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Everything posted by dillonblunts

  1. bump im the guy who told you about this post while you were streaming made me feel special it did
  2. dillonblunts

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    still cant see pics, external link please? someone take the time alot of people are having the same problem
  3. dillonblunts

    Abduls adventures

    this is a different map, yeah?
  4. this. also, what do you use to record? the fisheye effect is accidental, ill have to assume. at least now your hatchet is all loaded up with stanag sd
  5. dillonblunts

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    idk if im dumb but theyre not showing up for me either
  6. dillonblunts

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    again i ask you, please please try this on uk 177. UK 177 if you can do this there for any lengthy amount of time (i dare you to try night) i will consider you skilled. as for having nothing else to do, on uk 177 we try to set up "refugee camps" and "way-stations" between major cities that have food and non-weapon supplies (matches, compass & map, etc.) so dont say you have nothing to do, its your responsibility as a well-established clan to raise the average life expectancy.
  7. I don't have enough evidence to make a serious accusation to someone, but the admin may want to look into it. i hope he reads this, though. basically what had happened is yesterday between 7am and 12pm central yesterday half of my crew were randomly killed, not like they were shot, but nothing at all happened and they get "you are dead". we just quit and came back today, then my friend "Hannibal" on the uk 177 server, meets this guy in a ghillie suit. he could have killed him but instead he asked "friendly" and didnt shoot the ghillie guy. the ghillie guy asked if my friend wanted vehicles. then he said 'watch this' and he proceeded to teleport directly behind him and away and back. we all immediately alt+f4'd and said fuck this server. i love the server and i plan to return on my own, but my group has left.
  8. dillonblunts

    UK 177 has a hacker on it

    dogtags-clan is recruiting just use the site to hit cali up or try lobby chat, even if he isnt there just shout in group
  9. dillonblunts

    UK 177 has a hacker on it

    were going to blow it up check this site out to talk to/join with the admin http://dogtags-clan.co.uk
  10. dillonblunts

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    i hope you dont think your pro do this on uk 177 i dare you :)
  11. dillonblunts

    UK 177 has a hacker on it

    it almost always has me or my friends majje and zor on it have you seen the chopper? ;)
  12. dillonblunts

    UK 177 has a hacker on it

    i had a chat with the admin, he checked the logs, found someone who was talking about teleporting and spawning items/vehicles that account was banned. this server is definitely worthy of being your home server, if anything happens report it to cali and antikrist in the lobby of the server by yelling in group chat
  13. dillonblunts

    Are there still friendly Survivor?

    yeah we dont generally kill on sight, but the guys in the chopper do. were going to try to break the hold they have, they dont appear to be admins.
  14. dillonblunts

    Are there still friendly Survivor?

    send me a pm i have a large group of people who help "newbs" but dont much like other large groups. on our home server, were at war with a large gang, and they have a chopper. theyre a squad of KoS type guys, so killing them and taking their chopper (or killing the chopper) would be good.
  15. dillonblunts

    Day Z demo

    just thought about it, the demo they mean is most likely "ARMA2: free" basically, its some of the single player vanilla ARMA2 game, with no multiplayer or mission editing
  16. dillonblunts

    Day Z bug fixes: Exploits vs Problems

    The game already is broken every other patch, I think they're pushing it hard enough. The more things they add in the more the other things break, each new patch fixes a problem and causes 3 more. If they started adding in complicated things (which would basically require an entirely new game, not ARMA2) then we'd be back at EARLY alpha. A sort of skill tree is a fantastic idea, but would be nearly impossible to implement into a mod. Now, when/if it becomes a stand-alone game.....
  17. dillonblunts

    Searcing for english speaking survivors with Skype

    sounds great send me a pm
  18. dillonblunts

    Searcing for english speaking survivors with Skype

    everyone in this post can pm me if they want an opportunity to join my clan must be mature preferably 16 or older (but if mature, younger is fine) see my above post for more info
  19. dillonblunts

    Searcing for english speaking survivors with Skype

    i have a nice size squad. what times do you play? (in relation to UTC/GMT) were looking to recruit people. we already are well established and are in the vehicle acquisition stage. also, we use teamspeak to communicate, if you wanna play with us you'll need it. youre welcome to pm me if youd like.
  20. dillonblunts

    Seeking more active members

    just a few questions.... 1. what is your stance on random players? say theres a guy with a winchester in cherno, are you going to shoot him before asking friendly? 2. what server do you guys play on? 3. no bandits... what about if i am technically a murderer for defending myself against non bandits? i have a pretty decent size group, we play on uk 177 because they are mostly from europe and i have decent ping, even from america (central time zone). We usually play from 7am to 5pm central time. maybe we could form an alliance? no visiting each other's camps of course, until trust is built.
  21. dillonblunts

    Is the ghillie suit not ingame anymore?

    im sorry i knew not what i spoke. i apologize for not knowing and commenting anyway
  22. dillonblunts

    Day Z bug fixes: Exploits vs Problems

    the leg breaking thing... happens all the time. my squad actually has a rule..... if im prone and your prone, if you come within 5 meters of me im shooting you myself to teach you not to break my legs. i like the ammo bug, but i think itd be better if the sniper on the hill by the firestation in elektro had to loot the nwaf to get his ammo.
  23. dillonblunts

    Day Z demo

    if you can run arma 2 you can run dayz, because youre not running dayz, youre running arma 2. you need operation arrowhead as well.
  24. dillonblunts

    Karma Real in Dayz?

    karma...... we stole 12 cars logged in two hours later to see ten blown up cars and two missing cars. karma......
  25. dillonblunts

    Server hosting

    go to multiplayserverhosting.com or something like that