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About Drac

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    On the Coast
  1. Drac

    Tents vehicle disappearing

    All of US5 was completely wiped of tents, vehicles and placed(wire, tank traps, sand bags) items Friday afternoon.
  2. Drac

    Passing out every time i log in

    Sorry but NO. I have had this error before and based off the flashing black box on my screen at the time it seems to be caused by a bad variable or lack of one in whatever script decides that you need a combat timer so it defaults to giving you one.
  3. Since Helicopters were disabled I believe that rocket stated that servers that still have then will stop spawning them and current ones won't be affected by repairs or will continuously leak fuel(if not one of those 2 things I know he did something to disable active helicoptors on legacy servers.).
  4. Drac

    Pobeda Dam vehicle flip

    The gray dams are not terrain in Arma2 they are made of multi-objects and are thus extremely unfriendly to vehicles. They always have been and always will be so get used to just avoiding them because the ABSOLUTE best rocket could pull off without rebuilding them and thus making a different version of the map is making an unflip vehicle option. If someone else doesn't I am going to make an Arma2 quirks thread so that people stop reporting Arma2 problems as DayZ bugs. Edit: also ATVs are simple to un-flip on normal terrain. Simply angle your tires so the fronts stay in the air and then reverse until it comes back up. If you are on a hill make sure that you start reversing after you rotate the vehicle so your avatar is facing up hill or except it to take longer as it won't start to un-flip while the wheels are uphill. Also try not to get off as when an ATV is fully on its side it is almost impossible to enter. Also note that the position of being on its side doesn't seem to be always saved or register for people who weren't on it when it flipped so a fix can be as simple as reconnecting or bringing someone who doesn't see it as on its side to right it.
  5. Drac

    Completely invisible

    (I wrongly assumed someone would have already addressed this major issue so I apologize for failing to post until now. As of 6/23 this has been an issue for about a week and involves at minimum 10% of the people that have been through US5. Most likely many more as these 10% are only the ones to bother saying anything about it. I have encountered or heard of many strange/unexplained deaths and loot disappearances that resembles situations with invisible players I have talked to. This post will be updated and due to the lack of other info I will likely make it its own post when I clean it up.) Not sure about past invisibility issues(talking about stuff in may) but currently the cause is people not having the same Arma 2 expansion beta patch as the server they are on. I originally noticed this either the 1st or 2nd patch after the Arma2 Beta patch change to gamma(sorry I can't be more specific). The day it started(I am guessing June 16th) I first found out due to a friend on TS being invisible in our tent camp. This was followed by a new person jumping on TS after he had joined up with a group in cherno that I was taking a Ural to pick up. After realizing that no one saw him in the vehicles(they hadn't noticed earlier as the group had moved between 4-6 people and our server runs without name tags) the other members realized that he had been the cause of such events as ghost footsteps, source-less makarov reloading and loot magically disappearing and appearing on the ground. Later a person completely new to dayz jumped in the TS and US5 to talk. After guiding her through basic Arma2/Dayz mechanics and navigation we managed to figure where she was and upon her verbally flagging us down when we drove near her we realized that she too was invisible. After finding out she was lacking the Arma2 Beta patch like the two last had been, who both had become visible earlier after running the correct version, we became completely sure that a lack of or a non-matching version of the beta patch was the cause. Things to know about invisible people: 1: they do not trigger zombies spawns nor can they attract their attention in any way. 2: they can shot others and if you can mange to pin-point them they can be shot(only manged to hit a test volunteer and an unwanted hitchhiker) 3: aside from being invisible they can be interacted with and they interact with items/objects normal. Examples; you can open their bags or run into them. 4: Unconfirmed by slightly supported is that invisible players' bodies disappear and they save location/gear unreliably or not at all. Luckily up until Thursday the interaction with any invisible players from people on the TFB TS(US5 TS) had been to inform them they needed to update their beta patch or weird chance encounters, at least that we know of. On Thursday myself and 2 other players were traveling around on an ATV and a red dirt bike. After one stated that the DMR in his bag was suddenly missing and was replaced with a few random items we proceeded to check the vehicles and raided loot piles to check if it was dropped. While searching the other 2nd person stated that he had found an open Czech Backpack option near one of the vehicles and found the DMR in it. Suddenly thinking it was a random invisible person robbing us it was confirmed when as he about to take the DMR the gear menu suddenly disappeared. I immediately told them what I thought and to get on the vehicles so we could GTFO and avoid farther robbery or death. Being 2 person vehicles I asked the 1 person on the 2nd vehicle to check if they had a swap to back seat option. Unfortunately it seemed he had an invisible passenger. Reaching a stopping point the two of us on the other vehicle hopped off planning to shot the invisible bastard thief right off the back of the vehicle but he decided to also hop off so with no way to pin-point him we took off again. This time the other 2 got on the bike and I soon realized the invis thief was now hugging my ass. So while I do circles to prevent escape or sudden attack the other 2 park and attempt to communicate with the person. This gets nothing so after a quick mouse scroll to confirm he is still there I pull up perpendicular to them and they unload into the air behind my back. This creates a series of mid-air blood spurts followed by a groan as they fall off or attempt to exit the vehicle then a satisfying thud. After a short window of a Open Backpack/Gear/Study Body etc options for the 2 next to the vehicle the options suddenly disappear with any hope of retrieving the DMR. Shortly after the guy who had his DMR stolen losing connection while on a vehicle and respawns where we took care of invis thief. Then to start the idea that invis players don't save he suddenly hears parts of someone trying to communicate over direct chat with him in-game that. Not able to get more then a few random words and hearing random reloading I quickly retrieve him and GTFO of invis thief land( now forever paranoid that we are being followed/robbed by invis newbs). Solutions: 1: Get server admins to make updated beta patch a requirement to connect to the server(unfortunately we are still working on this as due to the RL of the US5 admin communicating with him to explain the situation is hard atm). 2: Add the beta patch to Dayz or require it to run dayz.