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Everything posted by DayZPvP.com

  1. DayZPvP.com

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    No, thank you!
  2. DayZPvP.com

    Pvp, PvE, DM and so forth...........

    There is a PvE Co-op zombie mod for ArmA 2 already. It has been out longer than DayZ and might have what you are looking for.
  3. DayZPvP.com has a new page I am calling "DayZ PvE: Videos of Players Dying for no Good Reason" My buddy Cros had this great idea... Does anyone have or know of any links to very short (less than 1 minute) videos of people breaking their legs, taking damage, being knocked out, etc. For this project I will not accept anything inflicted by zombies, players, or moving vehicles. Obviously nothing like vaulting off the lighthouse (I did it to suicide once when I was infected), or falling from rooftops (unless something buggy caused it). Please reply here, PM, or post on my site and I will credit you. Also, works must be original please don't rip anything and try to send that to me. Youtube links are the best because then the creator makes money from it. Thank you, I will edit this post once I have some videos up. Link here, there are no videos yet. I will move the link to the top once we get some videos on it.
  4. New video added Click here to view it
  5. DayZPvP.com

    Berezino: The new Cherno...

    Same here. People are getting the message and staying away. As a consequence Berenzino is hotter than ever.
  6. DayZPvP.com

    Finally, I find the AS50

    Fresh crashes are often camped. You just learned DayZ rule #236 the hard way.
  7. DayZPvP.com

    Any 100% New Player Tips?

    First thing is watch Sacriel's video here Second, read everything you can on DayZPvP.com After that just play. And die. It's fun.
  8. DayZPvP.com

    So suggestions (would add realism IMHO)

    Better drink my own piss...
  9. DayZPvP.com

    So wait?

    Works fine for me.
  10. DayZPvP.com

    How To Get Top Tier Items

    NWAF is fair game 24/7.
  11. DayZPvP.com

    Expert bandit in just one day

    How to become an expert bandit in 2 easy steps: Step 1: Server hop so no body sees you Step 2: Profit Bonus Step 3: Brag on the internet
  12. DayZPvP.com

    Hacked in vechicles

    I have no inside information (beware of anyone saying that they do) but my personal belief is that everything is logged and the people sho are hacking/spawning are simply being put on a big list. Pretty soon thousands of them will be banned in one shot, just like a few weeks ago. Rocket and Co will not say anything until after it is done, then we will get another massive QQ about "I did nothing wrong, why was I banned". The logs don't lie.
  13. DayZPvP.com

    No Heli on server ?

    This poster knows things the same as I do. Choppers are still bugged, but some of the older servers should have them. I also think the leak problem was fixed, but of course the day after that was reported it was also reported that helos were still bugged so who knows.
  14. Lots of servers changing names/settings right now.
  15. Only thing you can do is write it down, or favorite with DayZ Commander.
  16. DayZPvP.com

    Gun and inventory not saving

    I have heard there are servers that are not connected to the hive and thus do not save anything. Make sure you are on a legit server. Also make sure you play for a while after you pick something up so your guy saves. It only saves every 10-20 minutes or so. Other than that - I have had single items disappear, but nothing more than that.
  17. DayZPvP.com

    DayZPvP.com Livestream Page

    added Puddn and cmjkxa
  18. DayZPvP.com

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    Tiny update posted
  19. DayZPvP.com

    Im a little confused.

    The zombies aggro easier, but they are so easy to lose now. Just run through a building, or lose them in a pine tree. I like it a lot more now. Trust me, I am still having a great time, now more than ever.
  20. DayZPvP.com

    New Zombie Textures

    I just stumbled on to these and I think they are great, I am going to post this on my blog.
  21. DayZPvP.com

    Has the Ghillie suit been removed from the game?

    I usually find Alice packs probably at least 5 to 1 for ghillie suits. Probably just bad luck.
  22. DayZPvP.com

    Take the Cherno Challenge

    4. Company Man: Chose either Coke or Pepsi (Mtn, Dew for the truly hardcore) and only drink that, no water or the competitors drinks. However, you must gather the competitors drinks so no one else may find them and dump them in a trash can and burn it. 5. Scared of the Dark: Pick up every single chemlight and flare you can, throw them ahead of you before you move forward. Never, ever, turn off your flash light for any reason.
  23. DayZPvP.com

    My dayZ mentality

    That is an interesting way to go about things. More power to you for doing what you want.
  24. DayZPvP.com

    Apparently I'm playing Dayz wrong

    Trying to compartmentalize and analyze everything that happens in DayZ is pointless. You just have to realize that if you make contact with someone and are in range of direct chat, most of the time (at LEAST 51%) you are going to end up dead. Once you accept that fact you either have to change your play style, or just accept that people are dicks.