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About brainrunner@hotmail.com

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  1. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    Heya new version is out, when u updated all servers ? that is the old 93965 that is the new 94444 cya beta
  2. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    drink beer xD and relax
  3. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    Server is up and running, but no comment from staff team @sgt.hexstatic read this http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/vilayer.com
  4. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    time = money i hope we get the time back ( offline time ) or refund all, that is not a service from a company !
  5. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    perhaps overselling and no personal ( 2 man businnes ? ) but this ist not our problem, we payed and we wanna get ther server and play, i payed not for offline servers
  6. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    @okamo u mean this company http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/ ? is Vilayer LTD dead ? ( to many zombies hehe ) ?
  7. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    confirmed, support is not good, my server is down about 24 hour, dunno why, i get no answer from team ( ticket ) server crash .....
  8. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    perhaps host your HIVE server on this provider http://www.staminus.net/GIGABIT, cheap and ddos protection included
  9. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    How strong is the attack ? which power ?
  10. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    but where is the problem, ddos attacks from kiddys u can stop very fast ( blackhole with iptables, simple script on linux) layer 3-4 ddos attack easy to block, layer 7 is bit stronger but u can blocked too How strong is the attack ? Many guys sayed lost items or spawn xyz region ( debug ) all fake message or tue, why u lost items, that is only a ddos attack, or u get injection on your mysql db ?
  11. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    hmmm i host 10 server with 50 slots, now u sayed i can leave the community ?
  12. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    confirmed and i lost all my items :( all server broken ?
  13. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

    all EU servers are down ? i wanna play xD
  14. brainrunner@hotmail.com

    [German][GUIDE] Fahrzeuge & Reparaturen

    nice work, thx m8