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About shicack

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I Once asked for "HELP" because it was urgent and they were all there. A big opportunity for anyone with some skill to get a shit ton of loot. which turned out for the most part to be me and my m8s lmao... Ive seen them get wiped by a few other groups as well so I know we arent the only ones getting their shit. Obviously they've hoarded gear during the patch that allowed duping. Anyhow they gotta be getting low. Still lots of people and PvP in the high rise apartments but that particular group has become significantly more tentative.you nerds twist shit around acting like you know better whilst avoiding pvp... enjoy killing those zombies big guy!
  2. What an intricate and captivating story i'm making up. 5+ annoying fuckjing bandits killing everyone ltrying to loot belota. If It was me why would I post my whereabouts and what the names of my buds are? So you can know when to log or check the high rises when you see the names? right... whatever smart guy. anyway we keep killing them and they keep coming back. Still really hard to get names, I've resorted to just screenshotting the name list before and after we kill snipers on the high rises. will post results as they come at least more than once
  3. It's these same guys,,, its at least 8 of them.,.. they know what they're doing and its hard to kill them.. the best way ive found is to rush the building they're on top of whilst putting pressure with sniper rifles up top. they gear up fast and return faster than anyone ive seen. some of the names are like Zoltan or Zollie, AMXS, and the rest i'll post as I get confirmation. The way I've been getting confirmation is by applying bandaged to their unconscious bodies before they die. Then i know exactly who they are. Anyway my m8s and I have killed them all at least 3 times now but they continue to come to populated servers on the high rises with sniper rifles + long ranges scopes or PU scopes. Just dont be afraid when u attack them. Go in and just kill everything you see.. obviously.... This place now makes elektro look like a playground. Even the areas north of cherno are teeming with PvP. Im gonna start frapsing and posting on youtube because its quite fun and entertaining!
  4. this place is more and more popular because of the vantage point over belota. if you werent dumb you'd realize people are starting to catch on
  5. yea call bull shit whatever idgaf. my m8s and i got a shit ton of gear. you got nada. Thanks for those who helped.
  6. OK they are finally fuckin dead... all of them. + 3 long range scopes.. 2 of them ruined but still.. tons of decent gear and those bandits finally put down. Thanks guys
  7. lmao stfu.. its really them.. same names etc. see for yourself ya big jerk
  9. ive died like 20 times.......................................ffffffffffff
  10. Omfg they are stilll being assholes and killing everything.. they wont let us loot anything.
  13. they're making it impossible to loot anything ... they all got mosins and crap... they are handcuffiung people and pushing them off the bvuilding wtf theres at least 7-10
  14. shicack

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    yea im sure its not from thirst.. i think its hackers tbh. ive killed players that hackers have spawned in front of me while no one appeared to be in the server. he just kept spawning a guy in front of me and i kept killing them until i took off. I figured he would get bored and then kill me so i bailed.
  15. shicack

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    Dying for no reason. Literally just walking, sitting, standing or laying down and then dying. Sometimes in empty servers. Sometimes in rooms alone, no gunshot, no swinging sound from an axe or something. The game just feels like killing you or something. Its either hackers or just a really terrible bug but its been happening A LOT lately.