor" you are living from trash and will likely to get killed. Don't say "but shooting everything in sigh is a viable way to survive in a apocalipse zombie." Because remember something. in IRL you can shot everything in sight, but if you die, you are death. END. You aren't going to respawn in the coast with a gun and some bullets. So people aren't going to be "the rambo" and shoot everything in sigh like they do in this MOD right now. And who do that will die quickly. So yea this game need to have some Downside for being a bandit. I'm not going to tell respawn without a single thing, but at least without food, and water. "Survive of the fittest, not of the try hard who got killed 4 times in a row, and got luck enough to get you on sigh before you do so" Want to be a bandit? so you dont need of anyone? OK but you need to be good enogh for that, not just "i respawned, lols, lets shot who i see with my makarov and take the bet of killing him before he kills me." Sorry my poor Grammar but i think you guys will understand what i'm trying to say. Thx for the attention. Divinorium.