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Everything posted by QotSA

  1. the fun is still in winning if you're playing a competitive game. you can still find ridiculously hard AI as well. and don't tell me that back in the days you did not expect to win a singleplayer game. "welp, this part is really hard, guess i won't play that game again, lol" you would put up with a lot of stuff, that wasn't really fun. i'll admit that beating some of the older mario games was extremely rewarding, but it was SO frustrating on the way, that sometimes i'd just get really pissed off by playing. if you want that experience again, go play starcraft 2. if i play singleplayer, i play for being entertained, for having fun and to relax. if i want a challenge, i'll play a multiplayer game. simple as that.
  2. this mod started to become my favourite game some days ago, then i didn't play for about a week cause no time, yesterday i updated it. then i spawned in the sea, while i logged off somewhere near the cost, and lost nearly all my gear, but okay. respawned. and it took me 5 lives to get into a town to find a single gun. and 4 hours. i looted an office building, a supermarket, 2 barns and a lot of houses. loads of shotgun ammo though. and 2 maps. the supermarket had 4(!) watches. since i've installed the latest update, the ONLY weapons i've found were 2 revolvers during about 8 hours of playing. this may be bad luck, since some people here claim to be finding weapons whereever they go, but to me, the spawn rates seem pretty screwed right now. a lot of loot spawns are not accessible to a starting player, because almost everything that has 4 walls and a roof holds zombies inside. and you cant deal with them. you can aggro them (i found the new zombies disgustingly attentive as well as most people) and try to shake them, which sometimes works hilariously easy and sometimes not at all. you take a high risk because a single hit may as well break your bones for mostly pretty average loot. often only tin cans. the incident that made me go write this was when i found my second revolver. i managed to prone all the way into kozlovka to the brick building in the center. which took me the quarter of an hour and wasn't challenging or thrilling or anything, but fucking boring. inside, i noticed a lot of revolver ammo, which got me pretty excited, and i actually found one. i was crouch-walking inside the house, the entire time. as i approached the gun, i aggroed a zombie outside the house. i don't know how, both my visibility and audibility were at zero. picked up the revolver, put a bullet through his head, ready to leg it. that shot, however, either aggroed half the village or had 10 zombies spawn around the house. i didn't make it out, because they swarmed in both entrances, and the second hit i took knocked me out. i raged. i love this game, and it is one of the most interesting things i've played during the past few months. but at the moment, it is no fun at all. i've got nothing against spawning without a gun, but finding one shouldn't be that damn hard. even if you find one, you're not garantueed to get it, due to the super-zombies. to the people claiming this encourages teamwork, it doesn't. it encourages not killing fellow newbs cause noone is able to. bandits will still shoot dudes for the laugh, and teaming up is of no use because a teammate without a gun is of no use. so in my opinion, the zombies ability to spot survivors needs to be tweaked down. maybe a little, maybe a little more, but this is obviously a key factor of the game, and since it is in alpha, we may need to go some distance to reach a perfect state of that one. if survivors spawn without a weapon, the zombies need to be severly weaker and, most importantly, should spawn a lot fewer INSIDE houses. thats most of it i guess, i hope you guys keep up the awesome work and manage to design the game in a way so that everyone is satisfied in the end.