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Posts posted by Reita

  1. B) its not realistic.. who would chose to go kung-fu on a horde of zombies? Does a zombie even care if you punch him in the face?

    Infact it is quite realistic - Of course, you can't kill zombie by simply punching his head, but it would be nice to punch him, in order to stop his movements for a few seconds.

    If this isn't possible with the Arma engine - Ok, I won't bother anymore.

  2. I am having trouble thinking what kinda monkeys there are playing this game? Or are you guys just new players who can't think of anything else than "Hurr durr ima run around till i find 50cal sniper"..

    I have died 0 times to zombies and once to bandit before i could find a weapon.

    Sure it takes 5-10mins longer to be able to defend yourself. But jesus christ if you have no melee or ranged weapon you DO NOT run around shouting "im here shoot me im noob".

    Next time you spawn and think of coming to forums to QQ how you cant defend yourself' date=' think it this way.

    "Do i really even want to shoot a gun if i can just sneak past all of these zeds?"

    Sure its awesome to be able to defend yourself but when i'm alone i i don't always even start to shoot zombies if i aggro them.. ZOMBIES ARE EASY TO GET RID OF.


    At least using your fist or your foot should be possible. Or a melee weapon like a simple knife.

  3. I don't understand why you would need too spawn with a weapon honestly.. I really don't.

    I don't understand why you don't want one honestly.. I really don't.

    I mean, spawning with a rifle or a pistol is kinda boring, I admit that. But at least a melee weapon, to defend yourself in the beginning.
