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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. Psyl3nt

    Awesome being a bandit!

    SCUM ! ;p I hate these type of players.... But I will fight for your right to play this way :)
  2. Psyl3nt

    Not playing DayZ until it's fixed.

    I think we are all missing the truly important part of this: Can I haz your stuff ?
  3. Battleye: Disabled That's always a bit of a "funny" thing for admin to do, only one reason I can think of why you would disable the anti-cheat.
  4. Psyl3nt

    Pending Update: Build

    Sounds like a very good idea to me. As long as there is a way to differentiate between the crashes and actual forced logouts (alt-f4). But definitely on the right track. It looks like you are ok to server hop as long as your not re-joining the same server.
  5. I have seen a couple threads about this admin, so hopefully that might inspire a dev to look into it. On the surface it does look like they are abusing their admin status.
  6. Seen a few threads about this admin....
  7. Some proof would be good, if you want anything done about it that is. (we all know it's hard to get as a player due to you not being able to know when the ban is coming), but it's probably going to get no-where wihout something, screenshot / fraps / etc.
  8. LOL umm not sure what to say there. . . . So what your saying OP is that your really a transdimensional hyperintelligent being with advanced delusionary schizophrenia and involuntary narcissistic rage ? (wif m4d youTube skillz bra) (but he's a very nice person).
  9. Psyl3nt

    IRC ban for asking a question

    nub cake for all
  10. Psyl3nt

    IRC ban for asking a question

    It's more along the lines of asking a cop to help you out with information so you can commit a crime. . . I am truly amazed at the level of derp. If you can't work it out yourself, then you shouldn't be doing it. As for ban evasion . . . have you changed your mac address ? (I'd be guessing not) lol why don't you ask one of the mods here how to evade their ban... that'd be a good idea yeah ?
  11. Psyl3nt

    IRC ban for asking a question

    If you're dumb enough to do something like that then you deserved a ban. In fact, your probably going to be looking at one here aswell. Not sure why (hmmm) but game developers tend to have a dim view of piracy, especially when it comes to the games they are involved with.... funny thing that... I'd suggest in future if you cannot work these things out by yourself then give up, there is no hope for you.
  12. Psyl3nt

    IRC ban for asking a question

    LOL you went in and not only admitted to pirating the game, but asked for help to use it ! and you wonder why you got banned ? .....really ? ... I mean ...REALLY ? ! It seems you might be unaware of this... but heres a little "fun fact" for you, pirating the game is illegal. The developers of this mod are to some degree involved with the company that created and sells Arma II.
  13. Psyl3nt

    Is Rocket...

    I think Rocket's some dude who created a cool mod :) Other than that, I don't care, and I don't mean that in a rude way. I think that he didn't make this to make "friends" as such, and having a million or so people want to get to "know" you would be weird :)
  14. Psyl3nt

    NEW WORLD ORDER Electro Church Shootout US 650

    Definitely the sort of thing that shows how this mod shines out amongst all the rest. Thanks for taking the time to put this up on the forums. It also shows all the naysayers what the game can be like.
  15. Since the "new" improved forums I've noticed that I can no longer post an image, at first I thought this was something to do with the forum mods wanting to be rid of memes, however since then I have seen many posts with images in them. with HTML / BBCODE it still won't show... see below In editor I can see them fine, but not once I post. . . .Have seen other posts about this with no answer .... http://wikkedtribe.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/they-told-me-I-could-be-anything-so-I-became-a-douche.jpg
  16. Psyl3nt

    Last resort to fix FPS

    There IS one thing you can try if all else fails : first make sure the game settings are at least "medium", I have heard that below that it puts more strain on your CPU than GPU, and to help your CPU out - once the game is loaded (do this before joining a server), alt-tab out, go to "Task Manager" and right click on the A2OA.exe process and set it to above normal or if your brave, high priority. Doing that "can" help, it's not guarenteed though, and assigning higher priority to tasks like that can make the PC very slow for anything but the process when your running it, so if you like to use Teamspeak and things like that it may cause problems. If your just running the game then it's definitely worth a shot/
  17. Psyl3nt

    Last resort to fix FPS

    Just out of curiousity, have you tried re-booting the pc then doing nothing but load Arma II (Dayz) ? The 250 "should" be able to run it, but really they are a mid-way card not a flagship card like the (8800, 9800, 200,260,460,480,560,580) anything that is outside those are very cheap and well, you get what you pay for.
  18. By the look of things, your the asshat that everyone is sick of hearing over and over with the same shit. so I guess : we have heard your point and we care not for it, so NEXT PLEASE.
  19. Psyl3nt

    Image posts showing only link ?

    That does not work, I have my own site that I host the images on, always worked until the forum was upgraded, the (tried both caps and non-caps), and the , and the HTML versions don't work either. I am beginning to suspect the image must be uploaded to the "media" folder on this site and that may work... I'll test it out. Bit annoying though, I already have all my wanted images hosted, and this could mean I'd have to transfer them over to here :( The attachment seems to kind of work, but still not a full image display, perhaps I can change the width / height of it with bbcode or something
  20. Psyl3nt

    Survival. Not COD. -_-

    Comparing this to any SHTF events that have happened is a bit off, in every event that has happened in the modern world, there is still civilisation somewhere, there is always going to be "someone" coming to help or restore order. In DayZ the entire world as we know it is gone, law, gone, civilisation, gone. There are no consequences for "bad" actions, there is little reward for "good" actions, I think it is pretty accurate in many ways, of course it wouldn't be quite as "bad" but it would not be far off I think. Personally if I had to survive, I would be picking people off from miles away if I could, because it would keep them away fom "my place", and hopefully the area would get a reputation and others would stop coming. Less people roaming around "my place" makes it so my survival chances go up. I would probably kill more people in a real apocalypse than I do in this game (current count 3, and 2 of those I was shot at first).
  21. I've had a couple moments where I've rage quit, but after surviving for a while (about 3 days) I came to the conclusion that the actual "game" is most fun in the first few hours after spawn, that's when you have nothing / need to loot. And everything is a danger, once you have guns / ammo / food / drink / assorted items like map / compass and so on, the game loses a little of it's "tension". Still fun to do, but not quite as intense, so now I don't mind dying at all, it means I'm going back to the most exciting part of the game :)
  22. Psyl3nt

    Survival. Not COD. -_-

    Learn english then come back and rage, and by the way why do you think it's the COD players ? - don't you think they'd well... be playing COD ? The ones killing you in this game are DayZ players. Another butthurt kid crying and raging and trying to blame "CoD players" because they got owned in that game aswell. In the next game you play and get raped in are you going to call all the players you don't like "dayZ players" ? rarely I say this, but it looks like this game isn't for you.... l2play and so forth...
  23. Well, it IS based around a zombie apocalypse, it has zombies . . . by that reasoning it's a "zombie survival simulator". The PvP is the players, that's not the "game" so much, as the players can choose how to conduct themselves in regard to one another. If no-one was really keen on the whole PvP thing, then no-one would engage in it.