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About Grizzly2O

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  1. 1: How am I supposed to know he's had several other trades go well, and has orchestrated several trades before? Use your brain. 2. It's a classic trick. Tell someone I've got stuff to trade, then when they come, kill them and take their stuff. It's very plausible to assume this is a trap. Use your brain. kthxbai
  2. Grizzly2O

    So why exactly is hacking so rampant?

    Because of a lack of a global chat. Despite this being a realistic survival zombie game, because it has no global chat, the admins can't really do shit because, unless they encounter the hacker, they won't know of it. Plus, since so many servers don't have nametags enabled, you can't fucking see what the hacker's name is. It's a hacker playground. That's what this game is.
  3. The map is in the base Arma game, but the little things like destroyed cars, debris, dead bodies, etc., was hand placed by Rocket.
  4. Grizzly2O

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Will you be adding back a starting Makarov?
  5. Ever since the new patch, or whatever that was, my FPS has hit rock bottom. I can play, but it's almost unbearable and little to no fun; at all. My friends are experiencing this too, so it ain't just me. Help?
  6. Grizzly2O

    Does respawning leave a corpse?

    No, it will leave your corpse.
  7. Grizzly2O

    Need a dayz team :P

    LOL wow bro can't believe I happened across your thread randomly bro. I'm down for DayZ.
  8. Grizzly2O

    Starting Weapon

  9. Grizzly2O

    The Infection is permanent until cured.

    No. Antibiotics are way too uncommon. Even if they were common, still no. It doesn't make any sense that all these guys would have infections. Would it make sense for every new character to start with the same low blood level as your other guy? Or start off with a broken bone? Ir start off unconscious? No, it doesn't.
  10. Grizzly2O

    Starting Weapon

    Hey, I'm new here, and have been playing DayZ for the past few days. I'm absolutely in love! But I have one suggestion. I know that the starting gun was removed, probably because of PVP or something, but I think it should be brought back. I don't mind not starting with food or drink, but starting without a weapon is very limiting. If you alert even one zombie by accident, you have no means of defense. You have to high tail it out of there and leave the supplies you were about to grab. You either have to get luck and lose the zombie(s), or die. Second, if you come across a player or group of players that are hostile. you have no means of defense. So your only option is to some how dodge the bullets and escape, or die. In the long run, I think not having a means of defense in the beginning will deter a lot of players from wanting to continue playing, because of how hard it is for them to find a gun with which they can defend themselves and get supplies. Especially since the best place to find a gun is in cities, which are deadly when you have no means of defense. Thanks for making such an awesome mod! -Grizzly