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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. I have 2 others on the same connection as me and we all play together on the same servers, never had an issue.... As others said the message is just a standard server message, never heard of "GOOGLE" ? Never heard of investigating before having a tantrum ? Try turning on or off, basically whatever it is now, change it to the other , UPNP in your router config.
  2. Psyl3nt

    Will Arma 3 actually be optimized?

    What graphics card are you using ? Game is max settings and runs fine on my pc (specs below). I will say there could be some more "polishing" though, it is a little rough round the edges, but I put that down to the immense map sizes.
  3. Psyl3nt

    US 46, the admins are disgusting

    Seems like the admin are perfectly reasonable, it's not their fault you lost your bike. They did the right thing, they told the server what was happening.... You can't expect them to always know an hour in front, that the server will need a re-start.
  4. Only thing is though, how do you propose the players "get evidence" when they are banned without warning ? How are they supposed to achieve this ? Please inform us. (there is no way, which is why the onus of proof is on the server admin, in both accusation and defence, this is the way it is for most online games aswell, if you've run gameservers for other games you would know that this is the case, any other way is open to a lot of abuse) Making statements that tell players to "not post on the forums without evidence" is basically saying to never report anything as unless they are recording their every move / game then it won't be possible. Being a server admin means you are going to cop a lot of flak, there are plenty of people who want to abuse you and accuse you of various things, it is however one of those things that is unavoidable, you need to get some thicker skin if this bothers you.
  5. Psyl3nt

    No wonder people hack!!

    I've soiled me armor . .
  6. Psyl3nt

    No wonder people hack!!

    So much wrong with this, where to start ? Ok for one lets have a little lesson on definitions of things in regards to the internet and gaming specifically, in a video game a "hacker" is not a "smart person who likes to explore the possibilities and capabilities of hardware and software, often finding out new ways to use the same hardware or software for often unintended purposes". A "hacker" in a video game, is defined as some dickhead who has payed and downloaded a program written by someone else who uses this to gain an unfair advantage in the game, often this is in the form of "aim bots, wall hacks, ESP, damage reduction / mitigation, and so on". Regardless of the background of someone who cheats in an online game, they are still just cheats, so if they do it because they are angry at the game or mod, or if they do it because they get a thrill, or because they are just trolling, it still amounts to the same thing at the end of the day. A cheat, and liar. Do not confuse the two, we can argue semantics, but in the video game "world" the term has come to be associated with being a cheater. If you want to "have a go" at the DayZ community in general, then don't try to disguise it through some pretense of being a "hacker" who is offended by the communities references and wishes to fight back. Some one who DDos's in not a "Hacker" by any stretch of the word either, they are simply "script kiddies", this term is used to describe someone who is either young or young in the head, who downloads "scripts", usually things like python/perl scripts, (see SlowLoris and others), and uses them to attack servers, most times they use a botnet, but I won't go into a long winded explanation of that right now. So don't hide behind being something your not, just say so if you think the community sucks.......
  7. Psyl3nt


    It is sad to see this kind of thing, but having been involved in a situation recently that may have some bearing on this, I can say that perhaps you have done the right thing. The community is somewhat tearing itself apart daily, and no self respecting clan would really want to be in the middle of all that. At least you have the maturity to put your position across and I'm sure no one will think badly of your clan for doing this. All the best, and perhaps in future when the mod and playerbase has matured a bit we may see you all back.
  8. Psyl3nt

    Modding DayZ

    I'd think that given this mod is in alpha, and it's being treated by many as a "full" game it's clearly going to be a fairly "large" release and will have most likely have a staggering user base when it goes full release. There is another possibility, and that is that this mod will never be a full release and is instead a testing ground for Arma 3, and a gametype that may be included in the full game. Perhaps it will be a "mod" for Arma 3 and not a part of it, it so very early and new it's hard to say what will happen. To release the information to the user base that enables them to mod the mod would also mean that yes, hackers would have easy access to that which enables them to create better hacks for the mod. Not a good thing, also to create a modding engine / package would require almost as much time and effort as creating the mod itself, and being in alpha means that this effort is best spent completing the mod before anything like that is considered. my .02c
  9. Psyl3nt

    Banned From on3 Servers.

    If it is an admin placed ban then the lifting of the ban isn't that hard to do, if it's battleEye then yeah, much more difficult, if not impossible.
  10. Psyl3nt

    Banned From on3 Servers.

    If the ban was placed in that way, it could be a battleEye ban, in which case I would be inclined to think that there is more to this. It is not often that a automated anti-cheat system will ban for "unjust" cause.
  11. Psyl3nt

    It´s Possible or hack?

    So if I am reading that right, they have played for half a second ? (or is it 5 seconds or 5 minutes ? ) If that is the case then it is obvious they have cheated or the leaderboard is bugged.
  12. Psyl3nt

    Banned From on3 Servers.

    Touchy this one, as in the circumstances are a little "off" for a ban. Myself, I do not know all the weapon types and vehicles etc that are "supposed" to be in Dayz. Now, it could be said that it's the players own fault, but are all players expected to read / learn / and memorise the "allowed" list of items in game ? I only have sympathy in this case because I myself have joined a server that I later found out was a "hacked" server, there is no way to tell and being banned for something that is in many ways beyond your own control isn't very fun. I can see the admin's reasoning though, if they know what weapons should or should not be used, and someone is using one of the weapons that they should not have access too, then yeah, I can see the ban being reasonable. I'd like to see the outcome of this, as in my mind if the above situation is correct then the ban shouldn't stick. It was however rightly placed but once clarification of events, i.e, the player has explained how they came to be in possession of the weapons is heard then yeah. I would be "watching" that player in future though, as in this case it's easy to just say "I picked them up" and get unbanned and do it again. I'm not saying that this is the case, it's just something that an admin would be thinking of
  13. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I believe most of my posts are directed towards "Lefty", or are you using "dual accounts" on the forums ? How many other accounts do you have on here ? Perhaps enough to post as other people in support of yourself ? All I have gotten out of you in this thread is abuse and insults, including insults directed toward my country of origin. I have no desire to play on a server hosted by anyone with the mentality that has been displayed here. I would also say that any doubt I had about the admin abuse complaint being invalid, are completely washed away by your conduct, if this is how you behave on forums, then I can only imagine how you behave in game. It was your own remarks that have "formed my opinion" and from experience with people who act this way they are rarely ever not guilty of breaking the rules and doing the wrong thing which in this case was to ban a user from your server for the wrong reasons.
  14. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Another "brilliant" and "witty" post :) My your parents must be proud, be sure to tell them tonight before they tuck you in. Keep em coming, I like this thread being constantly in the "recent posts" list as it's more likely that others will see it, and read your comments. Which will of course give you a "great" reputation as a mature, intelligent individual. :) It's good to see members of this 7th Operations representing their group so well. :)
  15. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Keep going please, your definitely showing your true colours here, and I think it's good for the various mod teams to see the type of person you are, it helps a great deal when weighing such decisions as banning a server from the whitelist. You should perhaps edit your recruitment statement as : The 7th Operations is a unit for ARMA II in which there is mature, serious gaming, Clearly does not describe your "group" at all. Perhaps if others see your conduct on here they will be much more "informed" as to what level of maturity is present in this group.
  16. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Meaning that you have no reasonable or sensible reply, and have actually done the wrong thing and know it full well. You will get your just desserts in good time. Good luck running "your" server(s). :)
  17. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Good luck with anyone ever having any sort of respect for you. I've been running gameservers for over 10yrs - so luck has nothing to do with it - it's simply a matter of doing the right thing. Also It's clear from that response that you have neither the mental capacity nor the inclination to reply to people with anything more than trollbait and some misplaced sense of self importance. Or was it that once an "adult" got involved the children don't want to play anymore ? You will have to excuse me' date=' I do not relate to your generation. I gave up the leet speak about 13+ years ago. As for numbers in my name, I gave that up about the time pagers faded out of style. I see you are in your thirties, so I am not sure why you are still stuck in that era, all I can conclude is, 1. you still live at home or 2. it's the fact that you live in down under, which may not of received the memo yet. I know they are quite behind the times when it comes to following the trends of the US. In any case, you must be really proud, running gameservers and all. That's a great accomplishment and you should really be proud. I must be out of your league, or at least not 'leet' enough for you. Great to see you hanging out in my thread and giving your highly decorated opinion, it's quite an honor, really! You may have not caught on yet, so let me go ahead and spell it out for you... I don't care if you respect me or not. I don't care if you play on my server or not. I don't care for your opinion. You are better off wasting your leet speak in another thread to someone who actually cares. Thinking that your leet resume of running a shitty game server is going to impress me, is LOL in it self. You don't like how I run things? Point taken. You don't have respect for me? Point taken. It won't change a damn thing. Hav3 a nic3 day mat3!!!! [/quote'] Yes, because my posts are full of this elite speak are they not ? And isn't making disparaging remarks about someones country of origin akin to racism ? Once again telling of the mentality of the person who makes such remarks. "Thinking that your leet resume of running a shitty game server is going to impress me" It's more along the lines of someone who has been running game servers for long enough to know what is and what is not acceptable conduct for admins telling you that your conduct is out of line. "I'm not even sure what your point is or what you are even here for." This is largely the problem, you do not seem to have the capacity to understand these things. And this thread was created by someone who has a complaint about your methods of admin, so I would be safe in thinking that this is far from "your thread". Last time I checked a public discussion is just that, public, and can be commented upon by anyone. You brought me into this discussion, for want of better term, by attempting to create some kind of animosity with your childish name calling and feeble attempts to elicit some kind of "anger", which is by definition trolling. In one post you are trying to defend your admin decisions and in the next you are saying things like you don't care if people play on your servers, you don't care what others opinions are and so on. You have displayed a complete lack of respect for those who admin the forums here, you have shown a complete lack of respect or care for the player base whom you say you "serve" by hosting a server. And you have shown that you have no care for the dev team that administrates this Mod. And regardless of what you "want" to hear or not from me, I will say this, and I would advise you to take heed. Server admins who are engaging in this type of activity will be blacklisted, it is clear as day in the rules, by your action and behaviour you have clearly shown that you have no regard for the rules in place, which you agreed to upon renting the server for this mod. So I would suggest if you want to remain a host that you pull your head in and behave like an adult, instead of a spoilt little child who has had their boo boo smacked. It may take a few weeks for the server to be blacklisted but it does happen, and in your case I think it will. Perhaps when you grow up a bit you may be able to understand.
  18. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Good luck with anyone ever having any sort of respect for you. I've been running gameservers for over 10yrs - so luck has nothing to do with it - it's simply a matter of doing the right thing. Also It's clear from that response that you have neither the mental capacity nor the inclination to reply to people with anything more than trollbait and some misplaced sense of self importance. Or was it that once an "adult" got involved the children don't want to play anymore ?
  19. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Not sure' date=' I am on vacation brother. [/quote'] Wow, You are really that stupid ? - I don't run gameservers off my home pc LOL I have dedi servers to run them in a datacenter . . I'd love to know what your "opinion" of my personal computer specs has to do with you abusing admin capacity on servers ? Or was that some kind of sad sad attempt to make me mad ? (again for what purpose I don't know - and again it really shows the mentality, that of a child. It is very clear that your an abusive admin, your posts in this thread alone show you for what you are. Probably some 15yr old with daddies credit card or god forbid your running the server off a home pc and connections. Again I don't think "proof" would be needed in this case, this thread and the behaviour of the so called admin are proof enough of how they manage their server.
  20. Psyl3nt

    Can't start up combined operations.

    Same here, I think that by replacing the A2CO.exe with the beta .exe has borked the game. To fix it, replace the beta A2CO.exe with the original one, (haven't tried this, but common sense says this would work). It did say to make a backup copy of your A2Co.exe
  21. Psyl3nt

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I have to say from the "attitude" shown by the hosts in this forum, a complete lack of respect for anyone at all, telling Mods to "go fuck themselves" and so on. It's clear that this was a case of admin abuse, and those tomcat servers are ones to be avoided, they sound like children on a power trip. Not the way to run a server. (oh and before the bullshit, I run many gameservers, not DayZ ones, because it's just too expensive for bandwidth in this country). I run multiple COD servers . . you think YOU have to put up with bullshit, try running that games servers for a few years and see the crap that goes on.... Any credence these hosts had was lost the second they responded to reasonable requests with insults and abuse. I can only hope they end up blacklisted so they can "re-think" their arrogant, self rightous, idiotic, dis-respectful, head-up-arse attitudes.
  22. Psyl3nt

    Addition of Horror Elements

    these ideas are all so good.... i think a little wee came out :P Corpses hanging from trees etc there is just so much that could be done with it. Though all that kind of thing adds to the processing requirements, but maybe with a better optimised system.....
  23. Psyl3nt

    Please wipe everything

    I think that being "attached to your gear" is what makes this game (for me anyway), otherwise all the tension and "fright" would not be there. I'm not scared of dying (it has no real consequence), I AM however scared of losing my gear, it's more valuable than my characters life.