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Everything posted by DayZPvP.com

  1. DayZPvP.com

    A way to keep vehicles between servers

    Really bad idea, sorry man, it just is.
  2. DayZPvP.com

    The moral imperative

    I bought a 2nd key since I only had OA from years ago, and ArmA 2 Free. One is my clan guy he is geared and sticks with my group, the other guy is gonna be Mr. Asshole, run through Cherno with a hatchet, do dumb stuff guy.
  3. DayZPvP.com

    Fix for loot piling.

    The number I keep seeing is 20 minutes, but if you leave the area and come back it can be quicker. I have seen loot spawn right under my feet before. I agree, it needs a bit of tweaking.
  4. DayZPvP.com

    shaky viewport

    Either you are talking about head bob (turn it off in the settings - game controls I think) or you are in pain and need pain killers.
  5. DayZPvP.com

    Logged in unconscious

    Server hopping can cause that. If you really only played on 2 servers over a long spawn then either you got hurt and didn't know due to de-synch or it is really just a random bug.
  6. DayZPvP.com

    Hiding your loot

    There is already a shovel in game called an entrenching tool. I am ok with this idea, just make sure you search before posting, this has been suggested before.
  7. I don't see what destroying land vehicles has anything to do with boats. My group has had 3 or 4 boats and has used them a lot. Wanting something removed from the game because you yourself doesn't use it is selfish at best.
  8. DayZPvP.com

    Swapping items ...

    Works same as matches, canteen, etc. Just right click to use.
  9. DayZPvP.com

    Ammo indicators I don't have them ?

    Make sure both you and your server are running the new patches. The last 2 or 3 have had the ammo counters.
  10. DayZPvP.com

    No business like snow business.

    Thanks for your useful feedback. I was particularly interested in your description of how games work. Not just this game' date=' but all games. I now know why I have never snow in a game before. Thanks again. [/quote'] GAMES. HOW DO THEY WORK?
  11. DayZPvP.com

    Tent Contents Disappearing

    Did you place the tent, save, place the items, then save again? That's what I do. You know if someone watched you place it, and you left for as little as a minute or 2 then you could have been jacked. Doesn't take long.
  12. DayZPvP.com


    If your HDR/post processing is turned off then either your graphics card settings or driver is messed up, or maybe a hardware problem. Going to need a lot more info to help you. Gaint and blure are not even words, we are assuming you mean giant blur.
  13. DayZPvP.com

    this mod is stupid now

    For me this game is about 2 things. Fear of being shot at any time and loot. I know some people that want the best gear right away, and don't mind if someone gives it to them. I like to work for my gear. If you want a full kit handed to you, play another game. This one is about survival, not instant gratification.
  14. DayZPvP.com

    Can't use items in inventory.

    I think what is happening is you guys are trying to play on a server with different versions than you. Don't forget there are different DayZ mod versions, and different ArmA2 beta patches. You must have the right versions of lots of bugs occur like was described.
  15. Yes' date=' they should. That's what makes every single zombie encounter so unpredictable, and thus intense, no matter how experienced or well equipped you are. Nothing to fix here imho. [/quote'] Agreed. The only thing I don't like is the buggy hitbox and animations, other than that legs break too easy. I say keep the broken bones how they are, just make morphine spawn like it used to.
  16. DayZPvP.com

    Wondering about exploits

    In a future patch doing that will probably be impossible. Or maybe you get punished for doing it. Lags the server supposedly.
  17. DayZPvP.com

    Group Missions

    The only thing I don't really like is the rewards. I think finding the stuff yourself is the reward.
  18. DayZPvP.com

    Light after killing people

    I don't like this one bit.
  19. I am going to be buying my 2nd CD-key soon, so there is always that.
  20. DayZPvP.com

    What are clans and how do you manage/make them?

    Rocket has stated that he is planning on including support for groups, he feels it is an important part of the game. Maybe a custom skin, maybe a tag floating above their head. Nobody knows (not even Rocket) yet.
  21. DayZPvP.com

    What Are Tents Used For?

    #1 Place tent. #2 Put spare gear in tent. #3 Run ops. #4 Retrieve gear. #5 Log out.
  22. DayZPvP.com

    How hard is this game actually?

    The game is much more fun in a group. I have to say easier as well, but there is a lot of traveling and waiting trying to keep everyone in formation.
  23. DayZPvP.com

    Petition to add the Mosin Nagant to Day Z

    /signed As long as Rocket adds the SKS as well. The Mosin and the SKS are scattered around the "real" area of Cherno aren't they? I am not sure, I am asking. I want .22 ammo in the game as well, but I don't know what is "realistic" to the area.