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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. Psyl3nt

    The game needs nametags

    I think there are many who are not really reading any of the posts 'for' something like this. No one wants to be able to scan treelines or see people from a large distance. I think there are some ok ideas in here.
  2. Psyl3nt

    Sooo 5 Million in first 24 hours..

    I guess sitting on their yachts int he caribbean snorting cocaine from the buttcracks of morrocan schooolboys . . . ;p
  3. Psyl3nt

    The game needs nametags

    Have to say there have been situations where shooting a friendly has either happened or almost happened, keeping a group of people in constant voice communication makes it harder to listen to the surrounding noise and hear anyone else. I think it could be an idea to have the ability to enable a 'friends' colour or something, so they have a slight aura of that colour around them if they are on your friends list. Something like that would need to have an off switch as well in case you are playing against each other. Just something to identify someone quickly as 'friend'. (maybe something in game that only lasts as long as you are all logged on, you meet up toggle the tag and off you go) ...
  4. Psyl3nt

    Hostiles animals

    Lions and tigers and bears oh my !
  5. Psyl3nt

    Death by can opener.

    I for one would like to welcome our new can opener over lords.
  6. I'm not sure about this. It seems random, sometimes I have everything I could want within an hour or so, other times it takes me hours or I just die of starvation travelling to a town. At this stage my answer would be different depending on the day, which I think isn't a bad thing. As for the same loot in the same area, it kind of makes sense, if the people in that house / building were into guns or camping it stands to reason they would have more than one backpack / gun / whatever item. That's the way I justify it anyway :)
  7. I find it runs better. Smoother movement as well, (once you turn off mouse smoothing funnily enough). i72600k GTX580 8gbRAM.
  8. Psyl3nt

    Patch 113860

    Keen to play it. Waiting for servers to update. Change list looks good.
  9. Psyl3nt

    Can there be an easier way to refuel Helicopters?

    I like the airfield idea, it makes sense that an airfield would have the fuel type and ergo be the only place to get it.
  10. Psyl3nt

    Can there be an easier way to refuel Helicopters?

    On the realism note, I wouldn't use a jerry can, I'd run a hose from the fuel bowser / tanker to the chopper and do it that way.
  11. Psyl3nt

    Can there be an easier way to refuel Helicopters?

    I'd be happy to see a better way to refuel the choppers. It's very painful even when you land the chopper right next to the gas station you still have to do a stupid amount of back and forth.
  12. I had a look for the sake of it, from the OP I'd be willing to bet that the offer is meant as genuine, but by someone with very little actual knowledge, everything to do with that site is "free", the domain the host the site is a downloadable free CMS (again an actual web dev would never use this) and if they did out of laziness then they would at least make their own custom theme, not just download one and slap a logo on it :) To the OP nice try, but perhaps you need to do some research into what a web developer does, and learn about it, get a 'proper' paid for domain, create your own site from scratch so you can learn how, if going into 'business' was as simple as slapping up a free site with downloaded content then everyone would be running their own business. You need to consider what would happen if say 20 people or more all at the same time ordered and wanted the claimed setup times / custom pages / blocks / scripts, how would you cope ? ... now imagine those same 20 or so people running you down all over the internet because you failed to deliver what you promise, they will also want their money back, and potentially you could find yourself in legal trouble. On the surface it seems your heart is in the right place, but yeah, research, do some actual work, and when you know you can handle it then give it another go. Oh and your page : http://www.afuclan.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi suspended, due to non-payment / content infraction.
  13. Psyl3nt

    Help Me , Got HACKED!

    Can I speculate ? - Your "friend" offered you the cheats as they are "undetectable" and "just run this man", (which is why you haven't said what the .exe was in either nature or name), the file turned out to be a program that gave your key to your "friend" and they walk away laughing. In the above scenario, I would say it's a lesson you should take note of.... "There is no honour among thieves" (or in this case cheats).
  14. In my mind it would be good if the modders were making, I dunno, something original, not just taking someone elses idea and re-imagining it. But that's just me :)
  15. hey dude, we put a mod in your mod . . .
  16. Merriam-Webster dictionary now defines a clip as "a device to hold cartridges for charging the magazines of some rifles; also :a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm". However, this usage is technically incorrect. In the correct usage, a clip is used to feed a magazine or revolving cylinder, while a magazine or a belt is used to load cartridges into the chamber of a firearm. In essence, the clip stores the rounds of ammunition before being inserted into the magazine, which houses the clip inside for use by the firearm. Most weapons that use clips, such as the M1 Garand, utilize the clip by loading it directly into the firearm. So It's really an interchangeable term. If you are that uptight that slightly incorrect useage of terms (that is common) annoys you then yeah, I think you need to step away from the computer for a while. Do you use the terms Mib and MB correctly ? ... if not then gee... how horrible of you . . . I think most of this kind of thing is people posing as 'military' type people, when really if you have to go this far to prove to yourself... errrr i mean others, that you are 'something badass' ... kind of sad really.
  17. Dude, you're using a .tk address, and the site is a PHP-NUkE / Evolution theme . . . . . . (taken from clan themes theme) lol I'd suggest if you're going to offer a service to people, be able to 'do' the things they will need. Anyone can install a CMS and install a theme. In fact most web hosts offer this as a standard pack when you purchase hosting (I pay $70 per year). This includes domain name / email server, FTP, CPanel and much more. I have seen so many on here trying to make a quick dollar from the rather large forum population here, don't be one of those. If you are serious you should be desinging your own websites to sell, not just skinning freely downloadable themes and CMS that are free and then charging for it . . .
  18. It's going to be hard if that's the case, but contacting BattleEye would be the next move.
  19. Haven't played for a fair while ? Last time you played around the time when the mass bans happened ? Could be because you were not playing you didn't know your key was banned then and didn't appeal so they think the ban was legit. other than that, no idea.
  20. Psyl3nt

    How well can this rig run days?

    It 'should' be ok, your CPU is a little on the low end, but it does meet the requirements for the game.
  21. Psyl3nt

    Why no single player option rocket?

    Could work, perhap with AI bandits thrown in, or something along the lines of a military AI group holding sections of the map, things like that could work. The pvp is good, but when you're wandering through the forest and you hear 'crack' and you are dead because someone was laying in the bushes hundreds of meters away waiting for someone to walk in front of their crosshair it's a bit disheartening. Indication on where the hell bullets are coming from would be good. (people shooting through the map etc), all means I can definitely see why you would want to play a single player game for a while. It's not out of the realm of reason to want something like that. I just don't know if there is that many in the community who are after something like that, and then it comes down to, is it worth it for Rocket to produce something for such a small amount of people. . . .
  22. I've been looking around for a host for a private hive / DayZ server. So far none of the hosts on these forums actually answer me in the threads, and when I visit the websites they all have ads for "private hive" etc, but when you try to purchase the only options are for the 40 slot whitelisted official hive servers. So, I am wondering if those who do have private hives are able to let me know where they are getting the hosting from. Is it simply a case of emailing the hosts ? I know that a dedicated box can be used to do it, but I would really rather just rent a "DayZ server".
  23. Psyl3nt

    Which hosts for private hives ?

    I've actually had one of the community members message me, and they are being extremely helpful. And yeah, I like my sig too :) (I should have asked on here weeks ago).
  24. So every time from now on when someone gets killed by a hacker in COD should we all say "fukn DayZ kiddies" . . . . The proportion of hackers in this game is well beyond that on COD......
  25. Don't know where the 'kiddie' aspect comes from, I think the term is generally used by people who got badly owned in COD and harbour some kind of deep resentment towards the game and it's players, therefore when they try to 'insult' a demographic or try to lay blame for something 'bad' happening to them they immediately call them "COD kiddies" as this can quell their deep seated butthurt by demonising those that play COD as something "bad". I cannot see any other reason for it, it is used in general as a derogatory term, desinged to elicit an emotional response, very similar to just trolling. For myself, as soon as I see the words "COD Kiddie" used in a post to describe someone negatively, I disregard the post / poster as being upset and lashing out at those that hurt them earlier on, as I would a troll post. Are people aware that games have been around for many years that follow the "run and gun" game type, quake / 2 / 3, CS, CSS, COD, CS:GO, BF,BF2,BF3, Ghost recon, the list is almost endless.... If those who like to use the term could just show us on the dolly where the nasty "COD kiddie" touched them, then maybe we can work to rid the community of their immaturity.