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Everything posted by DayZPvP.com

  1. DayZPvP.com

    Tents & Saving

    Been seeing that bug for a long time. Either that or we had it, went away and is back. Make sure when you place a tent you wait for a server restart. THEN save and put items in. Works better that way.
  2. There are, but you have to find them. I look for people posting with their server names in their sigs. Usually they are more serious about things.
  3. DayZPvP.com

    Direct chat does not work

    Might be a sound card issue, that or try to validate/reinstall. Never heard of this bug. Sorry for the bad pun.
  4. Please add 3 things to this list: creaking/slamming doors, a .22 caliber low-end weapon tier, and the SKS rifle.
  5. DayZPvP.com

    Please Remove This Prop Completely

    I am fine with it staying and static props in general, but those have tricked me in the past too. Now, making those things lootable would be COOL.
  6. That's right, this *IS* the end game.
  7. An article was just written about Joss (TheFoolJoss) right here, check it out. It is both about him and the Freeside project.
  8. He does get some great shots. Check out DayZPvP.com for a lot more of his work.
  9. DayZPvP.com

    A Day in DayZ

    Easy score for you guys, enjoy the spoils.
  10. Check out my site if you have a hard time finding a group.
  11. DayZPvP.com

    Would like to join a UK based clan

    Gotta love the spammers
  12. added some new content
  13. The bug needs to be fixed, we played for many months with the bodies causing no problems at all. Just have to be patient. Removing those bodies does not fix much at all, the other bodies, barb wire, etc will still glitch. I would rather see it done right then some temp quick fix.
  14. DayZPvP.com

    Busy day.

    Keep on 'em /salute
  15. DayZPvP.com

    Admin rant : Part 1

    All admins of the world: thank you for paying for our servers, but do not expect people to thank you, appreciate, or acknowledge your work in any way. Just don't expect it. People are assholes, you should know that by now.
  16. DayZPvP.com

    Some Guy Out There Is Pissed

    Personally I would not tell people that you DC'ed in combat, even if it was legit.
  17. DayZPvP.com

    Hacker drop's me in ocean?

    Good top, OP should report back if it worked.
  18. DayZPvP.com

    Bandit skins are back?

    Been a week or more.
  19. You very well might have been killed by a scripter, but never forget that it could be you and ONE OTHER GUY and you could be literally ANYWHERE on the map and he can kill you no matter how remote. I know, it happened to me. Also you really should detach yourself from any and all gear, it makes the game much more fun. You are a tester anyway it is guaranteed that things will be wiped or crash at some point. Having said all that it could have been a scripter like I said but even if it was my 2 points above are still 100% valid. Don't let the dicks get to you. Detach from the gear and have fun, don't quit.
  20. The truth is that not even Rocket knows how this all will go down. Anyone claiming that they know otherwise is lying. We just have to wait and see. At this point it's like asking an infant to drive a car: it's too early.
  21. DayZPvP.com

    Hit registry issue?

    You say it is a hit registry issue, but then you say you want the damage to go back to what it was. So which one is the real problem? Mad about the nerf, or technical problems?
  22. Lets go in likely order. You were killed legit. Hacker killed you. Bug. Glitch. You are/were on a private server with no hive connection.
  23. DayZPvP.com

    Anybody want to run with me?

    Good luck guys, use my site to team up if you need to.