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About deloctyte

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    On the Coast

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  1. deloctyte

    Greetings - Say Hi!

    Good Evening! As net-media coverage is spreading the word about this gem of a game, more and more of newbies like myself are flooding to the servers. Now, while I understand that to the hardcore community of ARMA II, who first sunk their teeth into DayZ, this might be a bit jarring, even annoying. However, I ask you to bear with us new guys, even amongst the rage that some folks are putting out. Truly challenging games are a rare commodity these days, some are not used to it. :D Anywho, with that out of the way, I would like to say hi, and urge others to do the same on this here thread. I dug into the forum section a bit (didn't go through all the 60 pages, though), and I couldn't find a thread like this. So why not get the ball rolling? I'm Deloctyte. Hey. This mod was what finally convinced me to buy Arrowhead. So far, I'm having a horribly difficult but fun blast. I'm still trying to grapple the controls properly (My time spent with vanilla ARMA II was short and light-hearted at best. Just a bit of a flirt, and nothing serious :P), but I'll get there. I would be willing to saw off my right hand for an even super-weak melee attack, though. :D