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Everything posted by Psyl3nt
None as yet. I've only shot 2 people and they had been taking pot shots at me on the beach while I was waiting for my friend to spawn. I try to avoid it, but it's getting to the point now where I will shoot on sight. So I do plan on comitting a few, just haven't had the opportunity as yet.
Another 12yr old on the forums, making statements thinking they are "pro" lol this "community" has so many like the above. . . . . It's quickly becoming one of the worst so called "communities" I've ever seen online, and to top the CSS trolling community your really achieving something. . . . Thing is, communities built on dickheads abusing others on forums don't last very long at all. (and it's in every thread on here). Most other games this kind of division does not start till the game is well into it's release, here it's only alpha and already it's a troll playground full of fucksticks who think they are somehow entitled to tell others to "play something else" in response to suggestions that they think would make the game better. If you really only want PvE - this game most likely is not heading in that direction as the PvP is actually the main game, the zombie survival side is very small and has little bearing on the game overall. This is a massive deathmatch / foxhunt in one game. But keep the suggestions coming, it's always good to see what others are thinking about the games we play.
Perhaps a "gesture" can be added, say one that puts your arms up as a sign of "not shooting" , something to indicate apart from voice that you are a "friendly" ... lol sorry couldn't even finish that... friendly hahahahaha there ARE NO FRIENDLYs. Shoot everyone on sight, only way to survive, you might just maybe get one person who is looking to "team up", but it's very very rare, and not worth letting someone else shoot you to find out if they are or are not. To be honest the first couple times I've played this I have thought "Wow what an awesome game" - but since mixing with the playerbase , it's clear that i misunderstood just what this game is, it's actually a very poor version of Battlefield, based on the armaII engine. The zombie part of it, which dominates the advertising for this mod, is actually a very small and insignificant part of the game. The actual game, is PvP / deathmatch. The only defining "features" are the need to eat / drink / medical, and of course the "finding" weapons. The rest is just gimmick to make it look different from the other FPS games. It is fun to some degree, I enjoy the "survival" part of the game, but like I said, that is actually such a small part of the game. What I think is really needed is work on the aiming / shooting - mouse accuracy, as the Arma II engine is somewhat poor when compared to other FPS games. I jump on from time to time and wander the wilderness, in a way it's like I am single player, the deeper into the woods you go the more fun it is (IMO) as the amount of players out there are few and far between. If you want to enjoy the survival aspect of the game, go bush, deep and far, don't go anywhere near towns / beaches or really any structure. (it's only unfortunate that going to those places is required to gear up, but once you've been through that, go go go get into the deep bush as quick as you can). If you want to play the "PvP" style, I'd suggest looking at COD / BF3 as they are far and above superior versions, but if your after the survival aspect, then see above.
So are there now gangs of armed Bandits hunting defenseless Survivors?
Psyl3nt replied to Never's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hard to "foster a relationship" when everyone you meet just shoots you, often from afar so theres 0 chance of communication. So yes, there are bunches of bandits that camp the beach to kill newly spawned players. I have not been on a server yet where anyone has actually banded together apart from the bandits. Probably because everyone is so worried that everyone else is going to kill them, so everyone shoots on sight now. -
The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!
Psyl3nt replied to Legacy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So much "bitterness" toward the percieved "cod" players. What happened ? - did you all get owned savagely when you attempted to play COD and now it's all you think about to the point where anyone in any game that annoys you must be a "CoD player". It just makes you look like more of a child than the ones your pointing the finger at. I mean geez, sucking at a game isn't the end of the world, get over it, your not playing CoD anymore obviously, move on. Just because your "skillz" are nil or your all "mad cause your bad" doesn't mean you can't be "good" at DayZ and play it without dripping bitterness about your previous butthurt. -
Thing is, if we want "realism" then blood would regenerate, perhaps make it so you need to drink / eat more to keep regenerating blood. The broken bones should not "heal" in a short time, although it is a little too easy to occur at the moment. Perhaps make it one week of in game time to heal, if you've been crawling around for that long then hey, you deserve to have the bone fairy fix it. Alot of trolls in this community, it's going to be the downfall before any game mechanic causes it. Alot of the attitudes here seem to be coming from children. Like the comments of "stfu" etc, what are you 12 ? If you cannot override your forum tourretes then perhaps you should back off a bit and let the adults discuss things.
Seems to be the way of it, you either stop playing the game at all or join the others in "on sight" killing. It's really the only way, there are just too many people hanging round PK'ing - I have not as yet met one single player on any server who has not shot me given the chance. So don't give them the chance, kill first. Sledge obviously has two dicks...... you can't get that silly playing with just one.
Cannot avoid hackers in any game really, they're always there, always being what they are (dickheads), best to ignore them, as the act of hacking / cheating on a gameserver is pure trolling, and any response to them feeds them.
So what "purpose" does this wire serve apart from locking other players out of buildings ? oh..none ... since Zeds can just walk through it, only players are affected by it. I agree that it should not be so difficult to take down / navigate over it, we can go the "realism" angle, and well those types of fences would be easily navigated. Again the player base is it's own worst enemy, there is no reason that I can see where the use of this wire would benefit anyone unless your server hopping / loot exploiting. IF you actually have a valid / non-griefing / non-exploiting use for this then pray tell.... Those posting the "it's in the game deal with it etc" - are obviously "intellectuals" who are far far above everyone else that it's not worth their time to actually construct meaningful sentances, so perhaps they should not bother, and instead stick with their other "mensa" buddies and leave us mere mortals to discuss things without their attempted input. I'd like to see loot spawns are totally random, anywhere not just in the same places all the time, this would discourage things like this. Obviously places like the hospital would have specific loot that is going to be there (bandages / assorted medical supplies) - but things like guns / ammo / food / tools, if spawned in totally random locations could work.
I have not noticed that in Australia, we have about 8 or 9 servers to choose from, but they are ALL full, ALL the time :( I looked into renting one myself, but at over $100 per month it's just not going to happen. . . . Are there any server lists around that are "unofficial" ? (do not show up in the server browser in 6 / gamespy) I want to play this game, but cannot, as a lot of the overseas servers have a ping limit on them now and I get booted. Great game....if you can actually get on to play it that is.
At this stage I'll have to settle for just donating to the AusArma group, they provide a few servers (god knows how), and I would like to contribute something towards that. I have hardware on hand that can easily host this, but my bandwidth is not up to it. I only have 100mbit and it's limited to 500Gb a month :( - Bandwidth in AU is expensive. I was up till now using the Six Launcher to join games, but now I've changed to using the in game browser, I am finding it a lot easier to join by spamming enter :)
Well, there you have it, I retract my previous statement, it must be pretty cold there to get those temps. That IS a nice CPU cooler you have there. And I took the 38 as at %100 load, my bad. As I said earlier I've never seen a system of that spec, at those temps, but then I guess Australia must be a fair bit warmer than Canada. Good work on the system there. (I make the assumption it's something you've built, as it looks too clean / organised to be a shop bought pc).
The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!
Psyl3nt replied to Legacy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I just want to know why it seems everyone who is being an asshat (subjective) in game is immediately labelled a "COD" player . . . . Is this community made up of nothing but bitter nubs who got pwned in COD all the time ? and all they have left is to make posts claiming that any "bad element" in any game they are playing must be "COD player" etc . . . . . It seems far more "childish" than the behaviour of the ones they are pointing the finger at. I play COD, and I'm pretty good at it too, I also play CSS, BF3, and now DayZ, and my main objective is simply to survive, the group I play with, all are from my COD clan, and they too wish only to survive. Is it ok for us, those who play COD, to say that all the bandits and exploiter type players must be from the old "Arma II kiddies" group ? Why ? - No idea, could be any group. How about we look at it like this : DayZ is a "new" mod , those playing this mod are coming from all kinds of different games, regardless of if it's COD, or Bejeweled, they are here and they are playing whatever way they like. Labelling one particular group as the ones who are the "problem" is completely unproductive and only causes friction in a community that is only really just starting out, and could probably do without the division. Yes the bandits are annoying, especially the ones who camp at known spawn locations, but the thing is, every FPS has this, not one single FPS game has ever been made where one group does not exploit the "noobs" or take advantage through less than "honourable" means. Does this mean you have to join them ? IMO - no, but it seems to be what is occuring, most people now shoot on sight. So really your becoming the thing you hated and felt the need to call others names for. . . . -
The servers I was looking at are branded as "ArmaII" servers at $120.00 per month for 38 players. $400 a month is ludicrous...... I don't mind donating to keeep servers running, but wow, $400, that is just nasty ! Need to turn the game into a social psychology experiment and get the government or university to pay for the servers :P At that price, I am surprised that there are any servers at all. . . . .
As a new player, This mod is so difficult its un-playable.
Psyl3nt replied to HamHamm's topic in New Player Discussion
To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd
Psyl3nt replied to RJ Macready's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The game is fine in it's mechanics / difficulty. The only thing that will make this game "un-fun" :P - is the players themselves, spawn camp ing is one of those things that will turn this game into a no-play zone for many. Whats the point of logging in if when you spawn on the beach you are shot from 1km away by someone with a sniper rifle hiding in the hills waiting for you to spawn. They don't even collect the meagre loot you spawn with, just killing for the sake of it, there to ruin others game experience. And it's becoming more and more common. Fair enough if your wandering around the bush / towns and come across someone and your a "bandit", but deliberate spawn camping is such a lame act. It's people who know that since you now spawn weponless / defenceless that they can just sit there with no fear of reprisal because you simply cannot fight back, you have to run around trying to "dodge" bullets and we all know how effective that is . . . . . . -
Confess your sins here - The worst thing you've d
Psyl3nt replied to Maedis's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I love all the "I felt horrible" etc in this thread, I'd wager that none of you feel "horrible" at all and in fact feel "glee" at killing innocents. I was playing as a "survivor" trying to be nice to people but all it's gotten me is shot, so I shoot anyone on site now, and this is what the game will become thanks to all the people like those in this thread. So when it's so completely rooted that you can't last 2 minutes from spawn due to PK's I hope none of the names in this thread are on the forum whinging about it :) -
My fears regarding the future of DayZ
Psyl3nt replied to kumiiyo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
oh, I guess I should have read a bit more about the context of the mod :) I had assumed they where the "undead" type zombie and of course had supernatural abilities etc. In the case of "infected" humans, then yeah, they are a little bit over the top in that context. I have to say that I do like the way they move, it looks very scary especially when it's a little dark. So far I haven't had that much trouble with them, I do my best to avoid them, the most difficult thing in this game is avoiding the players. Last night there were two players camped together just above the beach near Cher**** (some russian name I can't think of off the top of my head) . Picking off people as they spawned. That kind of playing is just so lame, and fairly frustrating. On the beach there is little cover and having nothing at all you can fight back with makes things that much worse. Basically you have to spawn and full sprint to the nearest treeline and hope they don't pick you off on the way or keep following you till they get you. There needs to be some kind of downside to just killing people. -
What about the teams...... How about opfor - ppl who have not killed anyone and another type lol is the amount of people on the server who have commited murder. But have no actual visual indicator that they are or are not, This would show the "tone" of the server and indicate the level of caution needed.
Admin should be able to have reserve slot for themselves and a couple others, I mean they pay money every month for the server and are currently in a position where they might not be able to even play on the server. I don't run a Dayz server, but I do run several of other game types, and taking away an admins ability to play at will on the server they pay for will result in there being very few servers to play on (as there are now). The biggest downfall with this game is not being able to get on for a game, no-one wants to host a server that they might not get to play on, and have no control over. Combine that with the massive cost of the servers and you end up with very few. Every person I've introduced to this game has now "given up" because they couldn't get onto any servers to actually play. The overseas servers kick us because we have a high ping (fair enough), and all the local servers are full, all day every day, you have to sit there connecting over and over and over again to get in (and then you get shot by another player) ... j0y . . . Could the admin not get say 5 reserve slots or something . .. I'm all against admin abuse etc, but I do know from experience that a lot of players like to make the admin seem like "power crazed" douches, but this isn't the case and usually it's the player has been reprimanded for doing the wrong thing and wants to "get some back" at the admins.
I was looking at 2 player servers the other night, it was the only one that had a slot free, the only reason I didn't join it was because it was only 2 players, I thought it must be a private one or something.
Something needs to be implemented, and funnily enough it's through no "fault" on the games side, it's the players making it this bad, and the players calling for fixes lol I have since I started playing had NO interaction with anyone on the servers that I didn't know in real life, where they haven't started shooting at me on sight. I do like the crows idea, it fits well with the game. I don't mind the arm-band idea either, but if we are going for total realism (then why can't I use a stick to fight) - then yes bandits would not be advertising it.
Solution for server hoping to gain position.
Psyl3nt replied to PintOfBass's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
/signed Top idea. I've been killed a couple times because of this. Someone camping in the castle, they shot two of my companions on the way there, and when I rushed up the stairs they had "disappeared" , while I was looking around for them, they re-connected behind me, shot me dead, them disconnected again before the remaining companions could get up the stairs. It's a very low act to do this, perhaps a "no-kill" time frame when you spawn in, you have 10 minutes where you cannot kill / attack any person, it would slow it down a bit. But the OP suggestion seems pretty good aswell, shorten the time frame, maybe the 15 minutes or so mentioned above.