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Everything posted by DayZPvP.com

  1. DayZPvP.com

    M1911 Best sidearm

    I have to agree with OP pretty much, my order goes 1911, revolver, M9SD, then PDW only due to the 30 round mags you can use.
  2. I too played the older games, but didn't like them much as I am/was a huge Battlefield fan (1942 then DC, Forgotten Hope, BF2, Project Reality, BFBC2, BF3). I bought OA near to when it came out, probably the first or second time Steam had it on sale. Spent 10 hours with it probably, mostly doing the little bird mission over and over. Jumped into DayZ a couple months ago and have been loving every minute of it.
  3. DayZPvP.com

    DayZPvP.com - DayZ Player vs. Player blog

    Glad I could help you out. I have improved my FPS by at least 15-20 lately by using a couple guides, as well as using Game Booster. I think the biggest thing that helped me is changing the MaxFrames numbers both to 1.
  4. There are some pretty good ideas here. I agree that the military gear is too common. I think the items such as AWS, holo, M4SD, AS-50, should be very very limited. NVG's GPS too. It's hard to believe that a world without electricity still has fresh batteries for NVG's and GPS satellites still functioning. I know people that have/had 3 or 4 of each of those guns. Finding one of those rare guns should be such a small chance that most people will never see them. I know these ideas will not be popular, get ready for a flame fest OP. I think the duping has hurt the most, people posting on reddit with dozens of rare guns, 30+ ghillies, etc. My group found a tent with over 30 NVG's. Obviously duped.
  5. DayZPvP.com

    DAYZ Tropic + DAYZ MAP Logo

    Looks like DayZ: Miami or something. Awesome work.
  6. DayZPvP.com

    Game needs Standalone

    This whole thing is just an experiment. I wouldn't doubt if it takes years to get it right. Guild Wars had many problems too, not with cheating as you say of course. But they still had to make a new engine using the lessons learned from the first game. I think DayZ will be like that. DayZ will always be flawed, but DayZ 2.0 is going to be AMAZING.
  7. DayZPvP.com

    Location hud

    Maybe they are using an out of game map. The in-game map is full screen.
  8. DayZPvP.com

    COMING SOON: Six Launcher Replacement

    I am really looking forward to trying this. Favorite servers and friends list are sorely missed right now. Great design too, reminds me of the old Valve software, but still has it's own style.
  9. DayZPvP.com


    I am going to be the first to say it's a bad idea. Spawning together only helps the less serious casual players, and really hurts the clans. If more then 1 or 2 of your clan is having to spawn at a time then your clan sucks and you should find a new one.
  10. DayZPvP.com

    How well geared are you?

    L85 AWS/M-14/M9SD Coyote/ghillie/NVG/GPS Only thing I don't have and haven't ever seen is a radio.
  11. DayZPvP.com

    Perhaps I'm just being pretentious.

    If you are sick of geared up players sniping noobs in Cherno why don't you stalk the bandits and kill them. Those guns make a lot of noise, and once they give their position away go get them. That's what I do, it's a lot of fun.
  12. DayZPvP.com

    Non pvp servers?

    Thing is: it's possible, but Rocket doesn't want it. The real brilliance of this game is the PvP and it should be kept intact as much as possible. For single player you can run around Chernorus in the editor all day long. Don't bring a hatchet to a gun fight. When I die it doesn't take me more than 30 mins to get a pack, gun and at least some basic kit.
  13. DayZPvP.com

    How does Banning work?

    Server admins can either kick or ban. IP ban too.
  14. DayZPvP.com

    finding a backpack?

    Stores, apartments, castles, offices, deer stands. Probably in that order.
  15. DayZPvP.com

    Reasons to kill

    Almost always #4. If I get the drop on you, and I have back up I *might* tell you to stand down in direct. If you surprise me, some lead is flying.
  16. DayZPvP.com

    Constant Crashing

    I don't work in tech support, so I can't help you much other than to say the usual: Verify files/reinstall Check/update all drivers System restore Revert back to an older version. I still see a lot of 1.7 servers up.
  17. DayZPvP.com

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    Just gotta be quicker *or* smarter than the other guy. Don't need both, one will usually do the job.
  18. DayZPvP.com

    Item Options in gear messed up

    Looks like you found the problem.
  19. DayZPvP.com

    Awesome examine body idea

    Not sure if it is bugged but I like the idea.
  20. DayZPvP.com

    Player Identification and Classification System

    I like the idea overall, but am thinking just 1 tag, 1 category. Using the process you posted you could "tag" someone as a friend and an icon or their name will float above them at a certain range. That's it. my crew gets the tag, everyone else is an enemy. If I want to go derp around Cherno and tag random people, that's on me. Simple, clean, quick. I love the whole concept of making the player make the judgement.
  21. My group does something similar, of course I won't say what. Everyone has ghillies now for the most part so it's pretty useless. Knowing where you and your troops are is the most effective way to identify your targets. If you see someone unaccounted for - you shoot.
  22. DayZPvP.com

    FPS issues.

    Your CPU is better than mine, but what GFX card do you have? 2 more gigs of RAM and Windows 7 should give you some performance. There are a lot of tweaks around for graphics, try those. I am talking about .cfg files, nothing in-game.
  23. DayZPvP.com

    How to Loot a Helicopter

    Boom goes the dynamite!