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Everything posted by spartan029

  1. spartan029


    I agree with spoon. The hacking is way outta control and not being able to actually moderate the servers we pay for is stupid as hell.
  2. spartan029

    I have started doing 'item cards' for Day Z.

    Haha, awesome. Can't wait for more!
  3. spartan029

    Awesome video content inside!

    Seriously, and their always fucking pony fags
  4. spartan029

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    lol, banned.
  5. spartan029

    [DayZ Zombie RPG - LA19] - Admin Abuse

    He was meta gaming which is 100% allowed. Enjoy your server blacklist.
  6. I would love for this to go to Free-to-Play
  7. spartan029

    DayZ Mythbusters

    Shit music, decent video. Make another one. I wanna see how you improve.
  8. spartan029

    Balancing Dayz

    Rocket has said the game is meant to be unbalanced to make it difficult.
  9. spartan029

    DayZ hacker owned Game! :)

    Congrats, You hit it once, and on the hull not the engine.
  10. spartan029

    C-130 Crashsite

    Would be pretty co-
  11. spartan029

    Spawning with a melee weapon... yes or no?

    Yeah a melee weapon couldn't hurt.
  12. spartan029

    On a average how quick do you find a gun?

    About 5 minutes. Really easy if you know where to loot and where to not worry about.
  13. spartan029

    Reward for surviving and not murdering

    No. Work for your gear.
  14. spartan029

    Break Down your DayZ experience

    50% Running 40% Looting 10% Heart Beating out of my chest action
  15. spartan029

    1sh Jule 2012. Unexpected jump

    Look again, that's not an appropriate Unique Players to Murders Ratio for your claim. Try actually reading the graph next time?
  16. Where's your proof?
  17. spartan029

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I love this, 100% support!