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About flash760

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    On the Coast
  1. flash760

    dayZ starter pack

    hello everybody, i was thinking about something wich i think is a pretty good idea. the idea is that everytime you spawn you get something like a starters pack. this can go from simply a can of beans or a water bottle to a handgun, with and sometimes without ammonition. i got this idea a few monts ago when i was playing chernarus and start noticing that a lot of times people kill themselfs because they have spawned on a place they don't like. but i think that if you spawn on a place wich you think you not like and look in your gear and see you have a handgun, you don't kill yourself and respawn on an other place. this also raises the avarage lifetime of the server. this could also work out just fine on the lingor map :D so let me know what you think of this and i really hope that this idea can become reality. thank you for reading and sorry if my english isn't that great because i'm from holland. thank you good bye.