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About mrverse

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mrverse

    Day Z Sleep prank - Lingor Island

    I have my push to talk button below caps lock, dont know this guy for adam tho! :)
  2. mrverse

    Day Z Videos

  3. I stalked a guy along the coast. The player went in to loot a building, I moved to the next building hoping he would come in. Bingo! Pops up the stairs and I play a few tricks on him http://youtu.be/bFrRoQOXHHc Edit how do I embed it? It seemed to work in the preview :(
  4. mrverse

    Machinima live stream w/ Rocket going right now!

    banter is shocking....... Yeah what server lets get geared up..
  5. mrverse

    Machinima live stream w/ Rocket going right now!

    Yuuup hahahah!! Thunder!!!!
  6. Why you so full of shit man? You didn't write any of them lyrics. How can you be on here trying to dis people when your nufin but a fake teef!! Man up
  7. We couldn't find any vehicles for weeks. Firstly we came across a bus, fixed it up and drove it up to Starey. On route we found a fully working ATV so I hopped on that and followed the bus... We decided take a detour to go get some extra supplies. The video above is some footage from the trip, I added music and text as it was very boring before, now its just slightly boring ;) Enjoy xx