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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. Psyl3nt


    Must be something else, I've seen and made posts, with a lot of "language" in them before, there must be more to it . . . . (as far as I know language is not an issue on here, it's common and no one seems to take any great offense to it as we all use it). Are you Sure that the thread you had a suspension for is that one ?
  2. With the succint information you have provided, my professional opinion of what has happened is that : You got kicked off the server....
  3. Psyl3nt

    Randomly Banned in server US 1198

    If you can join other servers then it is NOT a battleEye ban, which means the admin of the server have banned you and put the BattleEye tag on it to make you, and probably us on the forum, think that it was B.E. As you may have noticed if everyone thinks it is BattleEye then they (including myself) will just put shit on you. Admin going out of their way to make something "seem" like a BE ban does look very much like admin abuse... (more of it :( )
  4. Psyl3nt

    Randomly Banned in server US 1198

    You may not have been right at that moment, but sometimes it takes a little time to go through the system, so you could have been banned for running a hack 1 or even 3 weeks ago. Can you join other servers ?
  5. Psyl3nt

    Taking a break from DayZ

    Admin are allowed to ban hackers. They just need some proof, which can be a pain, but yea, they are allowed.
  6. Psyl3nt

    I know...allow me to poison my beans

    Not a bad idea being able to "poison" your own beans, and if anyone loots your corpse they cop it... It would have to make the can unuseable even for yourself, but overall not a bad idea. :)
  7. Psyl3nt

    Taking a break from DayZ

    It depends on the popularity, a better question would be are there any other games / mods that are as popular as DayZ that "don't" have hacker problems... the answer is no. All popular online games have problems with cheaters, it is a constant war, they update their hack, then the anti-cheat updates, bans a chunk that had been too stupid to update their hack, and the cycle continues. This has always been the way.
  8. Psyl3nt

    Randomly Banned in server US 1198

    Battleye: banned for cheating That should pretty well let you know that the ban was not from the server admin (unless they are getting creative with their ban reason). If it is a BE ban, then you have %0 chance of being "unbanned", by the same token, if it is a battle eye ban, then suck shit cause you are a cheater and you got what was coming to you. Thing with battleEye is that it next to never bans someone unless they are cheating.
  9. Psyl3nt

    To the CQF clan

    You died, they didn't. Who's better ?
  10. Psyl3nt

    Day Z going to shit?

    tried turning off Antialiasing and PPAA ? (that can help with that kind of thing sometimes)
  11. Psyl3nt

    UK6379 admin abuse

    Hacker : not admin. Drop that shit and move on.
  12. There is nothing against banning users from teamspeak or forums, if the OP is not banned from the gameserver then there is nothing at all to be gained from fighting about it on these forums. . . . Hopefully it'll stop before shit gets real "serious" and someone busts out the caps lock . . .
  13. I find it hard to believe that idiots like that would have any kind of association with the dev team, if that is true, then may jeebus help us all.....
  14. Ok lets have a look shall we, for those with almost 0 comprehension skills. Side note : You cannot be "banned" from dayZ for doing this. <-- this was directed toward the OP, saying he cannot be banned from DayZ for metagaming or "hunting" a clan. At worst you'll just have a reputation, depending of the "real" circumstances it's be either as a douche or a unfairly treated player. <--- meaning that if what the OP is saying is true then the OP's reputation would be either as a douche OR it would be shown that he was treated unfairly. You come in and complain about others posting in a PUBLIC forum, and then proceed to attempt to belittle others with this "kid" statement, which funnily enough is used most by "kids" . . . Learn to comprehend what you are reading before you reply.
  15. You seem to have a massive problem with comprehension, how about you read my posts then try to understand them, kid. I probably have children older than you, carrying on the way you are makes it look like he is right, you are a fuckstick. In fact after looking both of your "communications" it appears that you are both mentally challenged, and deserve each other.
  16. hmm do I need popcorn for this thread afterall :P Side note : You cannot be "banned" from dayZ for doing this. At worst you'll just have a reputation, depending of the "real" circumstances it's be either as a douche or a unfairly treated player.
  17. LOL - just for that I'd never stop hunting them. And isn't running a "private hive" server not allowed ? (since it would not affect the other servers I don't know). (If a dev reads this can you comment if this is allowed, call it my need to know).
  18. Have you got a "base camp" setup ? - with vehicles / food / protection. Have you formed a type of government over the area you are in ? There is a lot to this game that gets missed because of people getting too wound up into PvP battle, which is fun, but yes it does get "old" if you don't have an "ultimate" objective. And most importantly of all if your leaving .... Can I haz your stuff ?
  19. Psyl3nt

    Can I ban players for Alt-F4ing?

    They are definitely scum, and it would be great to be able to ban them, but I think the reasoning behind the Devs saying no, is that other admin tend to abuse it and just say "they alt-f4'd so I banned them". Very hard to prove / disprove unless your running fraps and even then . . . At least if the devs have it sorted it will catch them all, and clean the game up for everyone. Probably best to let Rocket and team do what they are doing. I'd also prefer if they didn't really say to much about it, so it just "happens" to the people who are doing this. Will be very funny to watch the forum rage after the exploiters are banned.
  20. Psyl3nt

    Can I ban players for Alt-F4ing?

    No. See the rules. It's pretty clear. On a good note, there are changes in the works that will stop this behaviour / punish it and can eventually lead to perma-ban.. from another thread :
  21. Psyl3nt

    Global Banned after update?

    LOL That is all.
  22. Psyl3nt

    what Dafaq? banned!?

    This is pretty bad, but , umm, I don't know lol. In all the time I've played this I've never bothered to read what is and is not "in" the game. Poor on my part, but I figure I don't need to know as I don't exploit / cheat, so there is pretty well no chance that I'd have anything that is not allowed.
  23. Psyl3nt

    what Dafaq? banned!?

    I guess the question is, DID you admit to hacking ? - or is the post above the total post that is in question ?
  24. Psyl3nt

    Arma 2 before Dayz took over?

    We need to implement a new law around here : "If posting while under the influence of hard drugs, you MUST either half the doseage, OR share".
  25. Psyl3nt

    Arma 2 before Dayz took over?

    You do realise these are the DayZ forums yeah ? (so they didn't exist before DayZ).