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Everything posted by paul.boltini@googlemail.com

  1. Best thing about this server is................ME of course :) seriously its a good server with attentive admins and a variety of people, the admins have worked incredibly hard to make this one of the best server around.
  2. paul.boltini@googlemail.com

    Bandit Bloopers

    Hi guys my name is Paul and im from the UK, Just thought I'd do a bit of self promoting here as i recently got signed by machinima and wanted a bit of exposure :) im hoping you like my videos i have recently uploaded bandit bloopers #1 and theres a funny video with hybrid panda in it in my channel (he literally crashed a heli into my face!!!) thanks very much for your support please check out my channel and my videos i shall link to my new video and you can go from there. p.s I would really like to talk to someone about graphics for my channel if anyone feels they could help me please send me a PM
  3. paul.boltini@googlemail.com

    Playing with famous YouTubers!

    played with hybrid panda alot as he plays on the same server as me - check out this video of us hunting him its pretty funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dqM1MEGKEo also check out my other videos and if anyone wants good whitelist servers to play on just let me know
  4. paul.boltini@googlemail.com

    Hi everyone - I love this game

    So to start I'm 27 and live in kent in the uk and have recently started playing this game and I'm addicted!! Had my first few hours fly by with death after death :) if I can find a way to stop my graphics card glitching out or my computer crashing I'll love it even more lol Yesterday night I was scavenging around but only found a hatchet and a shit ton of ammo then I looked out of the third story door I was on and saw a man creeping up on me I then axed him up but was shot pretty bad. While trying to loot a blood pack from him I crashed :(. All in all I love this mod. Just need to find out how to make servers favorites or something so I can log back in the one I been playing on of I crash. I have only 2gb ram and a old 9800gt graphics card (which glitches quite alot) Do you think if I upgrade these I will have a better experience? Any help is appreciated
  5. paul.boltini@googlemail.com

    Hi everyone - I love this game

    Just gotta find out how much ram my mother board can take and what graphics card Is best I got a quad core but few years old, should hold right? One thing that is good is I use a 46 inch led tv as a monitor :)