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About clint

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Watching from a distance
  • Interests
    Games, hiking, studying and travel.

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  1. clint

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Love that one with the guy walking past the chopper with a dog by his side, very well done. Gonna be using that one as my background for a while I can tell. :)
  2. I'd like to join the server, looking for a stable server to play on regularly. My in game name is RaLakedaimon and my play style is friendly, I like a good gun fight here and there but generally I scavenge and watch out for bandits and try to keep away from them.
  3. I think the reason people alt f4 is to take some sort of "revenge" on the morons that always kill you right when you spawn, later on when your up north though that is not a valid strategy, its supposed to be crazy up there and in the big cities. I've been executed on the coast right after I spawn so many times by roving gangs of bandits and that shits annoying and I never alt f4 but I'll tell you what, the people that do have a valid reason to do so. Don't kill people who only have a flashlight or even an axe when you and your buddies all have assault rifles, hope those guys that are in that situation always alt f4 just to piss off those morons. There also is a solution the OP never mentions...play on low pop servers. You'll almost always make it past the cities and get on your way up north. I've never been gunned down on servers with like 10-15 people within the first few hours of playing.
  4. Very interesting OP, I have no info on said group but I wish you the best in your endeavors to reap havoc on the clan your hunting. To bad no YouTube videos though, wouldn't need any form of commentary/douchbaggery but would be nice to see your exploits just to follow along on your journey. GL mate. Beans for you.
  5. clint

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Austin Powers ftw. lol
  6. clint

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Funny so many people call this a "new" map, its been around for ages, great map though and am glad some non Arma guys finally get to see some things out of the ordinary, maybe get some of you into the modding community. :)
  7. Here shots fired? Move your ass away or get to fighting, L85 or any other weapon and the same applies.
  8. Search function is your friend...my friend. :P
  9. clint

    US 252 Tent City

    Ahh I thought this was another nice places I could keep the cords for in case I get low on anything, nice job tearing it up but more than likely they will just rebuild somewhere else without much effort wasted, better to share said info to the community so we can have more places to get easy refills on things. :P Beans for you anyways though.
  10. clint

    Looking for Ghillie O: NVG

    I've personally found quite a few ghillies but honestly your luck on finding them outside of tents is really slim, best to figure out where people like to camp and check in those spots periodically, or just use a trade group to get easy access to such things.
  11. clint

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    +1 for giving people info of camp but that also gives hackers an easy way to find places people will be flocking to for easy goods, but then again risk vs reward as usual in DayZ. :P
  12. Yeah I personally don't go anywhere near the military areas or major cities right now, so frustrating to have the graphics errors popping up. Will be fixed soon so no biggy there but GL finding anyone to go to places like that right now, or trustworthy people you don't know...
  13. clint

    Tent Locations

    Thanks for sharing info, I have a massive list of coordinates/servers of camps but would never give that information up, +1 to you sir for not being as greedy as myself. :)
  14. clint

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Great to hear an announcement of an upcoming release. Can't wait to get this thing purchased. :) <3
  15. Just walking around people and saying something doesn't mean you couldn't potentially be a bandit ready to steal from there pack while there turned. Unless your on TS/Skype/Vent etc. then people are obviously not going to trust you, funny experiment but the endings could be seen without trying. Zombies and loot are easy to come by so to keep things interesting most kill on sight if they don't know the person in some way, so getting killed by them over and over makes perfect sense to me.