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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. The server is being tested for something or other, jeez, no wonder the admins are getting the shits, people are posting "admin abuse" over every little thing, a lot of which isn't even "abuse". The server says "don't join" - why would you join it ? - just to create some problems / drama ? .
  2. Psyl3nt

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Can I have your stuff ? (if you've anything left before you go).
  3. JUDITH: Here! I-- I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies. FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry. Considered a "serious" response, but I think if I posted one it means I failed a sarcasm / taking the piss check or something.
  4. Psyl3nt

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Once the staff are involved then is there a need to post proof here ? The proof is being given to the only ones that matter, the ones who make the decisions. Admin here seems to be following the "rules" and is talking to the people required, not putting it on the public forum for everyone to flame / argue over.
  5. Psyl3nt

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    Indeed there wont be much ACE feedback from "CoD people" like me, because the first thing I see in your topic is "CoD kiddies" , it automatically makes me think that the following post must be a "whinge" of some description or written by someone who has some kind of chip on their shoulder about some imagined group that spoils their fun. To me this seems to be a case on fanboi-ism, it is present in most FPS unfortunately, my FPS is better than your FPS, so you must be a "kiddie" or any number of other names that people like to call each other. But once again I make the statement that the people playing this game are DayZ people, on account of them playing THIS game. I would say that most people play a number of games, so which one do we pick to make snide remarks about them, claiming the community of another game are "kiddies" and therefore any such behaviour in "your" FPS community must by default be the result of the other group coming in and "trolling". I would advise you to look at the forums here, take a good look around and see the level of maturity displayed amongst the threads. I think you will find that this community as a whole is on par with any other, and has just the same elements etc, it's not specific to a game, it's just something that happens in all online gaming communities. To make remarks against one or the other is just causing more and more animosity between everyone, and at the end of the day any "real" topic gets ignored and the animosity just grows. Am I "mad" ? - No, I am however trying to interject and perhaps help in stopping that kind of thing, because by my reasoning, if it gets sorted in one community, then it will hopefully spread, as once again, most of us here are probably a part of many such gaming communities. (and the term "CoD Kiddies" is not a "meme", that's like saying "CSS Kiddies" is a meme, it's not, it's just a way for one group to mock the other nothing more nothing less, you can put any game name in front of "kiddies" and have the same result).
  6. Psyl3nt

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    Once again, you know they are "COD Kiddies" how ? do they proclaim themselves as such ? OR is it like above, that you just "need" someone to blame for the bad apples in THIS game, you know .. the DayZ kiddies ? Your just making an assumption, and to make an assumption like that I have to make an assumption that you must bear a grudge against those who play COD, which is why I think it's a case of bitterness at getting owned, I mean why else would you have this "vendetta" against people who play a different game than you.
  7. Psyl3nt

    how many ppl will quit when.....

    I personally think sniping from afar is "cheap" but that's for me, the way I play I would consider myself "cheap" for doing it, but you can't really say that others are cheap for playing that way, it's a part of the game, and the best way to deal with it is to use better tactics to counter it. DC'ing IS cheap, and an exploit, it is not "working as intended", whereas sniping is, so there is a big difference. What's cheap for one player may not be for another, we don't all play the same way, and we don't all really have the right to tell others how to play as long as they are playing within the scope of the game and it's intended workings. It's just another obstacle.
  8. Psyl3nt

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    No we are not butthurt. The CoD trolls are the people who raid games and act like its a shoot em up server. every single one. They are nothing but trolls. As i made my post I laughed. I was thinking that one would say' date=' No ACE is too hard. It would ruin my kill streaks and I can run forever no more. Wtf?! This game sucks. Blah blah blah. [/quote'] How do you know this ? - do they all wear tags with COD PLAYER on them ? Or do you just make this assumption based on ....... ?? I play COD, I play CSS, I play BF3, I play DDO, I also play DayZ, so which of those 'groups' should I be pigeon holed into for the sake of you having someone to point the finger at ? Let me say this, the trolls in this game are DayZ trolls, they play THIS game, otherwise they wouldn't be here, it's people from this very community who are trolling it. You really think that someone is going to take the time and effort to buy a game specifically for the purpose of trolling ? - and you also think that those same people who would do this incredibly unlikely thing are also COD players exclusively ? Which leads me to ask the question, is it because you got pounded in COD and are now bitter about it, so anything that annoys you in any other game must surely be the "COD" players who are doing it ? The very statement "COD kiddies" is trolling, so your in many ways guilty of the same thing you are calling out another unrelated group for.
  9. Psyl3nt

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    Stopped reading at "COD kiddies" , if the topic itself is attempting to insult someone, then the rest of the post cannot possibly be anything of worth. What is it about this mod community and COD players ? - did you all get so badly owned in COD that it's left you traumatised and unable to say anthing without including some negative comment about "COD kiddies" etc . . Seems like some very butthurt people out there...
  10. You can get Arma II combined operations on steam for $30.00 AU. (includes Arma II an Operation Arrowhead) I tried the free Arma II and basically it wouldn't let anyone register etc for the download, gave up and just bought it (which I suspect was the idea). Feel free to try though : www.arma2.com/free/
  11. Psyl3nt

    Will Arma 3 actually be optimized?

    I think you need to have a closer look at your pc, if you getting FPS lag then something is not right. A "top of the line" system isn't posted anywhere in this thread. My specs are my sig, (it's not "top of the line" either), and I run it max no problems never any FPS lag, so I don't know what others are doing . . . .
  12. Psyl3nt

    Which Pc would be better for play DayZ

    Both of those systems should run this game fine. You may have to drop the draw distance, but I'd say it'll be ok. You don't need "high-end" gear to play this, mid-range is good enough to run it at max.
  13. No more memes pfft ban me now . Memes are a part of every forum community, to ban them would be a first. If you don't like the community, don't be a part of it. Now if the majority of a community are engaged in those kinds of activities, and there is a small minority who don't like it, then who is "out of place" ? - the minority or the majority ? (regardless of being a moderator or not). The community is what it is, trying to force a change on the larger part of it will only result in that larger part basically going "away" and there goes your community, all that will be left is a few who post in agreement with each other with a total lack of humour. Nothing wrong with memes, they are a quick way to say something without typing out a half page, I think if people have trouble comprehending the meme, then they probably don't have much chance of understanding the text. In many ways this shows the level of detachment from the actual community, if you want a homogenised, pre-teen friendly, non confrontational, meme free forum, then perhaps the sailor moon forums are a better place for your moderation. I always have and always will use memes where I feel they are appropriate, so yeah, if that's a "problem" for you then ban me. The internet can be summed up funnily enough with a meme.
  14. Government agents, trying to assess the state of the area, kill them before they authorise a nuke strike from the secret underground government base (UN)
  15. Psyl3nt

    This game feels neutered.

    I can also see for many miles - check settings as mentioned above...
  16. Personally I don't have an issue with players being kicked for Clan members, as long as the server is the "home" server of the clan. I know that is somewhat "taboo" in this game, but every other online game has this, and yes some do abuse it but the majority do not. In my thinking the Clan is paying for the server, so really they have first call as far as getting in, most host game server so they are guarenteed a place to play and will have their group on there nearly always when they are playing. And really there are not many clans that would have more than 10 or so people on the same game at any one time (apart from organised runs / competition), so for me I don't mind. Because of the rules laid out by the dev team in this mod, this is not something that really "should" happen, perhaps in this case the admin could just ask : "hey, would anyone mind changing servers, a clan member would like to play here as it's our home server". I'm sure someone would leave in that case (I would).
  17. Psyl3nt

    Own up.

    I shot my first person last night, have been alive for just over 2 days, 20 zeds killed. I was at green mountain, investigating the radio tower, I swore I could hear someone rustling around in the bushes outside the fence line, I crept back to the tower and just as I got there I see someone crouched in the corner of the hallway, I get shot a few times, and return fire hitting him also, I backed away round the corner and quickly bandaged myself, then swapped to the winchester 1866, crept back to the doorway and there he was laying prone in the hall, he opened fire again, but my two shots hit him in the head and he died. I was far from "unscathed", had to use my morphine (broken leg), lucky I only lost about 1000 blood. I think if they had a larger / better gun, I would have been done for. But that's my first PK.
  18. Psyl3nt

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    Hmm yea I had a sneaky suspicion it might be something like that, must be only things like microsoft where reverse engineering can land you in court. Shame... I'd love to see some kind of real world consequences for using / selling hacks. (I know it says "donation" on those sites, but everyone knows no donation no hack, so I look at it as a bought and paid for service.) Dynamic Ip makes it hard, I wouldn't imagine to many of the game cheats (hackers) would bother bouncing to hide their IP, most are not that smart as they only download and use the hacks / scripts. It's just a legal tightrope as far as using that information for 'something'. *sigh. Can't win really, any which way you go that isn't just an in game ban puts you on the wrong side of the law. Something to think about is that in COD we had some hackers recorded on our servers, we collected their GUID's, and posted logs / video / GUID (steam) etc to the BlackOps official forums, and they did have their entire blackops account banned across all servers. So there is something there that may be a possibility, perhaps BIS could look at the same thing and add them to a BE ban list or something.
  19. Psyl3nt

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    As a server admin do you have access to their IP address ? (should do), (deleted) inappropriate for forum. __________________________________ But yea, they are a constant problem in basically all online games.
  20. Psyl3nt

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    Unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do to completly stop hackers. I often wonder about the legality of them selling the hacks, would they not have to reverse engineer parts of the game in order to discover how to acomplish the hack ? And isn't reverse engineering a game illegal ? And yet there are hundreds of sites around where you can make a $20 "donation" and be given the hacks for whatever game it is you want. I'd like to see some method of shutting down the scum who are selling these hacks, once you have eliminated that element it makes the hacking much less prevalent. I've personally never tried to create any type of hack / trainer etc, so I am a little naive as to their methods of creating them.
  21. Psyl3nt

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    have you got more than one HDD ? Could be a bad sector on the drive that it just keeps overwriting with the same thing (odd but possible), Perhaps try copying to another drive or (arrgh), re-download / re-install.
  22. Psyl3nt

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    Run steam as "administrator". And you won't get that serial number error. Not sure why, but maybe it has something to do with the FPS lag ? (long shot but you never know).