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Everything posted by Psyl3nt

  1. Psyl3nt

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Was it more or less of a "threat" than yours ? Your here saying you are deliberately going to go against the rules as set out and agreed to upon becoming a server admin. So you had lied when you agreed to the terms then ? Dc'ing is an "exploit", it's an exploit that currently you are not able to ban for, it is being "fixed", and will be resolved all in good time. In my mind, if your going to go against the rules and ban people then if someone else goes against the rules and hammers your server then isn't it just desserts ? All this thread has done is make yourself a target, and it is admin like yourself that will push this game to a dev only run server situation where you pay a monthly fee to play. Yes it is annoying, but at the end of the day all it does is result in you either getting killed (no big deal), or you not getting a kill (again no big deal). To go against rules and just ban people because they do something that upsets you is an indicator that you would also ban for other reasons that are not so "legit". Rules are rules, we may not like them, but you do agree to them, otherwise you wouldn't have a server, so again unless you blatantly lied, and that's also telling of character, then you are not able to ban for this reason. Remember it's alpha, no-one is supposed to be attached to their gear, or get upset because they are killed / bested, regardless of how cheap the other player acts. Exploit does not equal hack, it would be good if the devs came forward and said "Ok, you can ban for DC", but at this stage they have not, so you cannot. It's just the way it is, I'd suggest you deal with it and not break the agreement.
  2. My advice is to stay well away from any russian servers, I have seen in some "shady" circles claims that a BE ban can be caused, not by communication with BE servers but via spoofing GUID on the server so that when the cheat is detected it bans a different player not the player who is running the hack. I have no idea how that is even possible, but the people who mentioned this are not given to lying about their capabilities. For whatever reason the Ru servers seem to be the servers of choice for testing their cheats. And on a side note as has been repeated here many times : BattleEye bans cannot under any circumstances EVER be lifted by anyone but the BattleEye staff, and to date I've never heard of them lifting a ban. Same as VaC / PB (these even state that if your account is compromised it's your own fault and the ban will not be lifted regardless).
  3. And how will you be able to tell who is who ? So you lifted the ban out of worry for your other server, not because you realise that you have done the wrong thing, that speaks volumes. If you cannot properly admin a server then you should really hand it over to someone who can, or just not at all. (this isn't BF3 / COD / CSS / Etc, where you can set server specific rules, the server rules / guidlines are layed out very clearly, and really that should take all the guess work out of it. Everyone knows the rules before they setup a server and yet we still see this kind of thing so often. Perhaps the best thing is for this to go to Pay per month / MMO style and have rocket / team admin the servers. No community run servers at all.
  4. It's not "griefing" if it's an intented method of play. Griefing is usually "spoiling" the game by doing things that you should not be, grey area sure. But saying that killing people is griefing is a long stretch that's like saying killing people in an FPS deathmatch is griefing. DayZ is deathmatch, it's PVP, with a PvE element. And on top of all that it's not yet a "game", it's an alpha, a sufacing idea, nothing more at this stage.
  5. In red... So you suspect, and ban based on that, that's not "proof", quite often when someone has their ass handed to them they "suspect" the other person of cheating, I mean there is no way that someone could god forbid, be "better" than you, no, they must be cheating. Server hopping is not exploiting. In a firefight yes it is a dog thing to do and should be stopped, but when your not in a firefight then it makes no difference and as another poster said it is required to move your tent / gear. One good thing in all this is that we can all see which clans are "honourable" and those who are not, sadly it seems that there are very few who don't take advantage as soon as they start a server. Obviously these guys are noobs, their clan is nothing, and I'll keep an eye out for them in competitions so if they show up I can let others know what they're about.
  6. I used the six updater to install / update the dayz mod, then just launch the game normally (I also use steam, and had alot of problems with errors when I tried it first). There are other ways to do it, but I found six is good for an occasional update of the mod. (don't bother with the rest of it, the in game browser is better).
  7. I'd suggest a dev getting the hacks, pull it apart and work out how to defeat it. (I know it's a hassle, but it may be worth learning how these are defeating B.E.)
  8. Those saying they are not playing it just remember the more people who play it and comment the more information / viewpoints there is for Rocket and team to work with. If you don't / do think it's very good say so :) - And no, I don't think it's made the game better, I think the new patch has in some ways detracted from the "fear" and made it more of an "action" type game where fast paced jaunts through towns is really the best option. That tension from crouch-walking through a mob of zeds, the relief when your out of their area, that is kind of missing now. Now it's a case of, run like hell, YAAAARR charge it to the nearest building, wait a sec, rinse repeat until you have the gear you want from there. The PvP is still going strong, but at the moment it has taken a back seat to starting with nothing and having to deal with the zeds like that. If your out PvP running you most likely, (should), have some kind of defence so you've probably found enough to stay away from the zeds for a while. All of my opinions come from a solo player viewpoint. Players are of course going to focus on the negative, as you always seem to remember the bad not the good. The update is not all bad, it's mainly the changes to the zombie mechanics that is in dispute.
  9. One thing I have noticed (after playing again with the "run into building" method, that yes you can easily avoid the zombies, it still feels a little "broken" though. They aggro so easily and from quite a distance, in some respects I don't mind them being a bit more 'uber but I would like to have some kind of last line of defence against them to start with (hatchet,crowbar, etc), it does not need to be a gun, just something so that when your in a pinch you have some kind of chance. Another thing I noticed is that when the bell rings in town it made the zombies aggro on me even though I was in a field away from the town. Not sure if this is working as intended, if a dev could maybe post about that it would be good just for clarification. It's not a bad idea to have them "stirred up" from the bell ringing, but it would also be good to know in advance that the bell ringing may cause this behaviour.
  10. I haven't tried just running into buildings yet, will give that a go, not a fan of having to prone everywhere though, it's quite painful.
  11. I've noticed the zombies are extremely hard to avoid now, since the update, Every time I get close enough to buildings there are zeds inside / outside, and they aggro from a long way away. Sure I could Crawl my way around, spend 3 hours crawling from spot to spot until I maybe find an axe, but then there is now usually zeds IN the buildings aswell so upon entering it's "Broken leg" and then death. I know this game is supposed to "hard" and all that, but it is supposed to be "fun" aswell, and since this update, I'm not really having much "fun".... Before this update, I didn't have any troubles avoiding them, if I was quiet they didn't aggro, now they aggro while I'm standing still making no noise at all. Spawn players with a hatchet at least . . . . This idea of having no defence what so ever is a bit much, pretty sure the first thing I would do in a zombie apocalypse is grab a "pointy stick" or something like it, and if I was being attacked I would be fighting back with my fists / feet, not just standing there going "oh well, you got me, guess I'll just stand here until you kill me". Currently it's not that much fun at all, it's just frustrating because you cannot go near buildings to get anything, and you can't go anywhere else because well, you need food / drink, (which you can't get. Is there some "new" strategy that I am missing or something ? - up till now it's been a case of stay low / quiet and get in an out and generally your all good, but now it's just insane, and the ONLY thing you can do when they aggro is run, which in turn aggro's everything in a square mile radius, your only option here is to run out bush, (where there is nothing), and then they break off the chase, rinse repeat, disconnect / play Arma II. Might leave this for a while, till that either changes or is said to be working as intended, 4 spawns, not a single item gained yet, this is the first day I've played since the update, I expect to see the "life expectancy" drop dramatically. I think the zombie aggro mechanics were a lot better in the previous patch, this patch seems to have turned them into "super" zombies. Which may be fine if they are "supernatural" zombies, but I thought these are just infected humans with no super powers etc ?
  12. Psyl3nt

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    Lets be blunt, idiots like yourself are constantly dropping tears on forums over the big bad "CoD players" cause they're "children / trolls / whatever", but the truth is, it's the ones like yourself that make the game communities "bad" and are largely responsible for generally making things bad for others, you can't even open a thread without throwing some insult out to CoD players, because you got so badly owned when you played CoD that your ass is still hurting and the only way you can get any kind of "payback" is to behave like a child on forums and the such, all the while pointing the plaintiff finger at others who you have the audacity to blame for ruining communities. It's elements like yourself that are the problem, it would not surprise me if your an alt-F4 jocky aswell, kids with your attitude generally are. Feeling the need to state your "better" than someone else on a forum pfft, that's about the biggest tell of a no hoper noob if ever there is one, so what's next ? - you going to get all butthurt about DayZ and from now on everyones a "DayZ kiddie" ? is that what's planned for you. I try to talk nicely to people in general, but when I come across someone who is obviously as mentally deficient as you I fail to see the point of carrying on in a civil manner, as your only a troll who thinks they are "something", well lucky for most we can see you for what you are , some noob who got raped in CoD and has to rage against the world about it . Go play in your sandpit and let the adults worry about things like discussions and such, as it clearly goes above your head and your only showing how much of a noob you really are. I mean considering your age should you even BE on these forums, theres some harsh language on here and "Adult" themes, does your mum know your playing this game ? I'd love to teach you "your place" but I generally don't pick on children, this "thread" was fucked the second the OP put "CoD kiddies" in the title, that identifies this thread a "troll" thread posted by some kid who needs to learn how to conduct themselves. If you don't want people to "react" then don't put shit out there that will cause a reaction. Rocket has already posted about this kind of thing and how stupid / childish it is and had asked the community to generally stop it. So if there is anyone here who needs to learn something it is yourself and the OP, posting deliberately antagonising topics and then acting like you have some kind of "right" to be here and spout your shit. It's clear that you have no respect for anyone or anything to do with this mod. Some kid living at home, no job, probably lucky to even know what school is let alone actually go. I suggest you learn how to communicate properly before your parents stop supporting you and your on the street sucking cock for rent money or drugs. "this is the end of the line" - LOL nice try with the "grown up" sayings... How about the end of the line with children thinking they are smart posting on forums, I bet your the kind of kid who sheepishly backs out of a confrontation in real life then waits till their half way up the street before yelling how your going to "get them"... sound about right ? ... This would fit in perfectly with the butthurt attacks on "CoD kiddies", as it's the same attitude.
  13. They are possibly.. oh .. I don't know... at work ? some people do other things beside DayZ lol.
  14. On the point of people taking things too seriously, I have to agree. It is after all supposed to be a game that we enjoy in our spare time, not an all consuming "life or death" type screnario. I would take a very dim view, (and I hope moderators / Admin do too), of people posting real life names / address over this kind of thing, I think if the "crime" is being commited in the game world, then it should be dealt with in the game world. Unfortunately people do get fairly upset by things in video games, probably through like you say, taking it all too seriously. We can hope that as the community matures and the alpha bugs settle that this kind of thing would be rare, and only ever in a justified situation. I'm of the mindset that if someone wants to spend the time in my teamspeak and record or listen to what we are saying then go for it, because also apart from being perfectly legal to record me, it's also not permitted as "evidence" in any real life situation. My advice is, (for anything on the internet), never use real names, never use real information, never say or do anything that you don't want "public" and most importantly never ever even for one second think that anywhere on the internet or on a computer is "private". I see people linking their facebook pages among other things, which to me is just crazy, I don't even have a facebook, it violates every "internet law" that I hold myself too. There are a lot of strange people in the world, and most of them, are on the internet :)
  15. I shouldn't have to say this but : This is the internet, NOTHING is "private", much as we like to think it is or "should" be, it's not the case, anything you do or say on the internet is there for the world to see or hear. To think otherwise in my mind is naive, it's not like tapping someones phone, this is simply recording a public chat. If they had been bothered by others listening / recording their conversation then the channel or server should have been locked / passworded so only they could hear. And if they had been innocent then they would not have had any proof and of course would have been shouted down in the same public manner that they went about placing this information. Without the conversation showing any kind of "guilt" then it would have been completely useless to post , therefore it would not have been posted. The reason people do this and appear to take it so seriously is because the rules require it, to accuse someone of this with no proof would only result in the above (getting abused on the forums by all), so really it's the way this is all setup that has made the above kinds of action the only way a player or admin can actually "prove" their not either abusing / cheating / exploiting or prove that the other person is. Sad perhaps, but it's the only option.
  16. Psyl3nt

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    But if you were to mod in some apparently "all loving" entity that apparently is always judging you in the sky' date=' you made god. Might aswell just throw Zeus in there, hurling his lightning at random people. Perhaps have the "all loving" entity as the spotter of Zeus, this could work. Then, you will be the ultimate god. Aswell shut the fuck up about Cod Kiddies, get on topic. I, as well everyone else don't give a fuck about your opinion. It is fact, CoD's player base is generally the scum of any other game's player base. Proof? Join any MW3 SnD and kill another person that has a mic. End of discussion, if anyone brings this up past this point, its just a waste of space, and I encourage Armybow to ignore. As well Psyl3nt, you seem to assume the people thinking this because they are butt hurt, well fuck you for being a hypocrite what do you base YOUR assumption on? 3.4 k/d because I'm actually good, you can imagine all the hate mail I get for just going around killing others with out them having a chance. They are truly the lowest of any community, they will bitch to you about anything, even if they have to make stuff up. [/quote'] Ah so the "mature" players here *cough*, as you put it "I, as well everyone else don't give a fuck about your opinion." , so you speak for everyone then ? And as you put it in such a nice way, it clearly shows how the CoD players (me), are the abusive trolls, and others such as yourself are such well rounded mature people ..... As well Psyl3nt, you seem to assume the people thinking this because they are butt hurt, well fuck you for being a hypocrite what do you base YOUR assumption on? I base my "assumption" on the fact that people who have been "owned" in a particular game tend to be "angry" with that games community, and go out of their way to point the finger at them for perceived "wrongs" in other games. Those players who actually are "good" at the game don't usually feel the need to bring up the problems with the game community at every opportunity, to the point where even if there is no opportunity they will still put it in there somewhere. It is fact, CoD's player base is generally the scum of any other game's player base. Would these be the players that just abuse others and make bold stances about things and claim that they speak for everyone ? is this the kind of "scum" you are referring to ? They are truly the lowest of any community, they will bitch to you about anything, even if they have to make stuff up. I would have thought the lowest of any community are those that choose to abuse others and generally start "flame wars" on forums, or perhaps they are the ones who like to make out they are "better" than everyone else. I think your post speaks volumes about yourself as a "member" of this community. So here you have a primarily CoD player, and a ... what ? - primarily DayZ player ? So who is the abusive scum and who isn't ? hmmmmmm
  17. They are for testing purposes, which was in the server title at the time. (this is in the "rules" also as allowed). So you see a server that has "Testing" in the title, it also says "Please don't join", so you join the server and then make a thread about admin abuse when you are removed from it.
  18. Psyl3nt

    Graphics Card

    A new card would certainly help, up the settings to medium so the load is mainly on your graphics card. I don't want to say "Yes absolutely this will make the game run really well" - because in all honesty I simply don't know for sure. Going off the minimum / recommended requirements, then it "should" have no problems running the game with a decent card. This is assuming your dual core is something in the 2.6 - 3.4Ghz range. And that you have at least 2Gb if not 4Gb of RAM.
  19. Psyl3nt

    Graphics Card

    I've heard mixed information here, I have seen it said that Arma II on "LOW" settings tends to use more of your CPU, but once you go "MEDIUM" or "HIGH" then it moves to the graphics card (you want this). If I was buying hardware specifically to run this game, I would be looking at quad core processor minimum and a GTX560 or it's ATI equivelent. I would assume that you want the graphics to be decent if your going to buy a new card, so in your case (running the game at medium - high settings then the graphics card is more important. But of course you won't be running it on an old dual core or anything (if someone does correct me if I'm wrong).
  20. Psyl3nt

    200 man server? 200 server

    Surely NASA would lend us a cluster or two :P especially when we explain it's for DayZ
  21. Psyl3nt

    Graphics Card

    No i am currently using a 580GTX - but they are about $500 up to $700 for OC models etc. Far an above the $150 range I'm afraid :)
  22. Psyl3nt

    Using zombies as a weapon.

    Hmm, not what I thought you meant . . . . .
  23. Psyl3nt

    Graphics Card

    O_o for that price range, I'd be looking on Ebay Look for a 460 / 560 There is in Australia some stored where you can get something like this : PALIT GTX560 SMART EDITION 1GB GDDR5 DVI / HDMI / D-Sub Core 736Mhz NE5X56E0HD09-1143 Price $ 149 At maximum settings you won't be getting "good" FPS, but at medium you should be ok with something like that.
  24. Psyl3nt

    Will my Computer handle this?

    It will run it, I would not be thinking it's going to max out the settings, but yes it should run the game overall ok. Gaming on a laptop will never be as "good" as gaming on a PC. Arma II is somewhat aging game now, but due to map size / draw distance it can still be somewhat resource intensive, so your not going to get "great" performance out of that machine. Good enough to play, but if your wanting to play games in general I'd look at a desktop.