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Everything posted by m.williams47@btinternet.com

  1. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Kick on Connecting on most but not all servers

    resolved on retail version by installing arma free and patching
  2. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Kicked From The Game (Non-Steam)

    I resolved by installing arma free and patching to 1.11 - worked for the retail version
  3. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Autohotkey or any 3rd party application, usage?

    Get a Black Widow Ultimate Mechanical Gaming keyboard - toggle on or off using the macro key, solved
  4. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Squad/Group/Party System

    why not just have encrypted radios - where you can share the frequency with others via direct and one public frequency channel for announcements - the radio should be in the starter pack or easy to find - batteries less so There should actually be also be an actual radio station with a large radio transmitter - whoever takes control of the radio station can make broadcasts and announcements to the whole island - that's realistic
  5. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    are you guys fucking retarded?

    Wow. This is totally incomprehensible. What the hell are you talking about? Hahah' date=' yeah I read this a couple of times before realizing it was just complete derp. [/quote'] It's not derp, he's making a valid and simple point
  6. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    The player name field doesn't work.

    11 hours?
  7. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Game just feels lonely without side chat.

    valid points - but remember I only got the game a week ago and have already stopped playing as the youtube videos are more interesting than anything I can do. I would like to see a "hardcore" player crawl the length of the map using only their keyboard. This would show how hardcore they are
  8. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Game just feels lonely without side chat.

    Or' date=' perhaps it shows a keen understanding since they apparently know exactly how to put that particular part of your human nature to the test in a way that has clearly taken you out of your comfort zone and made you feel emotions you're not used to feeling in a game which is precisely what rocket has said he intends to do with the product. Like magic, no? [/quote'] That's a really stupid analogy my friend. They took out a useful function (to communicate) and pissed off everyone - it's not good to piss people off even if you are making them feel "real" emotions" (like "this is kind of boring now")
  9. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Game just feels lonely without side chat.

    what is it with these so called "hardcore"players. They don't want anyone to have any fun. get rid of name tags, so you don't know who anyone is, get rid of communication to reduce your options and prevent innovation, get rid of the starting pistol gun - so you have no ability to defend yourself..... I tell you as a new player who has run around for several days with no gun or food, these "developments" actually made me stop playing this. Forums and videos are good fun though - the game itself - boring and kind of weird - I tried again to find a gun but its kind of boring and sucky - Warfare is much more stimulating I m the kind of player that hates running around looking for "collectibles to gather" been there done that in Zelda like 15 years ago. So Dayz is not the one - hopefully they bring back the old versions as they looked more fun (i.e. with name tags, communication and a starting weapon to defend yourself against zombies - seeing as you cannot kick or punch
  10. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Terribly flawed game right now.

    I love the phrase "realistic zombie survival game" still getting my head around that one
  11. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    Funny Stories Thread

    oh no dude, it ain't over, you in deep now boy, the only debate left is if I shoot you or run u over in my tractor, lol
  12. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    My first experience of DayZ

    Well I watched all the videos and looked really good. I have been running around chased by zombies for three days now without finding food or a gun. I have mainly been at balota airport but there is just empty cans there The frustrating thing is not having a weapon to use against the zombies So I ran to cherno. When I bumped into another survivor it in Cherno he didnt speak - just commenced the massacre. There were other survivors crawling around on the flooor whilst he "survivor" beat me and the various other survivors us all down brutally with some sort of blunt object. None of us had any weapon. Incredibly I could not even punch or kick - only to just accept the blows pathetically He didnt talk as he beat us down - at one point I tried to crawl out of the room - I think my legs were broken but the survivor followed me and finished the job. It was a brutal experience - like something from Hotel Rwanda or some sort of genocide. So I continued running from zombies without a gun for a few hours. Eventually I stopped playing as it s not much fun being like some sort of homeless tramp whilst all the good players with the bling bling shoot at you and beat you down, silently, and weirdly I might add.
  13. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    My first experience of DayZ

    there could be a welcoming committee for survivors that made it to Cherno - food weapons and medicare
  14. m.williams47@btinternet.com

    My first experience of DayZ

  15. you also change WHEN you die so not really actually:rolleyes: