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Posts posted by Lotharthestorm

  1. can we just say we want this game to be eve but zombie style already and be done with it?

    anyways i agree with the idea but there is one big issue with it and what happens when all the towns in the server are taken over? because i saw what you were saying earlier about if there is no one there for five mins it should revert back.

    but that makes no sense seeing as there are down times where no one may be on the server so you only get a liberated town for a whole whopping two hours or so and then its gone? only clans and such would then ever be able to do this.

    and then what is the incentive to even do it if its not permanent? or isnt lost by other means like a bandit attack or zombie horde?

  2. (how do you quote? new to the forum and have not figured it out yet :P)

    I like the car idea. because these tents should be hard to find and even harder to get. the car idea also enables lone wolf players to be able to get one as well but how they would defend it i have no idea maybe they are just epic like that.

    Now the Sandbags + 2xTents + Military Tent Guidebook is alright i would personally take out the sand bags cause you can always use like the wire fencing or such to use in its place.The amount of sand bags you would need for it you wouldn't be able to transport well even in a car.

    the military book idea is great though because i don't even remember how to put these damn things together lol all i remember is keep your hands of yellow! lol

  3. so i tried searching for this and didn't find much on it just a couple different posts but this is what i propose.

    so realistically soda (or pop however you say it) dehydrates you right? well i think we should enter a small tier system when it comes to the liquids in the game.

    -soda being the lowest tier will quench your thirst but only for a short time seeing as it dehydrates you and such

    -water from ponds would make your thirst go away for longer but would have a possible small infection or sickness rate

    -then the last one would be water that you had put some purification tablets in that would keep your thirst away for a long period of time so you would worry as much

    to realistic? or just another facet to the survival in this hell hole we are trying to live in.

  4. i don't like this idea. reason being i am in the military and the tents you are referring to are HUGE there is no way one person could realistically carry them look up temper tents because that is what you are referring to.

    Now if you could pick it up in about 3 or 4 parts that would be different because it would make more sense logically and it would support team play because you would need a few people to be able to get it and then defend it.
