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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. Have to add, sorry for being spiteful but : If this is legit, I will most certainly piss my pants laughing so hard . . . . . . .
  2. Exactly, notice the IF, you seem to expect everyone to believe you and the others, you want us to "see things from your side of the fence", but it seems you are unwilling to do the same. It's not "narrow-minded" at all to think all these people are cheats who have been caught, I cannot say I've seen 11000 + posts about it, which is the number that BE advertised it had banned. I don't know if that was all a result of this last day, or if there are significant numbers back to june 5. It is entirely believable that a large force of people who did not expect to get banned for using "safe" "[uNDETECTED]" cheats would come to the forums en masse and attempt to get out of it, figuring that the more that do it the higher the chance they will get unbanned. There are those on both sides who want to just hurl abuse, but identifying yourself as one of them does not help your cause, it just makes it look more likely that the ban is legit.
  3. I can't say it didn't cross my mind that I "might" be banned, but I have a firm belief that IF this is truly an error then of course it will be fixed, it might take a little while but there is no way this would occur and they just leave it. So with that in mind, I played as I play normally, I didn't do anything "special" or different, apart from the editing of the startup parameters to include the CPU count, the testing of what happens when you meet up with a hacker I simply cannot reproduce, and the server hopping, I highly doubt that would cause it, I did have suspicion about a script that may be run by the DayZ mod that checks if a player is under fine as they log out or if they are injured or something, and that could be a possibility. I think I've gone more out of my way than most randoms on the internet would to see if this is true. Just saying what it looks like from the "not banned" side of the fence. No doubt if I do get banned I will join my forum rage with your own, but until then I have to say, it's very suspicious and I do have a little lump of joy thinking that this nailed a bunch of cheats.
  4. Probably my last update here (for the night) think I've been pretty open minded, I've played DayZ with the latest patch on both servers that are latest and servers that are not, I've now had the opportunity to interact with various items in the game, moved a fair distance, visited stary, and a few other places on the way, I've used the CPU count parameter, basically tried most of the things that people are saying they might have been banned for due to an error with BE and the update etc. The only two things I haven't done are server hop (which I am not keen on doing as it's just a bad look :) ) - and I haven't had any interactions with hackers on the servers I've played on. Other than that .. .. I have to say that I do believe that this has caught a shitload of hackers and they are very very butthurt, I'll concede there is a chance that this is not true, but I have to say at this point it doesn't look good for them. Other people I know who play have not been banned, a lot of people on this forum have not been banned, the statement I saw on the BI forums did have the term "IF", when mentioning the possibility of error. I know it's easy to say "what if you were in our shoes" and things like that, but I'm not, a lot of people are not, and only you yourself can ever truly know if you hacked or not, I know I haven't / never will, I don't expect you believe me, and I think now you could see how others are having trouble believing the posts that say they are innocent. I know I haven't used a hack, I know I haven't been banned. That alone is about half or more of me believing that your all just upset you got busted doing something you had been sure you would not.
  5. I've been playing now for about 1 hr. No problems still. Hmmmmmm
  6. this is something that really sux with basically all game providers / anti-cheat providers - Your looking at anywhere between 24 hours to 2 weeks before they will get back to you. Unfortunately most seem to be about the 2 week marker more than the 24 hours. Depends on how bad the marketing / managerial side decide this is worth to their sales, and so far it doesn't have a big enough impact for them to give a flying fuck. . . I'd expect if 100,000 or so encountered this it would be dealt with and have "community mangers" making twitter / forum / blog statements about it and it's "urgent" fix that is coming. So far there has been none of that, just a buzz here and there on a couple forums. I'm about to play again, still not banned.
  7. Psyl3nt

    Two Dayz accounts on one IP / 2 PC's?

    It would be best to have a separate user aswell as steam accounts. When you use six to launch the game it bypasses steam launch and uses the serial / profile stored in your windows user folder. It's no problem at all to do on 2 pc's. (or more) I have 7 pc's at home and they can all join the same servers on whatever games we are all playing. All on same IP
  8. The plot thickens, perhaps this isn't a "cheating" ban as such, but something new for the rapid logging / alt-f4 crowd. I check the time zone of the server I am joining before I join, and usually stay on the one server for the whole time I am playing, so that could account for why I haven't been banned with the latest patch etc. It would be very interesting if this was built into the latest BE update to temp-global-ban anyone who server hops. . . .
  9. I would probably need an actual dev to comment here (not sure if they would want to :P ) but I had never seen that before (and not since), but it came up on my screen as I was exiting, a little box above my head said "script error some code I cannot remember but it definitely had something to do with "player_is_under_fire" or something very close to that. I hope that one of the "fixes" in the DayZ code isn't causing this, it would also explain why the Arma II "vets" have not been banned. Well worth looking into..
  10. Something I Have noticed in a lot of the tales from people who are banned is that you all seem to be disconnecting / joining another server in quick succession, perhaps that could be it. I am also starting to wonder if the script that runs to check "is player under fire" or something to that effect is causing this. ? I think someone here would know what that script is (I saw it pop up and error on me one day, and was very curious as to what it was) at the time I thought it might be something in progress to catch people who alt-f4 and so on, by recording if they are under fire or injured when they logout . . . ? ? ? ?
  11. Psyl3nt

    Will DayZ work fine with these specs ??

    .This ^ - the CPU and the rest on those system are "ok", but the graphics cards are not good. Depending on what country you are in you can get things alot cheaper / better by either building it yourself, or paying a shop to assemble a pc that you pick parts for.
  12. Psyl3nt

    Help with new video card

    8400GS Right there is the issue, it does "technically" meet the minimum requirements, but for most games it really is better to have at least the "recommended" specs, otherwise you will definitely have performance issues. You can get a better card than that very cheap, less than $200 . If you have the option an upgrade would be highly desireable.
  13. It could well be that there is a hacker on the server, I did see on a hack forum that if they run the scripts the person they run them "on" can also be kicked. So I guess that could turn out to be a ban aswell. I have tried most things that people here say are contributing to them being banned, and none of it has resulted in a ban for me, the only thing that I can't try is to interact with a hacker / items. So it is entirely possible that is the cause. edit: some spelling.
  14. I've been scanning around the cheat forums looking for "crying" and there is some : I also found someone saying this : It seems like only of the server host sends script logs then the people get banned. It is complete luck of the draw whether or not the host decides to send or not. I make sure that in dayZ sixlauncher i only use scripts on the servers with "BAD" rated server protection.... these ratings are found all the way on the right, you have to drag the window out to see this description. So any server admin out there that haven't done this "send script logs" then please do so :) As far as item interactions, on that note no, I have not used any tents or anything (I don't currently have any due to recent death), I have an AK-74, hatchet, makarov, assorted ammo, 2 tins of sardines and a tin of soda (Coke just in case that matters lol). What I was doing was moving through tulga toward the deerstand there. I have picked up some items but they are things like tin cans and soda.
  15. My setup is Arma II : combined OP (bought through steam) - I use Six Updater to update and launch DayZ (also use Six to update the beta). So far have tried a few AU and ANZ servers. I've never cheated in any game, single or multiplayer (I just don't see the point, if I suck at a game I'll just keep practicing or keep losing :) ) So I don't have any kind of cheat software anywhere on my system. I am using windows 7 64 bit - 8gb ram - GTX 580 - 120Gb SSD (Vertex II) and on 100mb cable internet. Not sure what other information I could give that might help. But anything I can supply I will. Edit: I have manually updated BE (thought it might be wise "just in case") - umm I dunno what else could help. . . oh, I have the latest drivers for my Video Card. AFter reading the below post about the CPU count - : I tried and failed to add this to the six updater launch, so I used the parameters bit in the steam launch, unfortunately I cannot run dayZ through steam ? (it just keeps saying failed to initialize direct renderer 9 or something to that effect then exits). Edit 2: made a new shortcut direct to the exe using "arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -cpucount=4" Game launches, played on one server so far (only about 5 minutes, but so far so good). (so far no ban)
  16. I've basically been trying to get banned by deliberately playing on older patched servers, but I have not encountered any cheaters whilst playing, so that is the only part of the "stories" that I have been unable to try.
  17. There are a lot of cheats on this game (it's almost CSS proportions when it was at it's height, if you played back then you would know it was at least 1 on every server), so it's not unfeasable that there would be thousands upon thousands of cheaters banned and grouping up to campaign to get this reversed, if you look at the cheat forums and sites that sell these, or should I say give them away for a "donation", they are full, and have just as many users as this forum does. Many of them have forked out up to $20 for the cheats, and are probably very upset that their total loss is roughly $50 depending on where they bought A2/OA, it stands to reason that they would mass try to get this overturned. I have latest patch / played on older patch servers, played on latest patch servers, did not get banned, I have also edited my configs for screen FOV (16:9 widescreen fix), no ban. Dwarden has also played with the latest patch and says he has tried other methods and he is not banned. I'm not "afraid" to try these things because if it is in error they will fix it, at worst I would have to go without playing for a week or so, no biggie there are plenty of other games I play to keep my lesiure time just that. At this point in time I am leaning toward thinking that those complaining either have done or do cheat in some way, and have been caught out.
  18. I would perhaps not be so quick to abuse everyone, just in case it IS a mistake, myself I've had no problems, but I might just be lucky. I do find it unlikely that BE would get it wrong, but it isn't impossible. And I'd hate to be in the position of being banned and having no-one even willing to listen. I think they probably are hackers, but I am willing to listen / wait and see before I abuse / troll / give them too much shit about it. (just in case).
  19. Not sure the back and forth is getting anywhere, if anyone has a response from BE or BI, whichever you appealed to / messaged / emailed - it would be good to put it here to help clear the air and give us an indication if this is indeed a case of BE mistakes.
  20. I would be very cautious about handing out GUID's or other unique information, but I guess if your banned now, then it probably won't get any worse for you :) As for the above poster, how about quoting the ENTIRE post instead of the little bit that makes it look like I said something you want me to have said.
  21. Cheaters will often say something "plausable" to try to sound innocent, like ("I edited my config, or fraps, and at the most deperate "my friend or little brother") see it all the time. I am not saying either way if the people in this thread as telling the truth, I doubt ALL of them are legit, but I would hate to think that there are innocent people being banned. I do have the latest patch, I have edited my configs, and I can still play no problems, no ban. So I don't know what to believe.
  22. Just a note on those saying "I KNOW this person would never hack" and so on. A friend of mine in our CoD clan, had been for a long time, spoke to and played with them on a daily basis, for about 2 years, Got Vac banned, of course he said he didn't do it and so on, and we believed him, even stuck up for him, until we went back and reviewed the games (theater), he had been lying all that time, cheating, and still when presented with the VIDEO evidence denied it, still denies it to this day. (we expelled him from the clan / banned from all our servers). So don't be so sure when your "friend" who would "never hack" is banned . . . I had a game last night, all fine, latest patches (I used six to update). So i don't know.
  23. Psyl3nt

    "If this was real life"

    No, cause it's an "infection", if you are not a zombie now after the outbreak then you are one of the lucky few who must be immune to it.
  24. AusArma are pretty good, I think you will find they fix any mistakes, and enforce it if it's correct. :)
  25. It's possible, but I have to say, it's not going to get you anywhere complaining about it, I don't mean that in the "STFU" kind of way, I mean it as honest advice. BE on bans : they don't care, they will not respond, they will NEVER lift a ban placed by their system, end of story, they do not have a phone number or address available to contact them on, much like steam they only reply with "canned" responses. So in that area you will get no joy. From the battleye "support" page : No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored. A shared or stolen cd-key is no excuse. It's your own responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to it. Include your exact (!) global ban ID. The ID is shown in your global ban message ("Global Ban #ID"). If you don't include it your request will be ignored. Do not tell stories. Whatever you are saying about yourself or your situation won't matter. The only thing that matters is the evidence that is gathered for every global ban issued. Do not ask for the evidence behind your ban. No details about it will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information. Do not beg for mercy. If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made. Questions regarding how exactly to get unbanned will be ignored. No support will be given on how to buy a new game or change your cd-key. On DayZ staff, a couple things lately have shown that the staff here have no care to engage in discussions plaintive or otherwise, and again will not do anything. They don't care what you say, what you think, it is irrelevant to them. To the point where I have been told clearly that they don't "have time" to read or reply to posts. So no joy there. Where does this leave you ? : It leaves you in a situation where you have a choice, either re-purchase the game and run the risk of it happening again, or don't purchase it and move to another game. The "tone" of my post probably indicates which choice I would be making in your position. http://wikkedtribe.com/?page_id=537 (shows how much they care).