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About donati

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. donati

    Question about humanity

    How many people would I have have to kill to lose 2860 points! Don't think I've been playing it that long, had only killed 2 before (1 self defence, 1 that never answered me when I came across him in a field).
  2. donati

    Question about humanity

    Here's hoping, think it's glitched my whole profile. It's Alpha after all so can't be pissy about it. The humanity system itself... You're always going to run into problems, if someone's running, crawling or sneaking up on you with their weapon raised. You can either drop them first and become a bandit and get killed more, or you can run away! Should've done the latter!
  3. donati

    Question about humanity

    ROFL, my heart was in the right place. I got them to waste me to see if that would help. Not one bit!
  4. donati

    Question about humanity

    I just got turned into a bandit, shot some guy sneaking up on me with his weapon raised 24/04/2012 at 22:15 north of Vybor Airfield. My humanity went from 2500 to -360. met up with buddies and shot one in the leg to try and bandage him and REGAIN my humanity. However this dropped me more points!