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About Jubba911

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    On the Coast
  1. Jubba911 here and this is the low down on my new server. Rules are simple. -No rampant PVP. This is a Survival RP game and it should be played that way. -No vendettas. This adds to the PVP issue. If you feel the need to kill a player then do so in self defense or to protect your assets. After that the lesson is learned and everyone should move on. -Be adults. I realize there are children that play or watch this game and language on chat channels should reflect that. -Be adults. Excessive trash talking will only get you kicked because, frankly, it gets annoying after a bit. -Be adults. Groups in the world are excellent ways to stay alive but don't tag along if they don't want you. -Be adults. This is a game. There is no need for Nerd Raging and/or Rage Quits. Scripts -Station Refueling. Lugging hundreds of Jerry cans is a thing of the past. Just pull your ride up to a gas tank and fuel up! -Moonlit nights. Script is loaded but not activated at this time. Future vote to determine implementation or not. More to come! On a lighter note. We like to have fun. And we like everyone who visits us to have fun. Come check us out and see what we have to offer! We can be found at
  2. As a new player ( i joined at the patch where they removed the starter pistol) I love this game. the vastness of the world. the fact that your only limitations are yourself, it is everything i have always wanted in a zombie shooter survival game. I do however have a few things I find irritating/annoying/unfair/don't make sense. 1.) Zombie run speed is ridiculous. Not every zombie is a Kenyan olympic sprinter, and none, if any, would be totally undamaged to even make that speed. (example; someone gets bitten in the leg and then turns. that wound would still affect zombified person.) 2.) I'm no where near the roleplayer I've encountered in games but I do like it when there is SOME storyline behind everything. WHY is the player near the shore? How did they get there? How are they alive with NO weapon, even a melee? 3.) When I am being chased I look for ladders, stairs, closeable doors, as a way to at LEAST slow their advance. Ladders are nice cuz I have only ever encountered ONE zombie that knew how to climb. Stairs slow them down giving me time to find an exit or to hide. Doors however seem to only exist for players. I'm tired of closing a door only to watch as a zombie walk right through it like it wasnt even there. 4.) The spawning of zombies is hella annoying. I walk into a town and only see a handful of zombies. i look left, then right and when i sweep back left there are 10 more zombies that werent there before. also they are spawning VERY close sometimes. Also clearing out an area doesnt last long either. Minecraft did it rather well imo. creeps only spawn a certain radius away from the player and in certain conditions (nighttime). I'm not saying limit the sprinting dead to night spawning but It would be nice to be able to clear out an area and not have to worry about it repopulating in 5 minutes. It would make for groups "owning" a territory MUCH more dynamic. I know it sounds like I'm whining but really I am not. I LOVE this mod and enjoy it greatly. I would piss myself with joy at the mere mention of DayZ if some of these issues were addressed in the coming days. I understand the Arma 2 engine is a finicky wench that is hard to tame.