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Francis Bacon

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About Francis Bacon

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  1. Francis Bacon

    What now?

    I changed my game around, I only hang out in cherno or electro and I hunt bandits but I only do it on side chat servers so I can type at people I can see in the distance. It's a lot more fun than being a plan old bandit, but I know what you mean, I've done all the shit in the game ATM and now feel no desire to play the game. Which is fine, I wouldn't want to feel compelled to play it endlessly.
  2. Francis Bacon

    Waste of $30 and some time

    Necro bump I'm doing the same?
  3. Francis Bacon

    Well I can't exactly say he's wrong

    Plus ones to that brother!
  4. Francis Bacon

    My Day in Dayz

    I load all the crap off my body and was in game for about a min before I logged screwing around with M4 ammo I didn't need and re-arranging my back pack. If that was too fast I'm shocked I appear where I log out when I'm running and my PC crashes. Like I said I gave it a good min and it got removed from my dead body, when I went back to the body it had a box of MG ammo and some of the other crap I had picked up.
  5. Francis Bacon

    My Day in Dayz

    Oh bugs, do you know no shame! So I'm chillin on a building popping banditos on NZ4 when a sniper pops me, was a pretty good shot :D So good work to who ever that was, they were a long ways off to land it how they did. So I respawn and I run back to my body. It's in such an awkward spot I figure no one is going to climb that suicidal ladder in the middle of the day! Well by sheer chance I run from Kamenka to cherno and climb the ladders, and the stairs and arrive at my body... untouched! SWEET LORD! I CRY I grab my M24 and GPS and complete set of tools plus my PDW and Kobra, you know all the essentials. Put my Coyote back pack on and take a quick look around. "Yep I've got everything... and I haven't been shot yet! HA!" So I pull the kobra out of my back pack and then log out. I mean fuck climbing back down that hell scape with a full server and audible gun fire coming from 3 different directions! So I go make a sandwich and have a drink and then come back and log in... oh look, all my shit is gone and I have a hatchet for a weapon... FUCK ME! So I log back into the server I was on... and my old body now has all the shit my new body does and none of my old gear... Then some one hits me over the head with a hatch, but like I care everything beautiful has now turned to ash in my hands. So as we say in Australia. FUCK YOU DAYZ FUCK YOU! (That's an actual saying now.)
  6. Rules of engagement 1. Always identify the offender in side chat and request there intentions. 2. If you are unsure of the intentions of an individual be brave, the weak shoot first. 3. If you hear gun fire report it 4. Protect the weak, save the injured. Always do your utmost to save those you find. 5. Always salute fellow law men and women. 6. The city is jurisdiction. Defend it at all costs. 7. The only good bandit is a dead bandit. If you want in find a sheriff and get on board. We lost our first deputy the other day, but we got our own back.
  7. Francis Bacon

    Final Loading Okay

    We have all experienced strange load times. Some times the 3min wait turns into 10. I would like to see a final "okay" button before you completely load into the game so that you can be alt tabbed and not shitting yourself that you are going to spawn in and be killed while you do what ever it is that you are doing.
  8. Confirmed and a secondary bug I have seen is that if you are in a building you start floating through the floor :/ If it's a multi story building you can fall through the floor and die.
  9. Francis Bacon

    A couple of ideas of awesome!

    Not a fan of your running idea. I like it how it is, but I would like to see zombies crash tackling players to the ground. It would be great fun chaining zombies at people and make them a lot more dangerous atm zombie provide zero danger. They are just a player alert system that glitches through walls.
  10. Francis Bacon

    Wire Fence kits

    I would like to see them removed from the game until they work properly and can't be placed through walls in such a way as to make it impossible to pull them down again. Currently there is an epidemic of this shit on the AUS servers. It would be fine if you could actually pull them down but a lot of the time you can't due to placement. Tank traps seem to work a treat but the wire kits bugger up a lot. I know this is all being worked on I just felt compelled to suggest this as a stop gap solution because I'm so damn sick of getting to places like devils castle and finding every entry jammed and even though I'm packing a tool kit I can't get the sweet spot and pull them down! grrrrrr
  11. Francis Bacon

    [Splint] Second option to fix your broken leg.

    Honestly I'm at the point of saying just remove broken legs as a feature and give zombie the power to knock you over (not out but to the ground so you have to stand back up) with say a tackle. I've been killed some where around 10 times now by having random crazy glitches happen. Sank through the floor in a castle and started swiming in the brick work then fell and broke my legs. Was standing still on the edge of rock scanning the horizon when my legs broke while I was stationary. Walking through an empty barn I fell over with broken legs literally for no reason, didn't trip on anything and no zs + no one shot at me. I know it's an alpha but the broken leg stuff is such a pain when it's so arbitrary and buggy. It's a great idea but IMO right now it's just a bit too buggy.
  12. Francis Bacon

    Guillie gone 1.7.2

    I can beat you all. I'm at Zub castle. I found a ghuillie suit on the 3rd level. I put it on... Suddenly I fall into the floor and start swimming. All my guns and gear (including my morphine) vanish. I then drop onto the staircase unconscious with broken legs. For some reason I have my tools, back pack and what's in it so I stop the bleeding but now I can't crawl up or down the stairs I'm on. Just remove broken bones it's such a pain in the arse. I had 2 zs break my bones but I've had 4 chars killed by random bugs where I just fall over with broken legs in treeless fields or in open barns.
  13. Francis Bacon

    Allow spawn location selection

    Oh you dopes I'm not talking about selecting an exact spot, I'm talking about a huge groups of spawns, but at least something so I don't have to sit here respawning for 20min before I land kind of close to what ever it is I'm trying to get to whether it be friends or a city to dick about it in. I don't know what I expected out of this troll forum. But thank you for your reply Rose at least you tried to think about the problem and a possible solution. ---------- It's not about making it back to my body. If I die on the coast I am more than likely not carrying anything worth trying to get + my body would have been looted and buried by the time I get back so that point is moot.
  14. I've had it happen twice in a row now that I let rip into the chest of a point blank target and nothing happens... I've got about 10fps so that might have something to do with it but I don't have a problem with any other weapon when prone...
  15. Francis Bacon

    Allow spawn location selection

    I'm not asking for pin point, but I would be great to be able to select between electro area or cherno area or berezino area. FFS FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Thank you that is all.