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Everything posted by DayZPvP.com

  1. DayZPvP.com


    They don't ban hackers one at a time. It has been said many times before that DayZ logs everything. Pretty soon they will ban those guys. Happened a few weeks ago.
  2. DayZPvP.com

    Odd Teleport Bug

    Another wave of bannings will come and it will be quieter. We have to give them time to get this right.
  3. So you are trying to have the HUD icons toward the middle? I have seen that before.
  4. How did I know they are all common bugs if i didn't read the whole post? Hopefully a mod will make this thread sticky so people will stop making them.
  5. DayZPvP.com

    Is it possible to shoot yourself in the head?

    It's so very.... intimate. Gives the military phrase "nuts to butts" a new meaning. And yes, that is a real military phrase.
  6. DayZPvP.com

    Ok I feel like i've tried about everything

    If you got in once or twice that means your files should be set up, hopefully Caz's idea helps.
  7. I made this today, took me like an hour. OP: these are all very common bugs that we have all seen, and even though I think you put this in the wrong forum, thank you for actually reporting the bugs.
  8. DayZPvP.com

    "Its in Alpha" Statement

    This game is it's own thing. Don't expect Rocket and Co. to do things exactly like they have been done in the past. Alpha is supposed to be for adding new features, however Rocket rightfully feels an obligation to everyone who has bought ArmA2 to give them something highly playable. He has done that. Anyone saying that this mod is crappy for an alpha has obviously never been an alpha tester. Either that or they have bad luck because per hour this game is less buggy than a lot of AAA B.S. *AFTER* release. Even years after release.
  9. DayZPvP.com

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    Just so you guys know the new patch is not out. Ghillie suits and cammo's are gone until at least Wednesday according to Rocket. He said either Wednesday, Thursday, or Monday. He will not patch on Friday (smart man).
  10. I have seen whole camps including 8 tents and 8 vehicles come, go, leave again, comeback again, on and on. Sometimes its cars, sometimes tents, sometimes both. It is hard to say what is a glitch and what was a masterful raid because they can look exactly the same.
  11. DayZPvP.com

    Is it possible to shoot yourself in the head?

    Makes for fun times inside the Green Mountain radio tower.
  12. DayZPvP.com

    Was the power of the m1911 reduced?

    That's the first thing I thought.
  13. DayZPvP.com

    What does everyone do in DayZ's "end game"?

    Correct, by end game I mean: you have Coyote/NVG/GPS/range finder. Vehicles: hoarded, stocked. You have a bunch of guys either chatting on TS, or just "at camp" not doing anything.
  14. DayZPvP.com

    how to remember your main server?

    I don't see that anywhere on the recommended/minimum specs page.
  15. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    That is because you have your hands extended straight out. Anyone who has every shot a gun knows the feeling. Take the thickness of a human body, add the length of their arms, then add the length of the gun. That number is bigger than the width of the door. Works perfectly as intended. If you want to move through a door sideways then stand up or drop your gun. Otherwise go out gun first.
  16. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    It's not an issue at all. It is a realistic part of a military simulator. Nothing to fix, nothing to change.
  17. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    That is because your gun is sticking out. It's part of the game. You can't fit a 4 foot long gun through a 3.5 foot wide doorway (making those numbers up).
  18. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Part of the game is learning to navigate, and getting to where you need to be, If it is so hard to meet up, don't die so much. Alternatively, think of the no spawning with your buddies thing as a punishment for dying. You died. It's supposed to suck, not be "oh good I died, now I don't have to figure out where I am/where to go."
  19. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    I see what you did there...
  20. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Seems it would work, but it won't. Say I am bleeding and need blood. I tell my buddy to get a bandage/bloodpack out of my backpack (good players ALWAYS have a blood pack in their backpack just for this situation. Not good.
  21. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    I hope he doesn't answer that. Stuff like this should not be public. Lets not make it so easy for the hackers/scripters please.
  22. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Although I totally love and respect the players that help each other out, server hopping for loot and server hopping to heal someone is really not much different game-play wise.
  23. DayZPvP.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Cammo/ghillie back! No respawn! Less ALT-F4? Looks like a great patch. Let's get all this BS out of the way so Rocket can get back to adding cool features. Glitchers/hackers/exploiters: your days are numbered.
  24. I have no experience with those UI values, but I will see if I can find anything about it.
  25. DayZPvP.com

    What does everyone do in DayZ's "end game"?

    This sounds fun.