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About decapitator

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Netherlands, Overijsel, Zwolle
  1. decapitator

    The basics.

    tbh go out and figure it out, thats the only fun this game has to offer. After you know what your doing it gets boring, fast.
  2. Same here w/ just the beta so I guess its that.
  3. decapitator

    Will someone please clear this up with me?

    Tent cause one person cant drive off with a tent. And the vehicle's not saving their stuff should have been sorted in a server side patch last week and should be ok now (haven't noticed problems).
  4. decapitator

    Deer stands.

    Edges of forests, but ye its gonna take a lot of time just trying to 'find' them unless you played alot of arma2 and know the map.
  5. decapitator

    zombies alive/dead [make less lag]

    Kinda obvious, every zombie, every player, all item spawns - its all data, that needs to go back and forth between the client/ server. The more the more stuff it needs to send, the more lag you get depending on the specs of the server.
  6. decapitator

    Tide and water stuff

    Seems it does, it can get retardedly high. Even so high that it banks up even into the forrest bits op the inlet north east. Also storm changes the waves. It also gets low enough that you could drive an ATV onto otmel (Only the ATV, the others will get stuck in the water and despawn) at times but if it is to high you will get stuck in the middle (I managed to get it on there back and forth an extra time to test it and then the next day I got stuck).
  7. decapitator

    Ghillie suit question.

    No it swaps the current clothing you wear back towards in your inventory same clothing package thingy.
  8. decapitator

    Where's the loot at Heli crash sites?

    Its a lot easier if you move away (if possible) and use the binocs from a distance when the foliage disappears around the chopper that way you can easily see if there is anything and where it is then move in closer remembering where it is and looking down till the cursor changes.
  9. Think its the hive data that's currently saved so it can give you an older backpack back if you updated it/ items in the backpack just before.
  10. decapitator

    Question about finding a server

    http://wiki.zspecial...iculty_Settings - basically but can still be set differently and might slightly differ in DayZ.
  11. decapitator

    Question about finding a server

    Global/ sidechat only works on some severs you can scroll through the available channels with the , and . buttons and see if it exists.
  12. Cry more, maybe he will try harder to sort it out, I guess Rocket doesn't know its a problem so keep it up :thumbsup: .
  13. decapitator

    Random Tents

    Its quite easy to come by even as a loner. Once you get to know the game that is, takes longer for some then others.
  14. decapitator

    all things gone when logout

    Did you try multiple servers? cause it sounds like the server is not saving stuff properly then.
  15. decapitator

    Body armor.

    Rocket talked about body armor at rezzed (I thought) he said it was planned, but probably not in the near future since there are a lot of things that needed to be sorted first.