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Everything posted by DayZPvP.com

  1. DayZPvP.com

    Random died but got all my stats

    You have to expect this kind of thing there are so many bugs. Honestly once you detach yourself from your gear the game is way more fun to play.
  2. DayZPvP.com

    Zombie Events

    The GIFs are awesome +1 beans to you sir.
  3. If I did have access to log files (which I don't) I would choose to protect my users privacy and would never share that info with anyone. I am sure you will find plenty of people here who will, it's just not me.
  4. Every few days someone posts a very similar post and I don't know how I feel about that.
  5. DayZPvP.com

    Are My Specs Good Enough [Help Needed ASAP]

    Yes. Also, use this tweak guide for better FPS.
  6. DayZPvP.com

    What is your Humanity?

    I plan to watch this thread to watch you watch this thread.
  7. DayZPvP.com

    Are My Specs Good Enough [Help Needed ASAP]

    Go to Steam and download "ArmA 2 Demo" whichis really ArmA 2 Free. If it runs well you have a good chance of running DayZ.
  8. If this is true then +1 beans.
  9. DayZPvP.com

    Ban Appeal US 916

    That is a nightmare.
  10. Came here to say this. Next time try and save the tent, let server restart, THEN put stuff in.
  11. DayZPvP.com

    Account Takeover?

    Most likely you have played on a server that is not connected to the hive.
  12. Get a bike. Ride in the N.W. in the big open (deadly) areas and find sites. Profit. (or die)
  13. You would be shocked if you knew how often this happens. One time I spawned in and I decided that I was going to kill the first guy I found. 10 mins later I see a guy in the hospital with his back to the door like a dumbass. So I pop his ass and 3 seconds later I am kicked from the server (think it was like a 2 minute ban, maybe I was only kicked it was months ago I forget). I go back to the server and notice in the server message it says: "Welcome to such and such server. <insert name of guy I just killed> is God here."
  14. DayZPvP.com

    What kind of characther do you play as?

    I have a guy that sticks to clan ops and another guy that runs around the coast like a jackass... The second one is much more fun to play.
  15. DayZPvP.com

    Conversations with Clueless

    Survival of the fittest, a.k.a. the less stupid.
  16. DayZPvP.com

    Severe Weather

    Look for this in the standalone.
  17. Register, start or join a clan, and sign up for a private Mumble channel with your own password.
  18. DayZPvP.com

    Ammunition management

    No, however BIS could change it.
  19. DayZPvP.com

    What just happened?!

    Haha I bet you would... ez m8
  20. DayZPvP.com Graphical Glitches Still There

    Rocket has said that his plan is to put out some content, then put out some fixes. If you don't see that pattern then you might just be new. I have been here for 3-4 months. Dude has put out a LOT of patches. Yes a lot of things are broken, but when I started there was 100,000 people. I bet Rocket spends 99% of the time fixing netcode and "hacking" damage. Is that his fault?
  21. DayZPvP.com Graphical Glitches Still There

    Don't you get it? We are the testers. You are testing. Go report the bugs in the proper place and get a warm fuzzy feeling from knowing that you helped.
  22. DayZPvP.com Graphical Glitches Still There

    Since this stage of development is supposed to be adding new features and not bug fixes, I would not hold your breath if I was you.
  23. DayZPvP.com

    Do I need to update something? O_o

    Usually the weekends are bad for performance.
  24. DayZPvP.com

    What just happened?!

    This kind of thing is the norm now. Hopefully we will all look back and laugh when these things are fixed.