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About DrayneO

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bumping because seriously can we get someone on the dev team to notice this yet?
  2. This happened around 8:00 PST on US 114 Chicago on June 22 Alright, so this story needs context right? Let's begin. I was with my friend ecliptic at the airfield. The big one in the far northwest corner of the map. We had just joined a 50 person server, and I wanted to get out of the airfield. It was too large of an area and I didn't want to get shot. I had a AKM and 8 magazines as well as an ALICE pack with a ton of supplies I didn't want to lose. I can defend myself, but I don't want to be forced to. My policy on killing other players is that if I see you, I'll get on voice and try to see if we can work out going our separate ways. I don't need another friend to tag around, and I don't even want to see whoever it is and I just want to be far away from people who aren't my friend Ecliptic here. In the beginning of the game I put my trust in people enough times to completely lose any sense of trust with anyone that I don't know, so I'd rather that I get far away from anyone I see. If you don't respond to me, I will shoot you for my own defense. Anyways, with that out of the way...I was trying to convince Ecliptic to leave the airfield. There were 50 people on the server and I did not want to run into anyone. Ecliptic wanted to check the barracks and wanted to stay. I decided to wait in the forest outside the airstrip and leave him by himself if he wanted to so bad, so we came to that agreement and went our separate ways and we'd meet up later. After Ecliptic makes his run through the barracks to find them empty, he runs into trouble outside and gets a fracture, and sadly he has no morphine. I had our last morphine, so I had to head straight to the middle of the airstrip to give him morphine. I successfully make it to the middle of the airstrip and help him back and and tell him we should really leave the airstrip now before we run into anyone else. Ecliptic still wanted to check the other barracks, and after some more arguing, we went our separate ways, and I would meet with ecliptic outside the airstrip again once he was done doing what he wanted to do. I found a patch of grass in some trees and laid flat and did some reddit'ing while waiting for Ecliptic. Ecliptic finally finished and he came nearby me to meet up and we got into some conversation that involved alt-tabbing and looking at maps. While i'm looking at my map figuring out where to go, Ecliptic suddenly exclaims that he died. The only thing I could think of was that he was maybe shot, even though I didn't hear a shot fired. I suggest the only thing if that if he wasn't mauled by zombies, he was shot. He was still out in the open so it was a good possibility. Suddenly i bring down my map, and a man in a ghillie suit sprints right by me with zombies in pursuit. I had found the man who killed my friend. My heart starts racing and seeking revenge, I begin chasing this player with the intent to kill him for what he had done to Ecliptic. I get close and start firing and he takes notice of me. I see shots hit him, but he takes a loop around and shoots me once in the head with what I believe was a DMR. Dead. And ghillie suit man runs away to live another day. I'm not even sure if the shots I saw hit him registered. Me and Ecliptic had quite an arsenal, and having lost our stuff at the airstrip was quite crushing. We both got off and I went to get the door because our delivery pizza happened to be here right after I died. I grab my breadsticks and say to Ecliptic, "I have to go back" I didn't want to lose my stuff. My ALICE pack i worked so hard to find, and all my delicious cooked meat and water bottles I had collected. I get my breadsticks and I reroll a new character. And by a stroke of luck, I spawn in Kamenka. All I had to do was *book it* north towards the airstrip. I began running, and luckily picked up no aggro. Halfway to the airstrip, I'm running through a field when suddenly behind me, a man with a ghillie suit. Oh. My. What. I figured there was no way the guy had run down this far and I had ran into him by chance. Maybe that's why I couldn't shoot him before? He was a hacker. He was invincible when I shot him. And now he's just messing with me. I turned around and asked him in voice chat "You're going to kill me again, aren't you? Just kill me now and get it over with" "No." He responds in text chat. "Oh, well then I guess you can keep following me if you want. I need to get going." "Wait." He says. At this point I honestly have nothing to lose other than a flashlight and some painkillers. I figured I'd see what he wants. He crouches infront of me and I notice all he has was a coyote pack when my cursor is over him. As in like, the 8 slot pack. It wasn't the same guy. The guy from before had a better pack (at least I think. I didn't see the light colored pack on his back). After crouching infront of me for a sec, he starts running away. I'm confused. Was he trying to throw me off? If he off to the forest so he can snipe me while I sit here dazed and confused? Is he using some form of internet hypnotism on me? But suddenly I look where he had been crouching and I noticed he left something in the grass. I go into the gear menu and...wait...what. in. the. world. It was an M16A2 M203, 9 or 10 magazines, and 9 HE grenades (edit: just logged in and i lost 8 of them thanks to my backpack eating them wheeee) along with 2 morphine. By the time I realized what I had been given, this Ghillie Suit Savior had disappeared. I tried yelling at him in direct chat to thank him, and I hope he heard me. The server didn't have side chat so I couldn't thank him enough. I did not catch his name in chat, nor could I find him again and figure out who this was. But now I feel so great and wonderful thanks to him. My faith in humanity is restored. If I ever meet this person again, I must tell him he is the coolest man in the game. Getting all my gear back was going to be a bit of a pain but it's certainly less of a pain this way now. Ghillie Suit Fairy: Thank you TL;DR: I died because I was shot by a man in ghillie suit near airstrip. I spawn south of the airstrip and begin running back for my stuff, ghillie suit fairy shows up and rains weaponry and leaves without saying a word, and I could not catch his name