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About noobsaibod

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. In the mod there is an option to put you'r hands behind your head, i would like to see that in the standalone, but when you do that you'r body becomes fully lootable (main, secondary wep slots and main inventory)
  2. I agree completely, but i think you missed the main problem which is microtransactions. That must not be in the standalone version of DayZ in any way, i prefer simple donate button which anyone can use if they feel like it.
  3. Negative effect instead of giving 800 health you loose 800 health, you still get yoour hunger bar at green.
  4. noobsaibod

    Stuck on loading

    Same here :/
  5. noobsaibod

    1.7.2 firesound bug

    Hello everyone, my first post and bear with my english. So ill start from the begining and ill try to be short. I log in with my guillie wiped in the middle of the ocean, so i start swiming towards some landscape, i reach it and i think it was so called debug forest or whatever, i headed north east and found a road and eventually found Chernogorsk. I headed for NW Airfield on the way there in a forest i heard a fire, it wasnt close to me but it scare the shit out of me, cuse that mean there is a player cooking i guess, so i start scouting but i find nothing, so i ignore the sound and move on for the airfield (halfway to the airfield) after the woods i find down heli and the fire sound boosted up. I started hear the fire from about 400-500 meters away from the heli, i looted it quick and moved on for the airfield. On the way for there, i heard like 3-4 times fire somewhere but this time i didnt see any helis, i guess they were out of my sight. So anyone with the same problem or is it just me? P.S. In the heli i found 2 fal's and a guillie suite, i havent put it on becuse i have no idea what is going to happen, anyone tried? And again sry for my horrible english.