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About Silent_Bob

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thanks Bob. I don't have Direct "Off". Not sure what's preventing it right now. Will likely put up a Vent server at some point. Kk thats weird.. you can tab to it but if you type something its not viewable.. hmm.
  2. Love your server, me and a few friends have set up shop here. One request is whats with direct chat being disabled? And is there any way/are you willing to enable it? Other then that stay sexy. :heart:
  3. Silent_Bob

    DayZ Stories

    Shoutout to Hero, you could have been like 90% of the dicks who would kill and loot my passed out body on sight but instead you carried me out of a z infested barn to safety. Even assisted me in looking for something to drink unfortunately we didnt find anything and i died but.. :( Moral of the story.. People like you give me hope for humanity. -Stay sexy.
  4. Silent_Bob

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello all, great mod and hope to see you soon. (some of you not so much perhaps.) Will usually be on when my room mates asleep so i wont be on coms (hence the name) ;). Peace. o7 ps. if you try to kill me rest assured, i will teabag your corpse...