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Posts posted by Akouden

  1. This my friend is just the pure nature of hackers in dayz. all three of those instances were performed by a hacker, they can teleport to you, or you to them. They can also spawn things not in game and have a message displayed on your screen. In more just disturbing ways they can make a gun and shoot you that has you teleported 1000 feet in the air and fall to your death. The only way to opt out is alt-f4ing which is bannable in combat situations, but if your teleported or anything try to log out as fast as possible to prevent death.

  2. Well DayZ Dan Congratulations on Combat logging on server US 196, You were taking pot shots at GoodStrafe with an As50 near prigordky, I was locating you and my bud was following you he got shots off with an AKM and had hit you, you proceeded to logging out after being shot at, and hit while i was coming around for a clear sniper shot. Congratulations on being a legitimate threat to CQF seems like you are just like the rest of these Ghosters.

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  3. Hey me and another friend have been doing this so far, and its worked great shoot me a pm sometime and we will be happy to join you, we've been so worried about bandits that we need more people, luckily we killed 2 guys who were shoot on sight, and got a blood pack out of it. We are very friendly but still somewhat new to the game.

  4. Hey me and another friend of mine started playing this about 2 weeks ago, and have been quite aggrivated with the number of hostile players that we always run into together. We have been looking for a group with either a vent or TS and wondering if you would open your arms to us, we both live in Arizona on the west coast and have open schedules for the summer.
